The FernsLiving Ferns |
2:1 | Fern gametophyte. | |
2:2 | Marattia fraxinia eusporangiate synangia. | |
2:3 | Marattia synangium in transverse section. | |
2:4 | Leptosporangium; note the annulus and the green spores. | |
2:5 | Cyrtomium sorus in cross section. | |
Ancient Ferns |
2:6 | Pseudosporochnus an early fern representative (see the VPL cladogram). | |
2:7 | Stauropteris rachis trace. | |
2:8 | Etapteris rachis trace. | |
Marattiales |
2:9 | Psaronius permineralized stem in transverse section. | |
2:10 | Psaronius root mantle in transverse section (permineralization). | |
2:11 | Pecopteris vegetative leaflet. | |
2:12 | Pecopteris fertile leaflet. | |
2:13 | Pecopteris fertile leaflet in cross section. Note dehiscence of sporangia. | |
2:14 | Angiopteris fertile leaflets. |