We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to Stories from the Fossil Record:
- Dave Smith, Graphic Designer
- Caroline Stromberg, Graduate Student
Background information:
- Nan Arens, Curator
- Diane Erwin, Museum Scientist
- Pat Holroyd, Museum Scientist
- Mark Goodwin, Principal Museum Scientist
- Karen Wetmore Grycewicz, Museum Scientist
- David Lindberg, Director of the Museum of Paleontology
- Jere Lipps, Curator
- Judy Scotchmoor, Director of Education and Outreach
Images and use of fossils:
- Diane Erwin, Museum Scientist
- Mark Goodwin, Principal Museum Scientist
- Pat Holroyd, Museum Scientist
- John Hutchinson, Graduate Student (bone bed image)
- Karen Wetmore Grycewicz, Museum Scientist
- Roy Caldwell, Museum Curator (images of corals, sponge, tunicates, nudibranch, urchin, anemone)
- Helen Fox, Graduate Student (aerial image of atoll)
- Steve Hopkin, School of Animal & Microbial Sciences, University of Reading, UK (pillbug images)
- Michael Skrepnick, Paleo Artist http://www.dinosaursinart.com (Allosaurus image)
- Smithsonian Institution (various images)
- George C. Page Museum (various images)
- American Museum of Natural History (placoderm image)
- Colleen Whitney and David Smith (desert and alpine images, pelican, rudist, T. rex skeleton, and various other images)
- Ben Waggoner (various images)
- Allen Collins (image of Silver Peak Mountain Range in the Nevada, archaeocyathid)
- North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, http://www.ncrel.org/ (cross section of a tree trunk)
- Professor Alexandra Moore, The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/ (photos of stratovolcanoes over a subduction zone and of sea floor sediments that are folded and uplifted in the Alps)
- The Stone Company, http://www.stonecompany.com/fossils/ (close-up image of Archaeopteryx)
- Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, http://www.ups.edu/ (photo of whimbrel wing)
- The Aquarium Pages, http://www.aquatecnet.com/ (clownfish image)
- Earle Robinson's Arizona Desert Life & Arizona Wild Bird site, http://desert-life.org/ (photo of Western Kingbird feeding its chicks)
- Saurian Studios (dinosaur chase image)
- Whalesong Cruises, http://www.whalesong.com.au/ (breaching humpback whale photo)
- All other images courtesy of UCMP.
Editing and Feedback:
- Judy Scotchmoor, Director of Education and Outreach
- Colleen Whitney, Webmaster
- Caroline Stromberg, Graduate Student