My research focuses on the evolution of mammalian craniodental variation, the genetic architecture of morphological patterning, and the evolution of adaptive traits. My projects have included quantitative analyses of primate dentition, the characterization of extant and fossil species variation, the evolution of phenotypic integration of the cranium and face as well as museum-based reports on paleontological collections. For my dissertation, I am investigating the evolution of dental eruption patterns in mammals.
In addition to my strong focus on research, I am committed to science education and outreach. My service with museums and committees is complimented by my long-standing work as the host and producer of The Graduates, a science radio talk show broadcast bimonthly on KALX 90.7FM and available as a podcast. The Graduates features UC Berkeley graduate student research and is committed to advancing diversity in STEM, highlighting paths to research and providing advice to younger generations of students interested in science.
Selected Publications
- Monson, T.A., Armitage, D.W., and Hlusko, L.J. 2018. Using machine learning to classify extant apes and interpret the dental morphology of the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor. PaleoBios. 35:1-20
- Monson, T.A., Coleman, J.L., and Hlusko, L.J. 2018. Craniodental allometry, prenatal growth rates, and the evolutionary loss of the third molars in New World monkeys. The Anatomical Record. doi: 10.1002/ar.23979 Read it
- Monson, T.A., and Hlusko, L.J. 2018. Breaking the rules: phylogeny, not life history, explains dental eruption sequence in primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 167(2):217-233. Read it
- Monson, T.A., Brasil, M.F., and Hlusko, L.J. 2018. Allometric variation in modern humans and the relationship between body proportions and elite athletic success. Journal of Sport of Anthropology and Physical Education. 2.3:3-8. Read it
- Monson, T.A., M.F. Brasil, D.J. Stratford, and L.J. Hlusko. 2017. Patterns of craniofacial variation and taxonomic diversity in the South African Cercopithecidae fossil record. Palaeontologia Electronica, 20.1.7A: 1-20. Read it