Life Has a History

Life Has a History focus questions

Name: ___________________       Class:______________________

Answer the following questions as you navigate through Life Has A History.

1. Of the 30 million species of living things estimated to exist today, how many of them are not animals?

2. Find the timeline. How many millions of years did dinosaurs exist on Earth before they became extinct?

3. Name at least five things other than bones that can be preserved as fossils.

4. Explain what divergence is.

5. In your own words, describe what cladograms represent.

6. What types of evidence are used to determine evolutionary relationships?

7. In your own words, explain how Geospiza Fortis is a good example of natural selection.

8. Describe two other mechanisms for evolution in addition to natural selection.

9. Give an example of an animal that has gone extinct because of human influence and explain what happened.