Member List of the
Hydrozoan Society
Members are NOT listed in alphabetical order, but are instead
listed in the order that people joined electronically.
NOTE: As of August 2004, Allen Collins is in transit and has temporarily
suspended submissions of new memberships while he settles into a new position at the National Systematics Lab. Please visit again in a few months.
I am an educator looking for information that I can present to my students
Scott Clifton
Gaylesville High School
"HS_members.html" 1432 lines, 77904 characters4 at 05:30:45 (PDT)
Taxonomy Anatomy Behaviour Planula larvae
e-mail excentricity@hot
George William Roycroft,Jr.
Burlington, NC USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 at 14:47:49 (PDT)
ZhongShan University
Guangzhou city, Guangdong China - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 20:09:36 (PDT)
LONGVIEW, WA. U.S. - Sunday, June 06, 2004 at 09:53:44 (PDT)
Rearing of hydromedusae successfully together with breeding. Identification of hydromedusae caught in Singapore waters.
Seah Yi Hoong
Singapore, Singapore Singapore - Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 20:28:14 (PDT)
Proteomics of Hydra septate junctions
Alejandro D. Roth
Montreal Neurological Institute
Montreal, QC CANADA - Monday, April 05, 2004 at 16:55:12 (PDT)
Fauna and taxonomy of hydroids of the North Pacific (Kamchatka and adjacent waters mainly). Nematocysts and their use in taxonomy.
Olga Sheiko
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Sankt-Peterburg, Russia - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 23:48:31 (PST)
Actually, I am working on gelatinous zooplankton (jellyfish, hidromedusan, ctenophores). I am focus on taxonomy, distribution and other topics of tropical species
Karina Rodriguez
University of Costa Rica
San Pedro, San José Costa Rica, Central America - Friday, March 12, 2004 at 08:29:16 (PST)
I am interested in taxonomy and ecology of hydroids and recently completed a paper on some hydroids from pakistan
Mohammad Moazzam Khan <>
Karachi, .. Pakistan - Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 10:27:40 (PST)
POLOKO MONANG <polokomonang>
gaborone, BOTSWANA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 at 06:08:31 (PST)
Taxonomic diversity and biology of invertebrates especially in the marine environment. These marine invertebrates include the cnidarians (sea anemones, hydroids, jellyfishes, coral reefs).
Prof. Dr . Fayez A.M. Shoukr <: shoukrfa @>
: Tanta University , Faculty of Science ,Zoology Department.
Tanta, Gharbia Governorate Egypt . - Monday, February 02, 2004 at 10:39:03 (PST)
Applying for grad school to study the biomechanics and ecology of Cnidarians and Ctenophores. Interested in feeding and locomotary biomechanics, deep sea biology and exploration and hydrothermal vents.
Kevin Zelnio <>
Davis, CA 95616 - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 09:13:01 (PST)
study of structure and movement for use in artistic depictions.
Richard Enlow <>
armona, ca usa - Monday, January 26, 2004 at 11:14:14 (PST)
Hydromedusae ecology
Gaitán, Esteban <>
Mar del Plata, Buenos aires Argentina - Friday, January 23, 2004 at 06:30:42 (PST)
Hydrozoa, scyphozoa reproduction & development; invasive spp. in Montery Bay
Freya Sommer <>
Hopkins Marine Station
Pacific Grove, CA 93950 - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 12:01:48 (PST)
Bioactive compound from jelly fish toxins
G. Kanagaraj <>
Centre of Advanced study in Marine Biology
Chidambaram, TamilNadu India - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 04:51:24 (PST)
Classification and Biology of the Red Sea hydroids
Atef Ismail <>
Al-Azhar University
assiut, Egypt - Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 02:41:41 (PST)
Systematics of hydroids
Carlos M. Varela <>
Centro de Investigaciones Marinas
Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 at 07:57:48 (PST)
poulation duynamics on fresh water fishes
Arafa <>
assit univ.
assiut, assuit Egypt - Friday, January 09, 2004 at 11:20:28 (PST)
Impact parasitic infection on fish growth
Khaled <>
assit univ.
assiut, assuit Egypt - Friday, January 09, 2004 at 11:11:41 (PST)
Taxonomical and ecological of marine zooplankton fron cndaria to fish larvae
adoushy <>
Alazhar univ.
assiut, assuit Egypt - Friday, January 09, 2004 at 11:08:58 (PST)
I am interested on the Hydrozoans on their life style that is the colonial form(obela) as well the solitary one( hydra)so i'm ambotious to search out for such comlex life style(division of labor).
weldu <>
Asmara University(Eritrea)
Asmara, Eritrea Eritrea - Monday, December 15, 2003 at 20:50:57 (PST)
I interested in any culture attempts of Polyorchis penicillatus and Polyorchis haplus. I also am interested learning more on how identifying unknown hydroids from my system tanks.
Vincent Levesque <>
Birch Aquarium at Scripps
La Jolla, Ca USA - Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 11:28:05 (PST)
The history of the colonial hydroids in the 19th century development of morphology, histology and biology.
The concept of individual as it applies to hydroids.
The history of research on Cordylophora caspia with particular reference to histology and development.
Ruthanna Dyer <>
York University
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 09:46:37 (PST)
Invertebrate marine animals, systematic and ecology of Hydrozoa
Herdem Aslan <>
Istanbul university, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
Istanbul, Turkey - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 01:38:58 (PST)
I am a student @ARC interested in further study on hydrozoans
Dawnica Mann <>
American River College
Sacramento, Ca USA - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 09:43:16 (PST)
Hydrozoan development and evolution.
Paulyn Cartwright <>
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66047 - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 11:29:10 (PDT)
Distribution, taxonomy, and ecology of Cordylophora and freshwater cnidarians
Wintfred L. Smith <>
Univ. Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 at 12:21:07 (PDT)
History of hydrozoan research in the 18th and 19th centuries including the development of concepts of coloniality, metagenesis and evolution of Metazoans. PhD thesis (1973 U. of Toronto): Differentiation, Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in the colonial hydroid, Cordylophora caspia.
Ruthanna Dyer <>
York University, CANADA
Toronto, ON Canada - Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 16:52:46 (PDT)
ecology of jellyfish
Minoru Kitamura <>
Japan Marine Science & Technology Center
Yokosuka, Kanagawa Japan - Monday, August 18, 2003 at 03:33:24 (PDT)
Aquatic invertebrates and fish. Large rivers, ephemeral streams and karst springs in Miss, Alabama, Ark and throughout SE USA.
Daniel J. Drennen <>
Jackson, MS USA - Monday, July 28, 2003 at 11:59:28 (PDT)
marine sessile hydrozoan,epipyhtic forms(beginner;garduate degree)
remzi kavcioglu <>
institute of marine sciences and technology
izmir, Türkiye - Monday, July 21, 2003 at 05:25:19 (PDT)
Taxonomy and systematics of fouling hydrozoa
Heath Stafford <>
Queensland Fisheries Service
Cairns, QLD Australia - Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 17:00:19 (PDT)
Representations of Medusa and Ovidian metamorphosis in literature
Gregory John Mercurio <>
Graduate Center, The City University of New York
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, July 02, 2003 at 15:07:38 (PDT)
Working on project at Hopkins Marine Station where I am researching the species of hydroids around the marine station.
Caitlin Ryan <>
Salinas, CA USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 at 13:38:19 (PDT)
General interest in Hydrozoa (morphology, histology, life cycle, development…). After a PhD in Biology (unfortunately on a research project in immunology), I really want to reorient my scientific career to the marine biology field, which is my real passion from more than 10 years. As a passionate of representatives of Class Hydrozoa, I observe, photograph, and made permanent microslide preparations of material collected from European seas (more than 30 species of hydrozoans are actually presented on my web site, with some detailed descriptions and many photomicrographs; more species will be regularly added). I am also interested in doing a post-doc on a project concerning the hydrozoan biology.
Dr Horia GALEA <>
Marseille, France - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 12:26:22 (PDT)
sucess of cnidarians in marine enviroment
rajay patel <rajay@webmail,co,za>
university of durban westville
durban, kzn south africa - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 11:43:39 (PDT)
cnidarian hydroid GARVEIA FRANCISCANA (Torrey,1902) in Lake Maracaibo fouling comunity
CIUDAD OJEDA, ZULIA VENEZUELA - Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 09:55:03 (PDT)
Evolution and Development.
Sergio González-Crespo <>
Barcelona, Spain - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 01:14:01 (PDT)
taxonomy and evolution of Hydrozoa
A. Kuijl <>
BLGG, Oosterbeek, The Netherlands
Duiven, Netherlands - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 15:14:17 (PDT)
taxonomy and evolution of Hydrozoa
A. Kuijl <>
Duiven, Netherlands - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 15:13:16 (PDT)
Systematics, ecology, biogeography and evolution of hydroids, especially from Antarctic and Mediterranean waters.
Álvaro L. Peña Cantero <>
Departamento de Zoología - Universidad de Valencia
E-46100 Burjassot, Valencia Spain - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 01:31:23 (PDT)
Systematics, ecology, biogeography and evolution of hydroids, especially from Antarctic and Mediterranean waters.
Álvaro L. Peña Cantero <>
Departamento de Zoology - Universidad de Valencia
E-46100 Burjassot, Valencia Spain - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 01:29:51 (PDT)
My current research interests include applied R&D efforts improving techniques for the display, culture and aquisition of gelatinous zooplankton. I am currently refining techniques for the long term propagation of Mitrocoma cellularia. I also study the ecology of hitch-hiking symbionts of jellies.
Chad Widmer <>
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey, Ca. USA - Thursday, April 03, 2003 at 11:04:00 (PST)
What is the life span of the Obelia?
Jo Campbell <>
Student @ Armstrong Atlantic State University
Savannah, GA U.S.A. - Sunday, March 16, 2003 at 22:45:22 (PST)
What is the life span of the Obelia?
Jo Campbell <>
Student @ Armstron Atlantic State University
Savannah, GA U.S.A. - Sunday, March 16, 2003 at 22:38:43 (PST)
Veaosuhd CHouanhsn KJB cnbakj ABKjb csn BAKj bcv B fswf Fswdf Mcliw w hDHi
Augustus Balrog <>
Institute of Augustas
Schokiola, - Siberia - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 21:36:56 (PST)
mai lopez <>
honolulu, hi usa - Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 18:39:01 (PST)
Systematics and evolution of Cnidaria
Meg Daly <>
Lawrence, KS USA - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 07:30:29 (PST)
This is an enquiry as to whether the Society still produces its Newsletter. The Museum library holds issues up to no.4 1995 and we would like to know if there have been any since, if so how can we obtain them?
Thank you very much
John Rose
John Rose <>
The Natural History Museum
London, UK, - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 01:14:52 (PST)
Life history and ecology of epi- mesopelagic medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores
Life history and ecology of limnomedusae
Masaya Toyokawa <>
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science
Yokohama, Japan - Friday, February 07, 2003 at 00:31:39 (PST)
I am interested in studying gelatinous zooplankton ecology through the use of molecular techniques.
Nicole Moore <>
Bellingham, Wa US - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 13:43:27 (PST)
Hydroid faunas of tropical reefs.
Hawaiian and Enewetak hydroids
William J. Cooke <>
MER Marine Environmental Research
Honolulu, HI USA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 21:11:27 (PST)
spacestring theory intertwining with health reform combinations from the related factor
jumbo karakuchi <>
scitenika school of thoughtd
honolulu, hi usofa - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 04:32:14 (PST)
I am interested in researching the toxins found in hydrozoa hydroids in particular.
Denise Kuha <>
Diver interested in hydroid toxicology
Redondo Beach, CA USA - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 18:05:44 (PST)
Detaching them without killing them, also discourging them from attaching.
Keith Forbes <>
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA USA - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 11:28:32 (PST)
Life history evolution and development of polymorphic morphology
Adam Reitzel <>
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215 - Friday, November 22, 2002 at 14:13:40 (PST)
robert osborne <>
s, a a - Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 06:09:31 (PST)
Enigmatic parasitic cnidarian Polypodium hydriforme, its morphology, cytology, life cycle, evolutionary relationchips
Ekaterina V. Raikova <>
Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences
St.-Petersburg, Russia - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 03:59:21 (PST)
Interested in the ecological role of hydrozoans (as well as other cnidarians), at present mostly in the trophic role of medusae.
Lars J. Hansson <>
Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
Kopenhagen, Denmark - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 05:48:45 (PST)
Morphogenesis of colonial hydroids (mostly - thecates), colony pattern formation, functional morphology, cell movements within the colony, ecology of hydroids, immunology of invertebrates.
Igor Kossevitch <>
Dept.Invertebrate Zoologyt, Moscow State University
Moscow 199899, RUSSIA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 07:50:05 (PDT)
I am looking for techniques in harvesting and processing jellyfish. Can anyone pls help me.
Janto Djaja <>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 14:09:40 (PDT)
Techniques in harvesting and processing jellyfish
Janto Djaja <>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 14:01:06 (PDT)
water ecotoxicology, biotesting (hydra attenuata, daphnia magna)
krzysztof slebioda <>
nicolas copernicus university, dep. of hydrobiology
torun, poland - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 02:55:41 (PDT)
Marine invertebrates especialy cnidarians e.g.hyrozoans ,jelly fishes ,sea anemones .
Prof. Dr.Fayez Shoukr <>
Tanta University ,Faculty of Science ,Zoology Department,
Tanta, Gharbia, Egypt - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 13:26:21 (PDT)
Marine invertebrates especialy cnidarians e.g.hyrozoans ,jelly fishes ,sea anemones .
Prof. Dr.Fayez Shoukr <>
Tanta University ,Faculty of Science ,Zoology Department,
Tanta, Gharbia Egypt - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 13:23:43 (PDT)
marine invertebrates especialy cnidarians e.g.hyrozoans ,jelly fishes ,sea anemones .
Prof. Dr.Fayez Shoukr <>
Tanta university ,Faculty of science ,Zoology Department,
Tanta, Gharbia Egypt. - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 13:22:08 (PDT)
marine invertebrates especialy cnidarians e.g.hyrozoans ,jelly fishes ,sea anemones .
prof. dr.fayez shoukr <>
tanta university ,faculty of science ,zoology department
tanta, gharbia egypt - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 13:17:10 (PDT)
Mesopsammic hydrozoans.
My primary interest is systematic biology of Phylum Nemertea, but a special focus on mesopsammic Nemertea brings me into frequent contact with interesting and largely ignored mesopsammic cnidarians.
Jon Norenburg <>
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 07:24:37 (PDT)
General interest in Cnidaria.
Heather Breeze
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Halifax, NS CANADA - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 06:40:22 (PDT)
In our Lab for Evolution and Ecotoxicology we work, amongst other topics, on ecotoxicology of Hydra viridissima Pallas and Hydra oligactis Pallas species. Especially we are interested in endosymbiotic aspects since out research also includes the evolution of eukariotic cell. All contacts are welcome.
Goran Kovacevic <>
Faculty of Science
Zagreb, HR-10000 Croatia - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 04:23:51 (PDT)
In Our Lab for Evolution and Ecotoxicology we work, amongst other topics, on ecotoxicology of Hydra viridissima Pallas and Hydra oligactis Pallas species. Especially we are interested in ensosymbiotic aspects since out research also includes the evoulution of eukariotic cell. All contacts are welcome.
Goran Kovacevic <>
Faculty of Science
Zagreb, HR-10000 Croatia - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 04:23:05 (PDT)
Researching marine biomimetics, marine biomedicine in invertibrates and have done Masters review on the Bryozoa Neritina Bugula or Bryostatin. Am on location on research in Bahrain in October to select zooplankton, oysters, and copepods with other endemic species to quadrat the locality of species near to land and in concentations as conservation.
Paula Badger <>
The Open University,UK
UK, - Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 01:00:11 (PDT)
A interactive learning class for high schoolers
Sonia Luthra & Monika Sakowicz <>
Kirkland, WA 98034 - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 17:42:27 (PDT)
Fauna of the Hydroidea of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Taxonomy, distribution, ecology, life history.
Ninel Panteleeva <>
Murmansk Marine Biological Institute
Murmansk, Russia - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 04:05:32 (PDT)
I am professor of the zooplancton matter in my university and I am very interested in cnidarios. I have some works on those of Mexico.
I like siphonophorae taxonomi.
Carlos Alvarez Silva <>
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
México, DF México - Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 17:32:48 (PDT)
1.Physiological and morphological plasticity and global distribution of the freshwater/brackish hydroid, Cordylophora
2. Global expansion of Cordylophora as an invasive species due to changes in water quality
3.Taxonomic clarification of the 6 species documented in the literature using molecular techniques
4. Ecological dynamics between Cordylophora and the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha
Nadine C. Folino-Rorem <>
Wheaton College
wheaton, IL USA - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 19:20:48 (PDT)
Larval biology, reproduction.
Gabriele Conti <>
Facoltà di Scienze Naturali - US Cagliari
Assemini, CA Italy - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 01:16:00 (PDT)
the physiological effect of the venom extracted from the jellyfish sp.
khaled abodaya <>
gaza, gaza palestine - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 16:38:49 (PDT)
growth and form of hydroids
Katie Alt <>
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 09:39:29 (PDT)
Early development of Cnidaria - embryonic development, metamorphosis of larvae, early stages of colony development. I work with the White Sea Hydrozoa Dynamena pumila, Clava multicornis, Laomedea (Obelia)flexuosa, Gonothyraea (Obelia) loveni and also with the two Scyphozoa species (Aurelia aurita and Cyanea capillata). The cell morphogenetic movements, cleavage, intercellular contacts formation, wound healing and self-organization in living systems are the areas of my interest.
Yulia Kraus <>
Evolution Theory Dpt., Biological faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia - Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 07:53:10 (PDT)
Life cycle of jellyfish from surface to deep sea
Hiroshi Miyake <>
Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC)
Yokosuka, Japan - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 17:39:30 (PDT)
Distribution and life history of fresh-water hydrozoans (Craspedacusta sowerbyi)
Eduard Stloukal <>
Department of Zoology, Comenius University
Bratislava, Slovakia - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 05:48:54 (PDT)
pelagic hydroids
Bob Breen <>
Fitzgerald Marine Reserve
P.O.ox 1266, Montara, CA 94037 - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 20:59:39 (PDT)
pelagic hydroids
Bob Breen <>
P.O.ox 1266, Montara, CA 94037 - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 20:58:58 (PDT)
Population ecology, life history evolution, and allorecognition in clonal marine invertebrates.
David L. Ferrell <>
Dept. of Biological Science, Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1100 - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 14:44:59 (PST)
I am interested in population dynamics of both hydrozoa and scyphozoa medusae and also genetic studies on populations.
Luciano Chiaverano <>
Mar del Plata, Argentina - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 10:10:28 (PST)
Cubozoan venom biochemistry and nematocyst ultrastructure.
Darin Hayakawa <>
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI U.S.A. - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 00:52:17 (PST)
Systematics, ecology, evolution, life cycles of hydroids and medusae
Cinzia Gravili <>
LECCE, ITALY ITALY - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 23:29:17 (PST)
Form, function and life cycle of hydrozoans
Danene Jones <>
James Cook University
Townsville, QLD Australia - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 05:03:09 (PST)
I'm interested in finding as much information as possible about hydrozoans
John Bartolotta <>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 22:30:43 (PST)
Hydrozoan Ecology, glaucus and glaucila predation over blue plancton.
Philip Miller <>
Montevideo, Montevideo Uruguay - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 19:11:12 (PST)
Principal Investigator. Biochemical isolation and identification of bioactive compounds in cnidaria venoms. Characterization of mechanism of action of cnidaria (at present principally Carybdea alata and Physalia utriculus) venom toxins. Ultrastructural characterization of nematocysts and firing mechanisms.
Angel Anne Yanagihara <>
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 18:03:38 (PST)
Biochemical isolation and identification of bioactive compounds in cnidaria venoms. Characterization of mechanism of action of cnidaria (at present principally Carybdea alata and Physalia utriculus) venom toxins. Ultrastructural characterization of nematocysts and firing mechanisms.
Angel Anne Yanagihara <>
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 18:02:08 (PST)
I am working as a Associate Prof.Dr. at the Faculty of Fisheries ,I am interested in poisonous jellyfish and commercial jellyfish.
Thank you very so much for my membership in advance..
Mustafa Alpaslan <>
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University,Faculty of Fisheries
Canakkale, TR TURKEY - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 21:36:17 (PST)
Invertebrate immunology
Uri Frank <>
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 08:43:28 (PST)
Swimming and tissue biomechanics of Polyorchis.
William Megill <>
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC Canada - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 20:01:17 (PST)
Colonal morphology regulated by epigentic factors, primarily gastrovascular architecture.
Christin Slaughter <>
California State University, Northridge
Northridge, CA US - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 09:57:34 (PST)
I do not do research. I am a student
Ketan Jung Dulal <>
Bremen, Germany - Monday, December 10, 2001 at 10:56:54 (PST)
I am working as a Associate Prof. at the Faculty of Fisheries and I am interested in 'Jellyfish'. Especially,Rhizostoma pulmo(Barrel Jellyfish) bloomed in Dardanelles during April-September period.
Mustafa Alpaslan <>
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University,Faculty of Fisheries
Canakkale, TURKEY - Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 05:45:28 (PST)
Underwater photographers, we are very interested in zooplankton
Cecile & Norbert Genetiaux <>
Carnoules, France - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:40:54 (PST)
I'am intereset to Jellyfish in Mediterranean sea and Persian gulf.
Mohamed Baker <>
King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia)& Superior Institute of Marine Sciences (Syria)
Al Hufof, Saudi Arabia - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 02:42:53 (PDT)
Structural Colours in jellyfish and ctenophores
Victoria <Welch>
Zoology Dept, Oxford University
Oxford, England - Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 08:25:55 (PDT)
I'm interested in the species of jellyfish present in Otago waters and their distributions around New Zealand
Marc Clement <>
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand - Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 22:52:06 (PDT)
Responsable of mediterrenean section including rearing of jellyfish
laura castellano <>
Acquario di Genova
Genova, Italy - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 01:25:32 (PDT)
Colin Fly <>
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 21:11:14 (PST)
Taxonomy ecology of Hydrozoa. Present study on deep water species from subantarctic Macquarie Island. Completing a synopsis of New Zealand hydroid fauna with Wim Vervoort. Recent publications on athecate and thecate hydroid fauna of Darwin, tropical Australia
Jeanette Watson <>
private investigator
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 03:00:36 (PST)
I am a retired School Teacher. I taught a Marine Biology course. Hydrozoans (well all Cnidarians really) spark a great intrest with me.
Greg Baker <>
San Jose, CA 95125 - Monday, March 05, 2001 at 20:39:56 (PST)
I need about the hydrozoan life cycle and the stages through the life cycle.
If any one has any information please send me some, as soon as possible.
hannah < >
South Iron Zoology Department.
ANNAPOLIS , MO USA - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 08:40:44 (PST)
hannah <hellohannah >
ANNAPOLIS , MO USA - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 08:35:10 (PST)
Allorecognition in colonial invertebrates
Uri Frank <>
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany - Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 02:01:32 (PST)
I am interested in the membrane skeleton, and linkage of the actin cytoskeleton to the cell membrane. Also in membrane structures formed via the actin cytoskeleton (ruffles, etc.) and cell motility.
Dr. Robert K. Pope <>
Southampton College of Long Island University
Southampton, NY USA - Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 09:03:16 (PST)
Hydrozoan biology,ecology,distrbution,mediterranean species, taxonomy and other useful informations
Guccione Sergio <>
san givanni teatino, ch italy - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 07:36:16 (PST)
Hydrozoan medusae, I am trying to complete an uruguayan database of hydromedusae.
Gabriela Failla <>
Facultad de Ciencias - Lab. de Invertebrados
Montevideo, Uruguay - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 09:44:47 (PST)
Taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of benthic Cnidaria of the Northeast Atlantic, mainly hydroids and Scleractinia. Fossil cnidaria of the Eocene.
Dr. Alvaro Altuna Prados <>
San Sebastian, SPAIN - Thursday, January 04, 2001 at 09:14:50 (PST)
I am interested in the distribution, ecology and genetics of marine hydroids from eastern Canada. Currently I am developing microsatellite markers to investigate genetic diversity and the extent of gene flow in hydroids.
Lea-Anne Henry <>
Department of Biology, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada - Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 10:42:35 (PST)
New uses of hydrozoa.
Elmer-Rico E. Mojica <>
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, Laguna, 4031 Philippines - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 05:11:33 (PST)
New uses of hydrozoa.
Elmer-Rico E. Mojica <>
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, Laguna, 4031 Philippines - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 05:10:02 (PST)
personal reasearch/amature. hydra and tardigrades
todd edwards <>
raleigh , nc 27615 - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 08:42:00 (PST)
Fauna and Taxonomy of Hydroids of the North Pacific. Nematocysts and their use in systematics of Hydrozoa. I have rather big collection of Hydrozoa (from North-West Pacific mainly) and try to obtain information about type materials of the North-Pacific Species of Hydrozoa
OLga Sheiko <>
Kamchatka Institute of Ecology
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 00:08:29 (PST)
Parasitic cnidarian Polypodium hydriforme. Aberrant forms of cnidarians and ultrastructure of their stinging cells. Nematocysts and their use in taxonomy. Cleptocnidism.
Alexei Ibragimov <>
Institut of Cytology, RAS
St. Petersburg, Russia - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 04:01:30 (PDT)
nematocyst discharge
Alfred H Gitter, PhD <>
Institut fuer Klinische Physiologie, FU Berlin
Berlin, Germany - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 09:12:54 (PDT)
Life cycles (Obelia geniculata in the White Sea); ecology/
Sergei Slobodov <>
Moscow State University (MSU)
Moscow, Russia - Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 00:17:24 (PDT)
My personal interest is the distribution, composition and abundance of hydromedusas of the insular region of the Ocean Pacífic associated to the conditions oceanográficas.
Adriana Hidalgo <>
Valparaíso, Chile Chile - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 14:51:54 (PDT)
Sustainable Aquaculture
pam <>
Ottawa, Ont Canada - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 19:22:19 (PDT)
I'm interesting on information about Craspedacusta
Antonio F. Herrera Grao <>
Apdo. 4.031, 14080 Córdoba, España - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 05:04:37 (PDT)
Resource for education
Martín Andrés Díaz <>
Argentine Air Force
Merlo, BsAs Argentina - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 06:12:44 (PDT)
Resorce for education
Martín Andrés Díaz <>
Argentine Air Force
Merlo, BsAs Argentina - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 06:12:36 (PDT)
I am interested in pelagic Hydrozoa and other coelenterates with particular reference to taxonomy of species in the North-eastern Pacific and ecology (including interactions with fish and the effects of eutrophication).
Mary N. Arai <>
Pacific Biological Station
Nanaimo, BC Canada - Friday, July 21, 2000 at 17:32:26 (PDT)
Fossil history of the Hydrozoa; comparative studies between extant taxa and what are interpreted as fossil hydrozoans
Wendy L. Taylor <>
The Field Museum
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 08:57:54 (PDT)
Hydrocoral taxonomy and ecology
Bert W. Hoeksema <>
Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum
Leiden, The Netherlands - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 02:15:07 (PDT)
Evolutionary biology of hydrozoans, scyphozoans, and cubozoans, from the Precambrian to the present
Lisa-ann Gershwin <>
University of California
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 11:11:44 (PDT)
Ecology of hydromedusae and scyphomedusae
Adam Benovic <>
Institute for Oceanography and Fisheries, Laboratory Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik, HR Croatia - Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 05:41:20 (PDT)
I am a student, so I do not work professionally with the animals I am interested in. I hope to be working with these animals in a few years, however.
I am interested in siphonophores and scyphomedusae
Iain Johnston <>
- Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 14:04:32 (PDT)
i'm basement student about cnidaria phylum
but i'm interesting of medusa part.
so i'm going to study about scyphozoa and hydromedusa
after now, i'll publish about it in Korea l'm promise that.
Sook Jung,Kim <>
department of Biology in Ewha Woman University
Seoul, Korea - Friday, June 16, 2000 at 23:13:49 (PDT)
aquatic animal health, medicine and pathology
Hamish Rodger <>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 09:08:28 (PDT)
I Study ecology, distribution and taxonomy of hidroids from the South Georgeas Islands. Specially species of sertularidae and Synticiidae families, but I´m interested in hidroids antarctics an subantarctics in general.
Nora Burroni <>
Instituto Antártico Argentino, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, 1428 Argentina - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 18:03:05 (PDT)
zooplankton, Ctenophores, Jellyfish, exotic species
Lyudmila Kamburska <>
Institute of Oceanology, BAS
Varna, Bulgaria - Friday, April 28, 2000 at 11:24:25 (PDT)
Just passing through...great site. Best wishes, Lin Chi
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Please feel free to visit our web site to purchase furniture, books, videos, flowers, software and much more. We look forward to seeing you there.
Lin Chi
Boston, MA United States - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 12:23:16 (PDT)
taxonomy and distribution planktonic hydrozoan
Nittaya Wuticharoenmongkol <>
kasetsart university
Bangkok, Thailand - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 11:23:44 (PDT)
taxonomy and distribution planktonic hydrozoan
nittaya wutichareonmongkol <>
bangkok, Thailand, Thailand - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 05:08:29 (PDT)
Cnidaria and Ctenophora, bioinvasions, plankton
Ahmet Erkan Kideys <>
Institute of Marine Sciences
Erdemli, Turkey - Sunday, April 02, 2000 at 07:28:12 (PDT)
Developmental Neurobiology of Cnidarians,
Cnidarian Development,
Cnidarian Photoreceptors
Vicki J. Martin <>
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608 - Saturday, April 01, 2000 at 13:19:07 (PST)
Developmental Neurobiology of Cnidarians
Cnidarian Development
Cnidarian Photoreceptors
Vicki J. Martin <>
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608 - Saturday, April 01, 2000 at 13:17:19 (PST)
Population dynamics, mainly Scyphozoa.
(Rhizostoma pulmo, Cotylorhiza tuberculata).
Sandra Carol Sabah Mazzetta <>
Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Biología,Universidad de Murcia
Murcia, Spain, - Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 05:32:41 (PST)
Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of planktonic Medusae.
Valquiria Baddini Tronolone <>
Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, SP Brasil - Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 17:40:31 (PST)
Our lab is investigating the role of gastrodermal cells as calcium "sinks" in the planula of Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus. This research has lead to studies of the formation of calcium carbonate and cellular mechanisms of calcification.
Constance L. Rogers <>
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)
Charlotte, NC USA - Wednesday, March 08, 2000 at 00:34:53 (PST)
Ecology and life cycles of hydroids. Systematic.
Argentine Continental Shelf.
Gabriel Nestor GENZANO <>
Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. FCEyN - UNMdP
Mar del Plata, 7600 Argentina - Thursday, March 02, 2000 at 03:53:37 (PST)
Systematics, ecology, evolution, life cycles of hydroids and medusae
Ferdinando Boero <>
Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Lecce
Lecce, 73100, Italy - Monday, February 28, 2000 at 07:17:30 (PST)
I am a geology student at Colgate University. Currently, I am doing research on fossils from Alaska, which are similar to fossils found in Russia. The Russians have termed these fossils as hydroids. I am looking to learn more about modern hydroids and hydrozoans, as well as the possibility of a fossil record.
Christy Visaggi <>
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY 13346 - Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 20:36:26 (PST)
Ecology and life cycles of marine benthic hydroids.
Luciana Paes de Andrade <>
Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, SP Brasil - Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 10:18:08 (PST)
distribution of Hydrozoa in the Netherlands
ron ates <>
The Netherlands, - Saturday, February 19, 2000 at 03:28:35 (PST)
Cnidarian fauna of the New Zealand Region in general; Ctenophora, taxonomy and ecology, in particular; documentation of toxic effects of cnidarians - especially jellyfish stings - in New Zealand waters.
Elliot W. Dawson <>
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, P O Box 467,
Wellington, New Zealand`, - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 19:33:40 (PST)
Cnidarian fauna of New Zealand in general; taxonomy and ecology of Ctenophora in particular; documentation of toxic effects of cnidrians - especilly jellyfish stings - New zealand waters.
Elliot W. Dawson <>
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, P o Box 467,
Wellington, New Zealand, - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 19:29:58 (PST)
New Zealand cnidarian fauna in genera, but especially Ctenophora and documenting records of toxic effects - notaby jellyfish stings.
Elliot W. Dawson <>
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Wellington, New Zealand, - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 19:26:22 (PST)
New Zealand cnidarian fauna in genera, but especially Cteniphora and documenting records of toxic effects - notaby jellyfish stings.
Elliot W. Dawson <>
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Wellington, New Zealand, - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 19:24:29 (PST)
New Zealand cnidarian fauna in genera, but especially Cteniphora and documenting records of toxic effects - notaby jellyfish stings.
Elliot W. Dawson <>
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Wellington, New Zealand, - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 19:24:24 (PST)
I am interested in the relationship between
hydrodynamics and medusan morphology,
physiology,kinetics, behavior and foraging mode.
Sean Colin <>
University of Connecticut
Groton, CT USA - Monday, February 14, 2000 at 10:00:55 (PST)
Hydrozoan life cycles, systematics, ecology, biogeography, culture techniques. At the moment interested in the brackish water hydromedusae Maeotias, Blackfordia, and Moerisia. I encourage people to e-mail me if they believe they might have collected any of these genera.
John Rees <>
California State University, Hayward
Hayward, CA 94542 - Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 16:54:49 (PST)
Freshwater Jellyfish Craspedacusts sowerbii
R. Tony Buffone < >
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA USA - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 07:21:03 (PST)
Development of Hydractinia
(embryogenesis, metamorphosis, postembryonic development)
Self-nonself recognition and incompatibility reactions in Hydractinia
Pattern formation in Hydra
Mueller Werner <>
University of Heidelberg, Zoological Institute
D69120 Heidelberg, Germany , - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 06:28:58 (PST)
Note - My e-mail is wrong on the list of hydroid workers. Please add the link to my lab - which covers our research interests. -leo
Leo W. Buss <>
Dept. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University
New Haven 06520-8106, CT USA - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 07:59:48 (PST)
Interested in osmoregulation and excretion in the FW hydrozoan, Craspedacusta.
Karen McGlothlin <>
The University of the South
Sewanee, TN USA - Wednesday, September 01, 1999 at 08:12:55 (PDT)
freshwater medusae (e.g. Craspedacusta; Limnocnida): ecology; evolution; phyllogeny
Thomas Jankowski <>
Limnological Institute; University of Constance
Constance, Germany - Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 09:09:25 (PDT)
I am currently studying Upper Triassic hydrozoans.
I am particularily interested in the genus Heterastridium.
Melanie Mackay <>
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC Canada - Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 14:27:11 (PDT)
For the last 10 years, my graduate students and I have been working with the ecology, life cycle, morphology, and more recently the molecular level systematics of Craspedacusta sowerbii. We also have been identifying and cataloging the distribution of this freshwater species here in PA and elsewhere. We have located sites for C. sowerbii in 50 of the 67 counties of PA, over 40 states, and some Canadian provinces. Essential to our work over the years are the polyp cultures we maintain in our lab. They regularly produce medusae, polyps, and frustule larvae year around. Anything about C. sowerbii interests us, since there are so many unanswered questions about them. Visit our website at:
Terry Peard <>
Indiana University of PA
Indiana, PA US - Monday, August 02, 1999 at 14:48:40 (PDT)
Graduate Student (w/ Secondary Biology Ed. degree)
working with Dr. Terry Peard at Indiana Univ. of Penn.
We study Craspedacusta sowerbii and are currently looking at
the molecular differences between freshwater jellyfish
collected throughout the world.
Jason A. Blair <>
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA USA - Monday, August 02, 1999 at 11:46:12 (PDT)
Marine plankton ecology generally - taxonomy, zoogeography, physiology and population dynamics of marine plankton. Have worked on many aspects, mainly scyphomedusae and planktonic coelenterate biology, larval fish and the biology of the copepoda.
Steve Hay <>
SORAD Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101, Victoria Road.
Aberdeen,, AB11 9DB Scotland - Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 15:20:57 (PDT)
Ecology and evolution of modular organisms generally, and of plumularioid hydroids and schizoporellid bryozoans specifically; marine conservation biology, esp. marine reserve design and implementation
Daniel Brumbaugh <>
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist./Ctr. Biodiv. & Conserv.
New York, NY 10024 - Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 08:24:13 (PDT)
Campanulariid hydroids
Annette Frese <>
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA USA - Friday, July 09, 1999 at 08:00:02 (PDT)
IQUITOS, PERU - Thursday, July 01, 1999 at 19:35:12 (PDT)
Alpha-taxonomy, ecology, zoogeography, and life cycles of hydroids. A current focus is on species of northeastern North America.
Dale R. Calder <>
Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 06:13:08 (PDT)
Jellyfish Culturist attempting to identify two species of hydromedusae.
Mark Caltagirone <>
Aquarium of the Americas
New Orleans, LA USA - Friday, June 11, 1999 at 13:15:19 (PDT)
my research deals with the identification and development of screening test specially designed to obtain information on developmental toxicity of new agrochemical compounds
marina repetto-larsay <>
rhone -poulenc
sophia antipolis, france - Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 02:45:41 (PDT)
I'm a student looking to learn more about hydras.
andy <>
norco, , ca usa - Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 21:23:39 (PDT)
At the moment, large-scale spatial variation of
gelatinous zooplankton in Placentia Bay,
Newfoundland. However, all aspects of the jellies
hold my interest.
Jonathan Martin <>
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NF Canada - Tuesday, May 04, 1999 at 10:49:40 (PDT)
Transgenesis in Hydra littoralis
John V. Smalley <>
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ USA - Friday, April 30, 1999 at 08:20:35 (PDT)
Creation of transgenic Hydra littoralis for use as a model for the study of gene regulation
Dana Philipps <>
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ USA - Friday, April 30, 1999 at 08:18:26 (PDT)
Differential gene expression during metamorphosis of hydractinia echinata. Techniques: RDA (representational difference analysis), DD (differential display)......
Oliver Bläß <>
Zoology 2 / Physiology
69120 Heidelberg, BW germany - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 09:25:32 (PDT)
researchs in neuropeptide precursor proteins
in cnidarians and vertebrates
michael schaefer <>
university of heidelberg
heidelberg, bw germany - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 01:58:15 (PDT)
Working for, the Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests (CRIMP) - subsequently interested in introductions, distributions of both introduced and native hydroid species from Australia and around the world.
blair robertson <>
CSIRO - Division of Marine Research
Hobart, TAS Australia - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 23:08:43 (PST)
undergrad majoring in marine biology
currently working on jellyfish conservation research project
Debbie Sorocco <>
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215 - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 08:51:39 (PST)
Metamorphosis of Hydractinia echinata
Juergen Schmich <>
University of Heidelberg - Inst. of Zoology - Physiology
Heidelberg, Germany - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 01:06:37 (PST)
Allorecognition in colonial invertebrates.
Luis F. Cadavid <>
Yale University
New Haven, CT USA - Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 14:17:14 (PST)
Molecular systematics and biogeography of hydrozoans.
Clifford W. Cunningham <>
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0325 - Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 08:33:31 (PST)
Coral propagation, jellyfishhusbandry and nutrition, bioorganic molecules
Jonathan J. Lowrie <>
Cnidarian Research Institute
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, February 09, 1999 at 13:17:53 (PST)
Ramirez, Fernando Cesar <>
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero
Mar del Plata, BA Argentina - Friday, February 05, 1999 at 11:00:41 (PST)
Family Corymorphidae
sediment benthos hydrozoa
John C. Ljubenkov <>
Dancing Coyote Environmental Taxonomy
POBox 781, Pauma Valley, CA 92061 USA - Thursday, February 04, 1999 at 20:17:55 (PST)
Everything concerned with the ecology of pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores.
Mark Gibbons <>
University of the Western Cape
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, January 25, 1999 at 01:30:16 (PST)
Cnidarians, Hydrozoans, and Maeotias inexpectata in the greater SanFrancisco Bay Area.
Cathleen Sola Cannon <>
Petaluma, Ca. USA - Saturday, January 23, 1999 at 12:35:48 (PST)
Studying the effects of trawling on rocky bottom
ecosystem biodiversity. Interested in the role
of hydrozoans in rocky bottom benthic communities.
Anneliese Eckhardt Pugh <>
University of Maine
- Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 13:13:56 (PST)
Hydra culture, growth and identification. The disaggregation and regeneration of Hydra from a single, genetically manipulated cell. Identification of certain genes involved in cancer research, e.g. apc, B-catenin, ras etc.
Suzanne Orchard <>
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Sunday, January 17, 1999 at 16:20:47 (PST)
I`m interested in hydrozoan ecology and life cycles. Currently particular interest in Tubulariidae.
Carlos J. A. Campos
Secção de Biologia Marinha
Universidade dos Açores
Rua Mãe de Deus
9500 Ponta Delgada
Portugal, - Friday, November 27, 1998 at 11:17:12 (PST)
Invertebrate Zoology focused on Cnidarians.
Cathleen Sola Cannon <>
Lepus Californicus
Petaluma, Ca USA - Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 22:24:44 (PST)
My interests are on ecology and life cicle of brazilian species. At these moment I'm creating with Marques the initial DAM of Hydrozoa Project. Then, informations about any species are welcome.
Otto Muller P. Oliveira <>
FFCLRP/Universidade de São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, SP Brasil - Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 13:56:17 (PST)
Molecular biology of Hydra
Jack Gaynor <>
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 USA - Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 17:26:25 (PST)
Systematics of all groups excl. Siphonophora, morphology, phylogeny, distribution. Regions of particular interest: New Zealand, Mediterranean, Europe, Chile
Peter Schuchert <>
Natural History Museum of Geneva, Switzerland
1241 Geneva, Switzerland - Tuesday, November 03, 1998 at 23:52:50 (PST)
the symbiotic relationships of hydrozoa with
prokaryotic organisms.
Amy Cox <>
Newcastle University
Newcastle, England - Tuesday, November 03, 1998 at 02:46:54 (PST)
Taxonomy of hydroids (Leptolida) in general and
of Pacific hydroids in particular.
National Museum of Natural History
Leiden, The Netherlands - Tuesday, November 03, 1998 at 01:58:06 (PST)
Taxonomy and life history of Athecate Hydroids.
Of particular interest are Pandeidae,Hydractinidae
and Cytaeidae.
Deanna Lickey <>
Friday Harbor Labs
Friday Harbor, Wa 98250 - Saturday, October 31, 1998 at 15:21:01 (PST)
I am interested in all aspects of the biology and ecology (distribution, seasonality, predation, ...) of the "gelatinous carnivores' - Cnidarians and Ctenophores - and especially planktonic medusae.
I try also to consider all life stages, including benthic stage and so to learn more about it.
Emmanuelle BUECHER <ebuecher@SFRI2.WCAPE.GOV.ZA>
University of the Western Cape and Sea Fisheries Research Institute
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, October 26, 1998 at 03:21:40 (PST)
My lab is focusing on phylogeny of medusozoans, specially hydrozoans and cubozoans. For that, the main research lines are systematics (at specific and higher levels), life cycles, ecology and any other data useful for cladistic analysis or biogeography.
Antonio C. Marques <>
Universidade de Sao Paulo - FFCLRP - Dpto Biologia
Ribeirao Preto, SP Brazil - Friday, October 23, 1998 at 10:16:48 (PDT)
My research deals with the ecology of the mesopelagic hydromedusae. This includes vertical and temporal distributions, feeding biology and behavior, reproductive biology, parasitic interactions among the cnidaria, and taxonomic issue of the group. I am presently working on the hydromedusae community of the Monterey Bay and associated submarine canyon using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) at MBARI.
Kevin A. Raskoff <>
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Moss Landing, CA USA - Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 16:07:59 (PDT)
I am interested in all aspects of the biology of hydropolyps and hydromedusae, and moreover in Physalia and in Cubozoa. I am studying these organisms in islands of the SW of the Indian Ocean which is a tropical area. I like to look at the species on life, trying to understand something about their way of life: mode of reproduction, life cycle, feeding, behavior, relations with other organisms and environment, ecological distribution, life history, nematocysts, and of course morphology and anatomy, in relation with all.
Universite de La Reunion
Saint Denis (La Reunion), FRANCE - Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 01:52:46 (PDT)
My interests are primarily with planktonic medusae (and ctenophores) - I am
interested in almost all aspects of the biology of these animals. I should
know more about the hydroids, since they are the often the same animals as
hydromedusae, but sometimes things just don't work out that way.
Claudia MILLS <>
Friday Harbor Laboratories and Dept. of Zoology, University of Washington
Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 17:08:55 (PDT)
I am interested in many aspects of philogeny and morphological, mainly concerned with nervous system.
Carlos J. Alexandre Campos. Universidade dos Açores. Dpt Biologia
Travª Laranjeiras 9500 Ponta Delgada,Azores, Portugal - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 09:40:42 (PDT)
I am interested in the phylogeny of hydrozoans
because phylogeny provides a context for asking
and answering evolutionary questions. And,
as we all know, Hydrozoans pose some fascinating
evolutionary questions.
Allen G. Collins <>
Section of Ecology, Behavior & Evolution
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 10:41:30 (PDT)