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No. 30, 1979 (OUT OF PRINT) 6 pp. [PDF]
GREENWALD, M.T. Leidyosuchus canadensis (Crocodilia: Crocodylidae) from the Early Paleocene of Montana.
No. 29, 1979 (OUT OF PRINT) 22 pp. [PDF]
MUNTHE, J. The Hemingfordian mammal fauna of the Vedder locality Branch Canyon Formation, Santa Barbara, California. Part III. Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla and summary.
No. 28, 1978 ($2.00) 10 pp. [abstract] [PDF] [Erratum PDF]
ESTES, R., and R. HIATT. Studies on fossil phyllodont fishes: a new species of Phyllodus (Elopiformes: Albulboidea) from the Late Cretaceous of Montana.
No. 27, 1977 ($2.00) 4 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
GUSTAFSON, E.P. First record of Teleoceras (Rhinocerotidae) from Ringold Formation, Pliocene of Washington.
No. 26, 1977 ($2.00) 12 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
MUNTHE, J. A new species of Gregorymys (Rodentia: Geomyidae) from the Miocene of Colorado.
No. 25, 1977 ($2.00) 11 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
JACOBS, L.J. A new genus of murid rodent from the Miocene of Pakistan and comments on the origin of the Muridae.
No. 24, 1977 (OUT OF PRINT) 42 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
NOVACEK, M.J. A review of Paleocene and Eocene Leptictidae (Mammalia: Eutheria) from North America.
No. 23, 1976 (OUT OF PRINT) 30 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
MARSHALL, L.G. Evolution of the Thylacosmilidae, extinct saber-toothed marsupials of South America.
No. 22, 1976 ($2.00) 11 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
CASTEEL, R.W. Identification of the native cyprinids (Pisces: Cyprinidae) of California based upon their basioccipitals.
No. 21, 1976 ($2.00) 25 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
BERTA, A. An investigation of individual growth and possible age relationships in a population of Protothaca staminea (Mollusca: Pelecypoda).
No. 20, 1976 ($2.00) 5 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
EDWARDS, S.W. A mandible of Beckia (Mammalia: Mustelidae) from Contra Costa County, California.
No. 19, 1975 (OUT OF PRINT) 12 pp. [PDF]
MUNTHE, K., and S.A. McLEOD. Collection of taphonomic information from fossil and Recent vertebrate specimens, with a selected bibliography.
No. 18, 1975 ($2.00) 4 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
DOMNING, D.P., and F.L. FRYE. Pathology of two fossil sea cows (Mammalia: Sirenia).
No. 17, 1974 ($2.00) 15 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
WELTON, B.J. Heptranchias howellii (Reed, 1946) (Selachii: Hexanchidae) in the Eocene of the United States and British Columbia.
No. 16, 1974 (OUT OF PRINT) 20 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
LINDSAY, E.H. The Hemingfordian mammal fauna of the Vedder locality Branch Canyon Formation, Santa Barbara, California. Part II. Rodentia (Eomyidae and Heteromydiae).
No. 15, 1974 (OUT OF PRINT) 19 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
HUTCHISON, J.H., and E.H. LINDSAY. The Hemingfordian mammal fauna of the Vedder Locality, Branch Canyon Formation, Santa Barbara, California. Part I. Insectivora, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, and Rodentia (Sciuridae).
No. 14, 1972 (OUT OF PRINT) 12 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
MADDEN, C.T. Miocene mammals, stratigraphy and environment of Muruarot Hill, Kenya.
No. 13, 1971 (OUT OF PRINT) 19 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
RUBEN, J. A Pliocene colubrid snake (Reptilia: Colubridae) from west-central Nevada.
No. 12, 1971 ($2.00) 8 pp. [PDF]
HUTCHISON, J.H. Cf. Uintatherium (Mammalia: Dinocerata) from the Uintan (Middle to Late Eocene) of Southern California.
No. 11, 1971 ($2.00) 10 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
BARNES, L.G. Imagotaria (Mammalia: Otariidae) from the Late Miocene Santa Margarita Formation near Santa Cruz, California.
No. 10, 1970 (OUT OF PRINT) 24 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
BARNES, L.G. A re-evaluation of mandibles of Allodesmus (Carnivora: Otariidae) from the Round Mountain Silt, Kern County, California.
No. 9, 1969 ($2.00) 16 pp. [PDF]
SMEDMAN, G. An investigation of the diatoms from four Tertiary lake bed deposits in western Nevada.
No. 8, 1969 ($2.00) 20 pp. [PDF]
YANCEY, T.E. A molluscan faunal assemblage from the Arcturus Formation, Nevada.
No. 7, 1968 (OUT OF PRINT) 13 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
MAWBY, J.E. Megahippus and Hyohippus (Mammalia: Perissodactyla) from the Esmeralda Formation of Nevada.
No. 6, 1968 (OUT OF PRINT) 22 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
LINDSAY, E. Rodents from the Hartman Ranch Local Fauna, California.
No. 5, 1968 ($2.00) 8 pp. [PDF]
HOLDEN, J.C. Brackish water ostracods from La Jolla Submarine Canyon 7200±500 years before present.
No. 4, 1968 (OUT OF PRINT) 10 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
MAWBY, J. E. 1968. Megabelodon minor (Mammalia: Proboscidea), a new species of mastodont from the Esmeralda Formation of Nevada.
No. 3, 1967 (OUT OF PRINT) 6 pp. [PDF]
HUTCHISON, J.H. A Pleistocene vampire bat (Desmodus stocki) from Potter Creek Cave, Shasta County, California.
No. 2, 1967 ($2.00) 4 pp. [abstract] [PDF]
BLAKE, D.B. Pre-burial abrasion of articulated skeletons.
No. 1, 1967 ($2.00) 14 pp. [PDF]
WHISTLER, D.P. Oreodonts of the Tick Canyon Formation, southern California.