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*Incomplete Test Version 
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.Using the Endnote Download

You must have Endnote installed on your computer and your browser configured correctly to use this feature. If you have your browser configured correctly, you should be able download the complete MIOMAP bibliography as an Endnote Library.

If you don't have your browser configured correctly, you may see the file in your browser window as a bunch of text interspersed with "garbage" characters.

Internet Explorer running on Windows XP machines

The Endnote Download seems to work fine with the usual clicking on the link.

Netscape 7.1 running on Windows XP machines

1. Right click on the PROCEED link below
2. Select 'Save Link Target As ...'
3. Choose the location where you want the file saved
4. Left click on 'Save'

Safari, Internet Explorer, or Netscape running on MacOSX machines

1. Place your pointer on the PROCEED link below
2. Hold down the OPTION key
3. Click the mouse button while holding down the OPTION key

Follow the instructions above to: PROCEED WITH DOWNLOAD MIOMAP HOME