The MIOMAP project has produced the following educational benefits:

IB 286, Seminar in Paleontology: Evolution of Cenozoic Biotic Provinces in Western North America. Taught graduate students and advanced undergraduates techniques of database design and analysis through experiential learning that featured assembling background information for MIOMAP data entry, and using the data to detect differences and similarities between various regions during the Miocene.

IB 166, Evolutionary Biogeography. Incorporated MIOMAP data and analytical techniques into a series of course lectures.

IB 259, Advanced Paleoecology: Effects of Cenozoic Climate Change on Biota. Taught graduate students and advanced undergraduates the paleoclimatology principles needed to conduct in depth analyses of how climate change might affect ecological and evolutionary systems.

IB 297, Directed Field Studies: Geoecology Along the Track of the Yellowstone Hotspot. This course took 5 students (4 graduate, 1 undergraduate) from UCB on a four-week field trip through the western United States to teach them basic paleontologic field techniques and how to integrate geological and ecological field research. The basic structure was to follow the track of the Yellowstone Hotspot from its origin in southeastern Oregon ~16 million years ago, across the Snake River Plain, and into modern Yellowstone Park. Along the way were a variety of hands-on field exercises at MIOMAP localities that not only provided essential field information for the MIOMAP project, but also featured interesting paleontological and ecological problems for students to work on. The course was run concurrently with a similar course offered out of Stanford University (by Elizabeth Hadly), which brought along an additional instructor (Professor Hadly) and six Stanford students.

GIS Training. Three students (2 graduate and 1 undergraduate) received basic training in ARC/INFO through classroom instruction arranged by the UC Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and the Geographic Information Sciences Center.

Hands-on Research. Aspects of the project have involved a minimum of 1 postdoc, 6 graduate students, and 6 undergraduates. These students received hands-on training in various aspects of specimen identification and description, field techniques, database techniques and web authoring, presentation of research results, and writing research papers and grant proposals. So far, two dissertation projects (Davis and Hopkins) have been spin-offs of the MIOMAP project and a third (Feranec) both utilizes and directly contributes to it. Two undergraduate honors theses utilized MIOMAP.


Use of this resource in publications should be cited as:
Carrasco, M.A., B.P. Kraatz, E.B. Davis, and A.D. Barnosky. 2005. Miocene Mammal Mapping Project (MIOMAP). University of California Museum of Paleontology