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30(1), February 18, 2011 ($8.50) 44 pp. [abstracts]
BOESSENECKER, R.W. Herpetocetine (Cetacea: Mysticeti) dentaries from the Upper Miocene Santa Margarita Sandstone of Central California
STIDHAM, T.A. The carpometacarpus of the Pliocene turkey Meleagris leopoldi (Galliformes: Phasianidae) and the problem of morphological variability in turkeys
WEINBAUM, J.C. The skull of Postosuchus kirkpatricki (Archosauria: Paracrocodyliformes) from the Upper Triassic of the United States
29(3), June 1, 2010 ($7.50) 31 pp. [abstracts]
BUECHLER, W.K. Estimating polyploidy levels in fossil Salix: A critical review of cell size proxy methods
HODNETT, J.-P. A Machairodont felid (Mammalia; Carnivora; Felidae) from the latest Hemphillian (Late Miocene/Early Pliocene) Bidahochi Formation, northeastern Arizona
29(2), November 5, 2009 ($7.50) 23 pp. [abstracts]
HUTCHISON, J.H. New soft-shelled turtles (Plastomeninae, Trionychidae, Testudines) from the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene of North America
PAGNAC, D. Revised large mammal biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Barstow Formation (Middle Miocene), California
29(1), June 22, 2009 ($7.50) 35 pp. [abstracts]
JASS, C.N. Pleistocene lagomorphs from Cathedral Cave, Nevada
TSENG, Z.J., WANG, X., and STEWART, J.D. A new immigrant mustelid (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the middle Miocene Temblor Formation of central California
CICIMURRI, D.J., and JAMES L. KNIGHT, J.L. New record of an extinct fish, Fisherichthys folmeri Weems (Osteichthyes), from the lower Eocene of Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
BEATTY, B.L., and MARTIN, L.D. The earliest North American record of the Antilocapridae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia)
28(3), January 22, 2009 ($7.50) 46 pp. [abstracts]
BRINKMAN, D., AQUILLON-MARTINEZ, M.C., DE LEON DÁVILA, C.A., JAMNICZKY, H., EBERTH, D.A., and COLBERT, M. Euclastes coahuilaensis sp. nov., a basal cheloniid turtle from the late Campanian Cerro del Pueblo Formation of Coahuila State, Mexico
RETALLACK, G.J. Cenozoic cooling and grassland expansion in Oregon and Washington
FOSTER, J.R., Preliminary body mass estimates for mammalian genera of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic, North America)
28(2), September 26, 2008 ($7.50) 34 pp. [abstracts]
BESTLAND, E.A., FORBES, M.S., KRULL, E.S., RETALLACK, G.J., and FREMD, T. Stratigraphy, paleopedology, and geochemistry of the middle Miocene Mascall Formation (type area, central Oregon, USA)
BUECHLER, W.K., Revision of fossil willows: Salix hesperia-S. inquirenda and Salix subgenus Longifoliae groups
28(1), May 12, 2008 ($7.50) 40 pp. [abstracts]
PARKER, W.G. Description of new material of the aetosaur Desmatosuchus spurensis (Archosauria: Suchia) from the Chinle Formation of Arizona and a revision of the genus Desmatosuchus
27(3), December 28, 2007 ($7.50) 44 pp. [abstracts]
PASENKO, M.R. A subadult Stegomastodon (Mammalia, Proboscidea) skull from central Arizona
POWELL, C.L., II. Outcrops and mollusks of the “Margaritan” California provincial molluscan stage in the northern Salinas Valley, Monterey and San Benito Counties, central California
27(2), October 11, 2007 ($7.50) 40 pp. [abstracts]
LINDGREN, J. First record of Halisaurus (Squamata: Mosasauridae) from the Pacific coast of North America
KOHN, M.J., and FREMD, T.J. Tectonic controls on isotope compositions and species diversification, John Day Basin, central Oregon
VEGA-DIAS, C., and SCHULTZ, C.L. Evidence of archosauriform feeding on dicynodonts in the Late Triassic of southern Brazil
KVACEK, Z., and REMBER, W.C. Calocedrus robustior (Cupressaceae) and Taxus schornii (Taxaceae): two new conifers from the middle Miocene Latah Formation of northern Idaho
27(1), April 30, 2007 ($7.50) 39 pp. [abstracts]
TAYLOR, M.P. Phylogenetic definitions in the pre-PhyloCode era; implications for naming clades under the PhyloCode
MANCHESTER, S.R., and MCINTOSH, W.C. Late Eocene silicified fruits and seeds from the John Day Formation near Post, Oregon
MIHLBACHLER, M.C. Eubrontotherium clarnoensis, a new genus and species of brontothere (Brontotheriidae, Perissodactyla) from the Hancock Quarry, Clarno Formation, Wheeler County, Oregon
26(3), December 22, 2006 ($7.50) 36 pp. [abstracts]
WHEELER, E.A., MANCHESTER, S.R., and WIEMANN, M. Eocene woods of central Oregon
SENTER, P., and PARRISH, J.M. Forelimb function in the theropod dinosaur Carnotaurus sastrei, and its behavioral implications
LANDER, E.B., and HANSON, C.B. Agriochoerus matthewi crassus (Artiodactyla, Agriochoeridae) of the late middle Eocene Hancock Mammal Quarry Local Fauna, Clarno Formation, John Day Basin, north-central Oregon
26(2), October 13, 2006 ($7.50) 36 pp. [abstracts]
HIRAYAMA, R. Revision of the Cretaceous and Paleogene sea turtles Catapleura and Dollochelys (Testudines: Cheloniidae)
LUCAS, S.G. A new amynodontid (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Eocene Clarno Formation, Oregon, and its biochronological significance
HUNT, R.M., JR., and STEPLETON, E. Biochronologic and lithostratigraphic reappraisal of the upper John Day Formation, north-central Oregon
SHELDON, N.D. Using paleosols of the Picture Gorge Basalt to reconstruct the middle Miocene climatic optimum
26(1), May 15, 2006 ($7.50) 42 pp. [abstracts]
HOPKINS, S.S.B. Morphology of the skull in Meniscomys from the John Day Formation of central Oregon
MYERS, J.A. The latest Eocene Badger’s Nose flora of the Warner Mountains, northeast California: the “in between” flora
PROTHERO, D.R., HOFFMAN, J.M., and FOSS, S.E. Magnetic stratigraphy of the upper Miocene (Hemphillian) Rattlesnake Formation, central Oregon
PROTHERO, D.R., DRAUS, E., and FOSS, S.E. Magnetic stratigraphy of the lower portion of the middle Miocene Mascall Formation, central Oregon
25(3), December 23, 2005 ($7.50) 19 pp. [abstracts]
SENTER, P. Phylogenetic taxonomy and the names of the major archosaurian (Reptilia) clades
SENTER, P. and PARRISH, J.M. Functional analysis of the hands of the theropod dinosaur Chirostenotes pergracilis: evidence for an unusual paleoecological role
25(2), September 26, 2005 ($7.50) 32 pp. [abstracts]
TAYLOR, M.P., and NAISH, D. The phylogenetic taxonomy of Diplodocoidea (Dinosauria: Sauropoda)
LIGGETT, G.A., SHIMADA, K., BENNETT, S.C., and SCHUMACHER, B.A. Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) reptiles from northwestern Russell County, Kansas
PAGNAC, D. New camels (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from the Barstow Formation (middle Miocene), San Bernardino County, California
25(1), April 15, 2005 ($7.50) 35 pp. [abstracts]
WAGGONER, B., and HAGADORN, J.W. Conical fossils from the Lower Cambrian of Eastern California
MAYR, G. “Old World phorusrhacids” (Aves, Phorusrhacidae): a new look at Strigogyps (“Aenigmavis“) sapea (Peters 1987)
ASH, S. A new Upper Triassic flora and associated invertebrate fossils from the basal beds of the Chinle Formation, near Cameron, Arizona