The number of museums with information on the WWW continues to grow. Some of these sites have extensive "virtual exhibits;" others are somewhat minimalist, but all have basic information on museum location, operation, exhibits and contact persons. If you are interested specifically in museum collection databases, you might wish to peruse our list of on-line databases and related resources. Happy surfing!
A to F | G to L | M to P | Q to T | U to Z
A through F
- Academy of Natural Sciences of
Alaska Museum of Natural History
- Alaska
State Museums, Juneau, Alaska
- Albany Museum,
Rhodes University, Grahamstowm, South Africa
- The Raymond M. Alf Museum of
Paleontology, Claremont, California
- American Museum of Natural History,
New York City, New York
- Arizona-Sonora
Desert Museum
Australian Museum Online
- Australian National Botanical
- Berkeley Natural History Museums consortium, Berkeley, California
- Bernice Bishop Museum,
Honolulu, Hawaii
Bob Campbell
Geology Museum, Clemson University
Buena Vista Museum of Natural
- Burke Museum, University
of Washington, Seattle
- The California Academy of Sciences
- Canadian Museum of Nature
- Carnegie Museum of Natural
History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Centennial Museum,
University of Texas at El Paso
- The Notebaert Nature
Museum, Chicago, Illinois
- Chula Vista Nature
Center, Chula Vista, California
- Cincinnati Museum
Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
- City of Santa
Cruz Museum of Natural History
- Cleveland Museum of Natural History,
Cleveland, Ohio
- College of Eastern
Utah Prehistoric Museum
- Connecticut State Museum
of Natural History
- Cumberland Lodge, Museum,
and Center for Leadership Studies, Williamsburg, Kentucky
- Dallas Museum of Natural History
- Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver, Colorado
- Johnston Geology Museum, Emporia, Kansas
- Essig Museum of Entomology,
University of California, Berkeley
- Fernbank Museum of Natural History,
Atlanta, Georgia
- Fick Fossil
and History Museum, Oakley, Kansas
- The Field Museum of Natural History,
- Finnish Museum of Natural
History: Botanical Museum
- The Florida Museum of Natural
G through L
- Georgia Museum of Natural History
- Harvard Museum of Natural
Haus der Natur, Cismar, Germany
- Haus der Natur,
Salzburg, Austria
- The High Desert Museum,
Bend, Oregon
- Honolulu
Community College Dinosaur Exhibit, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Hooper
Virtual Paleontological Museum, Canada
- Houston Museum
of Natural Science
- Humboldt State University
Natural History Museum, Humboldt, California
- Hunterian Museum and Art
Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
- Illinois Natural History Survey
- Illinois State Museum
- Institute of Systematics
and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Kansas University Natural History
Museum, Lawrence, Kansas
- Los Angeles County Museum of Natural
- Louisiana State University Museum
of Natural Science
M through P
- Manchester Museum, University
of Manchester, England
- Massachusetts Museum
of Natural History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts
- Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee,
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey,
- Montshire Museum of Science,
Norwich, Vermont
- Musée
de Minéralogie, Êcole des Mines, Paris
- Musée dHistoire
Naturelle, Fribourg, Switzerland
- Musée National dHistoire
Naturelle, Paris, France
- Musée National dHistoire
- Muséum
dHistoire Naturelle de Genève (Museum of Natural History,
- Museo di Storia Naturale
di Firenze, Firenze (Florence), Italy
- Museo
di Storia Naturale dellUniversità di Pisa, Certosa di
Calci, Italy
- Museo Mundo de Ambar,
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
de Madrid (WWW)
- Museo Tridentino di
Scienze Naturali, Trento, Italy
- Museon, Den Haag
(The Hague), Netherlands
- The Museum of Natural History
and Cormack Planetarium, Providence, Rhode Island
- Museums of Natural History,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Museum of Natural Sciences,
Brussels, Belgium
- Museum of Southwestern
Biology, University of New Mexico
- Museum of Vertebrate
Zoology, University of California, Berkeley
- Museum of Victoria, Melbourne,
- National Museum of Natural History: Naturalis, Leiden,
The Netherlands
- The Natural History Museum,
Berne, Switzerland
- The Natural History Museum, London
- Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht,
The Netherlands
- Natuurmuseum Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Neanderthal
Museum, Mettmann, Germany
- New England Aquarium, Boston,
- The New
Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
- The New York State Museum
- Nichols Arboretum, University
of Michigan
- North Carolina Museum
of Life and Science
- The North Carolina State
Museum of Natural Sciences
- Nova Scotia Museum
- The Oakland Museum of California,
Oakland, California
- The Oklahoma Biological Survey
- Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
- The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural
History, Monterey County, California
- Paleontological
Museum, University of Oslo, Norway
- The Peabody Museum of Natural
History, Yale University
- Pratt Museum of Natural
History, Amherst College
- Provincial Museum of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Q through T
- The
Rankin Museum of American and Natural History
The Raptor Center, University
of Minnesota
- Redpath Museum,
McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
- The Royal British Columbia
- The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM),
- The Royal Tyrrell Museum
of Paleontology, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
- San Diego Natural History Museum,
San Diego, California
- Santa Barbara Museum of Natural
- Satrosphere , Aberdeen,
- Senckenberg Natural
History Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
- Sierra College
Natural History Museum
- The Smithsonian Institution,
National Museum of Natural History
- St. Louis Science Center
- Staatliches Museum
für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany
- State Darwin Museum,
Moscow, Russia
- Stephen Birch Aquarium-Museum,
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Sternberg Museum of Natural
- Stoke-on-Trent
City Museum
- Mayborn
Museum Complex, Baylor University
- The Swedish Museum of Natural History
- Tallahassee Museum of History
and Natural Science
- Tate Geological
Museum, Casper, Wyoming
- The Tennessee Aquarium, Chattanooga,
- The Texas Memorial Museum,
University of Texas at Austin
- Teylers Museum, Haarlem,
The Netherlands
U through Z
- University of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks, Alaska
- University of Alberta Museum of Zoology
- University of California Museum of Paleontology
- University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
- University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology
- University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
- University of Michigan Exhibit Museum of Natural History
- University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, Nebraska
- University of Oregon Museum of Natural History
- University of Washington Fish Collection
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Geology Museum
- University of Wyoming Geological Museum
- The Vanderbilt Museum, Centerport, Long Island, New York
- The Virginia Living Museum, Newport News, Virginia
- Virginia Marine Science Museum, Hampton Roads, Virginia
- Virginia Museum of Natural History
- Virginia Museum of Natural History, Virginia Tech branch
- Voralberger Naturschau Dornbirn, Dornbirn, Austria
- Worldwide Museum of Natural History
- Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis, Wyoming
- Zoological Museum of the University
of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark