Accessioning collections
UCMP accepts donated materials complementary to existing collections. Specimens must have locality data and, if of a regulated nature, evidence of clear title (e.g., copies of collecting permits, permission letters from private land owners, or deeds of gift). UCMP reserves the right to choose not to accept materials of unclear ownership or history.
A minimum $500 fee for accessioning a mitigated collection is required. If it is determined that specimen cabinets and drawers are required to house this collection, they will be purchased by the contractor and delivered to UCMP by prior arrangement with the Museum Scientist responsible for this collection.
Curation of new material into UCMP
All materials curated into the UCMP collections will be available for scientific analysis and comparative study with collections made throughout the world. Data pertaining to the location of finds, depositional environment, geologic and biostratigraphic age, and taxonomic assignments of fossils will be entered into computerized databases. This data is available to land managers, state officials, and qualified researchers.
Collections must have locality data and field notes associated with them. Drop-off or storage of fossils prior to the submission of locality data is not permitted. Minimum curation standards:
- Specimens are washed where applicable and ready for curation.
- Accession Record and Locality Number are assigned to the materials. (Field notes are placed on file concurrent with the accessioning of this material in order to guarantee that the material can be properly curated and used for research.)
- Specimens are accompanied by accurate stratigraphic and geographic data that are tied to a listing of field numbers. Specifically, specimens should be associated with descriptions of the lithologic unit, instructions for relocating the site and determining its stratigraphic position, standard map data, latitude, and longtude.
- Associated specimens are clearly marked as having been found in association.
- Field notes in UCMP format and copies of field maps are deposited in the Museum archives in order to document the fieldwork.
- Specimens collected from pre-existing localities are accompanied by published references to the locality.
Field notes
Students and staff record field notes on all UCMP-funded field trips resulting in the collection of material (fossil and recent) to be deposited in the UCMP, and these records should be deposited and filed in the Museum concurrent with deposit of materials collected. Please contact a Museum Scientist for more information, including recommended format.