NAPC 2001
June 26 - July 1 2001 Berkeley, California
Abstracts, Uc - Wa
Jump to: Uchman | Ujie |
van Tuinen | Vecoli |
Vega | Velasco | Vermeij
| Waggoner | Wagner |
Walton | Wang, S. | Wang,
X. | Wani | Wardlaw |
Watkins | Watson
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UCHMAN, Alfred, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University,
Krakow, Poland
Graphoglyptids are patterned, mainly meander-, star-,
and net-shaped trace fossils preserved almost exclusively in semi-reliefs
on soles of turbidites or tempestites. Analysis of their morphology allows
reconstructing complicated burrow systems composed commonly of various
mazes, galleries, and shafts located in shallow tier in sediments. Graphoglyptids
are characteristic component of the Nereites ichnofacies, which is typical
of deep-sea turbiditic deposits. Rarely, they occur also in intra-shelf
storm-dominated basins. Record of graphoglyptids depends largely on preservation
influenced mostly by delicate scouring and casting. Their occurrence on
soles of isolated event beds proves that graphoglyptid burrows are common
in pelagic environment, but their preservation as trace fossils is almost
Graphoglyptids are interpreted as burrows of unknown
invertebrates, in which they farm microorganisms (category agrichnia).
Their abundance is related to general shortcoming of food in deep-sea
environments. Nutrients from seasonal plankton blooms are quickly settled
in fecal pellets on the deep-sea floor. Probably, tracemakers prolong
use the food abundance from this source for the starvation periods by
the agrichnial activity. Graphoglyptids are most abundant in well-oxygenated
deposits in oligotrophic conditions.
Graphoglyptid trace-makers originated in Early Cambrian
shallow-marine settings and migrated to the deep-sea probably in the Middle
Cambrian. Generally, graphoglyptid diversity increased very slowly during
most of Phanerozoic, and rapidly increased during Cretaceous and Paleogene.
The rapid increase is related to changes in pelagic environments, especially
to evolution of plankton, increase in nutritional competition, and improvement
of oxygenation of the deep-sea floor. Particular ichnogenera display individual
evolutionary trends. For instance, occurrence of miniature ichnospecies,
since Cretaceous and giant ichnospecies since Paleogene characterize
UJIIE, Yurika, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo,
The Kuroshio Current influences the distribution and
condition of surface water masses such as the western boundary current
in the North Pacific Ocean. It is very important to know how the surface
water masses have changed, because they influence the climate of the whole
North Pacific region. After diverging from the North Equatorial Current,
the Kuroshio Water flows into the Okinawa Trough and strengthens its nature,
so that the Ryukyu Arc region is regarded as the Kuroshio source region.
Ujiie and Ujiie (2000) demonstrated that modern planktonic foraminifera
are characteristically divided into four groups: Kuroshio, subtropical
water, coastal water and rather cold water groups. Fifteen piston cores
were collected from the Ryukyu Arc region and dated by planktonic d18O
stratigraphy, AMS 14C measurements, and tephrachronology down
to ca. 20 ka. Using these cores, I made a detailed planktonic foraminiferal
analysis by comparing the analytical results with the modern faunas. The
most remarkable conclusion is that the Kuroshio Current greatly changed
twice; once during the last glacial period and then from ca. 4500 to 3000
yr BP. The former case was associated with drastic cooling as shown by
decreasing d18O and by dominant occurrence of the cold water
group of planktonic foraminifera. However, the main path of the Kuroshio
Current could not enter the Okinawa Trough because of a geographic barrier
between Taiwan and the southern Ryukyu Arc. In the latter case however,
no cooling signal is recognized. Instead, the coastal water type of planktonic
foraminifera prevailed over the Okinawa Trough and the central water type
became dominant over the central and northern Ryukyu Arc region suggesting
a diminishing of the Kuroshio Current.
VAN TUINEN, Marcel, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, USA; and S. Blair Hedges, Dept. of Biology and Institute
for Molecular Evolutionary Genetics, Penn State University, University
Park, PA, USA
Here, we provide a review of the available avian clock studies and their
methods. Consensus is found among most studies in showing a Cretaceous
origin of the major clades of modern birds. This suggests that major fossil
gaps exist for the early neornithine evolutionary history. However, these
clock studies have either employed limited taxon sampling or small sequence
data sets. Use of a sequential calibration in species-rich avian molecular
data sets allow timing of additional events in the evolutionary history
of modern birds. The results agree with earlier studies that the major
clades of modern birds originated in the Cretaceous.
VECOLI, Marco, Institute für Geologische Wissenschaften MLU Halle/Wittenberg,
Domstrasse 5, D-06108, Halle (Saale) Germany
New data on paleogeographic and chronostratigraphic distribution of Cambrian-Ordovician
acritarch assemblages from northern Gondwana and the Baltic region, permit
a re-definition of the spatial and temporal evolution of microphytoplankton
provincialism. From Late Cambrian through early Arenig times, the northern
margin of Gondwana and the East European Platform shared essentially similar
microphytoplankton assemblages. From the late Arenig, acritarch assemblages
clearly differentiated into a middle- low-latitude, warm to temperate-water
microflora primarily diffused in the East European Platform, and a high-latitude,
cold-water microflora characterizing the northern Gondwana margin. Accordingly,
starting from from the late Arenig, acritarchs can be used as reliable
palaeogeographical indicators.
The Trans European Suture Zone (TESZ) represents the complex region of
transition between the stable Precambrian crustal domains of the East
European Platform (EEP), and the younger mobile belts of the Paleozoic
Europe. The origin of the TESZ is primarily related to the closure of
the Tornquist Ocean and the amalgamation of a series of crustal blocks
('microcontinents') of peri-Gondwana derivation to the southwestern margin
of the EEP during Caledonian times.
Palynological analysis of subsurface Cambrian-Ordovician clastic sequences
across the TESZ permitted the precise identification of the northern boundary
of the Perigondwana-derived Avalonia terrane and the timing of its amalgamation
to the Baltic Craton. Reworked early Ordovician acritarchs of clear Perigondwanan
affinity were recovered in fine clastic sediments of latest Ordovicianearliest
Silurian age deposited on the southwestern margin of Baltica. These reworked
acritarchs demonstrate a clastic input of Avalonian provenance onto the
flexured Baltic Shield following the development of a collisional belt
between Avalonia and Baltica. Consequently, it is possible to date the
Avalonia-Baltica collision to latest Ordovician (Ashgill) times.
VEGA, Francisco J., and Maria del Carmen Perrilliat, Instituto de Geología,
UNAM, México; Adriana Ocampo, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC,
USA; and Kevin Pope, Geo, Eco Arc research, Washington, DC, USA
Chicxulub impact ejecta deposits crop out in northern Belize and southeast
Mexico (Quintana Roo). The lower Maastrichtian crab Carcineretes planetarius
Vega et al. was previously reported from the Barton Creek Formation in
Albion Island, Belize, approximately 20 meters below the base of the Albion
Formation, which includes the ejecta blanket deposits. Recent prospects
on Mexican outcrops of the uppermost part of the Barton Creek Formation
yield several specimens of a new species of Aporrhais. This genus
of gastropod is known from the Lower Cretaceous to the Recent. Maastrichtian
representatives of this gastropod have been reported from Germany, India,
and the Western Interior. The most similar species to this one is A.
granulosa Muller from the Aachensands of Germany. However, this species
is different from the new one of Quintana Roo in that it lacks a third
carina on the body whorl, and the granules are not as strong as in our
specimens. A. biangulata Meek and Hayden from the Pierre Shale
of Montana do not have any granules on their carina, which are two and
smooth. This is the first report for this genus from the Gulf Coast and
the Caribbean. Also, from its stratigraphic position 20 meters above the
lower Maastrichtian beds with C. planetarius and 20 centimeters
below the K/T boundary, it is found in the latest deposits of the Barton
Creek Formation. Numerous bivalves and other gastropods have been found
associated with the new species and a systematic report is in preparation.
There seems to be differences between this assemblage and the one in which
the carcineretid crab was found. This may be due to stratigraphic position,
as a calcareous, shallow marine and lagunar paleoenvironments seem to
have prevailed in this region up until the bolide impact. Based on the
size and morphology of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic representatives of
Aporrhais, we propose that some evolutionary trends for this genus
are: development of a third carina on the body whorl, presence of granules
on these carina, development of a medial ridge on the spire whorls and
increase of body size.
VELASCO-DE LEÓN, P. Carrer, Biology, Facultad de Estudios Superiores
Zaragoza, UNAM, México; Javier Arellano-Gil, Facultad de Ingenieria,
UNAM, México; A. Silva-Pineda, Instituto de Geología, UNAM,
With the interest of studying some of the lacustrine sequences of the
Cenozoic of the center of Mexico, we studied the Atotonilco el Grande
Formation, as it is exposed in Santa María Amajac, Hidalgo. Atotonilco
el Grande Formation has a thickness of 550 m, measured in a composite
section. The basal 350 m correspond with a clastic lacustrine environment,
influenced by volcanic activity and the remaining upper 200 m corresponds
with a lava wash. The basal portion is exposed to the northwest of Santa
Maria Amajac and in Sanctorum. In Santa Maria Amajac it is composed of
moderately compacted erratically classified conglomerates, where rounded
fragments of andesite and basalt prevail, with a sandy matrix. In Sanctorum
Valley, in constrast, the sequence is composed of fine-grained sandstones,
limestones, shales and some gypsum horizons in strata that vary in thickness
from to 57 cm; some strata have calcareous cement. In this sequence,
leaves of Rhamnaceae, Platanacea, Salicaceae, stems of Equisetales, as
well as girogonitos of Caroficeas and leaves of gymnosperms have been
collected. The fauna is represented by two fish types, gastropods of the
genus Planorbis, ostracods, insects, and vertebrate remains. Based
on the associated fauna and small quantity of plant fossils, this locality
is interpreted as the deepest zone of the paleolake. In contrast, in Santa
Maria Amajac only leaves of the angiosperm families Platanaceae, Salicaceae,
Rosaceae, Asteraceae and Fagaceae have been collected. Members of the
two first families suggest the presence of riparian vegetation. In conclusion,
lithological characteristics of immature sediments in Santa Maria Amajac
strata, tabulates and parallel lamination in Sanctorum are interpreted
such that the lacustrine sequence corresponds to two facies.
VERMEIJ, Geerat J., Dept. of Geology, Universiy of California, Davis,
CA, USA; and Peter D. Roopnarine, California Academy of Sciences, San
Francisco, CA, USA
Edge drilling is a form of predation in which the predator (a muricid
or naticid gastropod) drills a hole at a point on the commissure between
the closed valves of a bivalved animal. Previous studies of drilling have
largely ignored edge drilling. We have investigated the incidence and
location of edge-drills in venerid bivalves. In the living biota, edge
drilling is common only in shallow water. Wall-drilling (penetration through
one valve) has been known from latest Proterozoic time onward, but edge
drilling seems to have been extremely uncommon before the Miocene. Beginning
in latest Neogene time, edge drilling became quantitatively important
as a form of predation in thick-shelled venerids on both coasts of tropical
America and in other warm-temperate to tropical regions. Holes are concentrated
on the posteroventral margins of the valves. We speculate that edge drilling
is faster than wall drilling, and may therefore be advantageous in environments
where predators face high risks while feeding. Phylogenetically, edge
drilling appears to be a derived condition relative to wall-drilling in
both naticids and muricids.
WAGGONER, Ben M., Dept. of Biology, University of Central Arkansas, Conway,
The late Proterozoic was marked by several glacial episodes. While the
precise number and extent of these glaciations is not settled, glacial
conditions were unusually widespread at this time, possibly covering the
entire Earth (the "Snowball Earth" hypothesis). The well-known
Ediacara biota first appeared during an interglacial interval, and diversified
soon after the last Proterozoic glaciation. It would seem reasonable that
the diversification of the Ediacara biota might have been influenced by
Precambrian glaciations. For example, it might be hypothesized that the
paleoequatorial region included refugia for early Ediacaran lineages during
glacial episodes. If the Ediacara organisms were photosynthetic, as some
workers have proposed, then the most diverse biotas might have been in
regions with the most sunlight and/or the least seasonality. All of these
might lead us to hypothesize that Ediacaran organisms showed a latitudinal
diversity gradienta pattern that is very well documented for many marine
taxa todayeven if the Earth's thermal gradient during Ediacaran time was
I created a database of the presence and absence of Ediacaran organisms,
and compared it with paleolatitude using several paleotectonic reconstructions.
I also created a similar database of Early Cambrian trilobite occurrences.
Simple counts of the number of genera reveal no latitudinal gradient for
the Ediacara organisms, even when various means of correcting for sampling
and facies differences are used. Early Cambrian trilobites show a definite
gradient, with the most diverse biotas close to the paleoequator; gradients
have also been reported for archaeocyathids and other Cambrian taxa. I
propose that this reflects a very different ecological "rulebook"
in Ediacaran ecosystems, and may reflect a radically different way of
life for most of the Ediacaran organisms. Results of a cladistic biogeographic
comparative study will be presented in a search for subtler biogeographic
patterns in the data.
WAGNER, Peter J., Dept. of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History,
Chicago, IL, USA; and Douglas H. Erwin, Dept. of Paleobiology, National
Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA
Iterative evolution of general shell forms is well known among gastropods,
with many of the basic shell types reflecting function and ecology rather
than common ancestry. However, these basic shell forms have provided the
basis for much of higher taxonomy, especially among Paleozoic clades.
Here we explore temporal and phylogenetic patterns of morphospace occupancy
within a general shell form space among over 600 early (latest CambrianDevonian)
gastropods. We scored species for the following features: two coiling
parameters (Raup's translation and distance of inner margin from coiling
axis); gross aperture shape; long-axis of apertural orientation; apertural
inclination; left-right symmetry of the aperture; slit presence; siphon
presence; and, base shape. Almost all of these features represent compound
traits insofar as different combinations of specific shell features can
produce the same general feature.
General shell characters create clusters similar to traditional classifications.
However, phylogenetic estimates using specific shell features and stratigraphic
data indicate that these clusters are highly polyphyletic. For example,
macluritiforms (nearly-planispiral with flat bases) appear at least seven
times, trochiforms (moderate spire height, inclined apertures, round aperture
shapes) appear at least eight times, and subulitiforms (high spired with
highly asymmetrical apertures and siphons) appear at least five times.
However, the clusters not phylogenetically random: 6 of 7 macluritiforms
and 7 of 8 trochiform groups come from the euomphaloid clade whereas all
five subulitiform groups come from the murchisonoid clade. Also, Monte
Carlo tests reject the hypothesis that phylogeny alone explains species
distributions in the general character space. These results corroborate
two ideas: (1) general forms are largely shaped by functional biology;
and (2) similar functional morphologies evolved repeatedly.
WALTON, Anne H., Pratt Museum of Natural History, Amherst College, Amherst,
MA, USA; Read D. Porter, Dept. of Geology, Amherst College, Amherst, MA,
USA; and Ronald M. Adkins, Dept. of Biology, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA, USA
A cladistic analysis of the Sciuravidae (extinct rodents from North America)
and postulated descendant taxa, performed using mainly dental characters,
yielded a potential calibration point for molecular clock models. A crown
clade, composed of early members of the living superfamilies Muroidea
and Dipodoidea (the Myodonta), diverged from Geomyoidea and more basal
extinct Myomorpha (including Sciuravidae) during the Eocene. Fossils bracket
this split between the Wasatchian-Bridgerian boundary (~50 MA) and the
earliest Uintan (~46 MA). The origin of the Myodonta can be compared to
another well-documented divergence the Mus-Rattus split at 13.7511.8
MA (Jacobs and Downs 1994). Two sets of DNA sequence data are sufficiently
well-sampled taxonomically and conserved to show this node without ambiguity:
exon 10 of the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene (Adkins et al. ms),
and exon 11 of the breast cancer susceptibility (BRCA1) gene (Walton and
Adkins, ms.) For both data sets genetic distance per million years is
1325% greater for the Mus-Rattus split than the nonmyodont-myodont
split. The rate of nucleotide substitutions in mice and rats is known
to be higher than in other mammal groups (Li et al. 1990); these results
suggest rate changes within the lineage of Suborder Myomorpha.
WANG, Steve C., Dept. of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
Do mass extinctions such as the "Big Five" grade continuously
into the background extinctions occurring throughout the history of life,
or are they a qualitatively distinct phenomenon that cannot be explained
by processes responsible for background extinction?
Various criteria have been proposed for addressing this question, including
approaches based on physical mechanisms, ecological selectivity, and statistical
characterizations. Statistical approaches typically examine quantitative
characteristics of mass extinctions (such as metrics of extinction intensity)
and compare them to the distribution of such characteristics associated
with background extinctions. If mass extinctions are outliers or are separated
by a gap from background extinctions, the distinctness of mass extinctions
is supported.
In this presentation, we propose a new statistical approach to testing
for the continuity of mass extinctions by applying kernel density estimation
and bootstrap modality testing. The advantage of this method is that it
does not depend on arbitrary choices of parameters (such as bin widths
for histograms), and provides a direct estimate of the significance of
continuities or gaps in observed extinction intensities. We are thus able
to rigorously test whether differences between mass extinctions and background
extinctions are statistically significant.
In our method, we assume the existence of an underlying probability density
function of extinction intensities from which observed extinctions are
sampled. We estimate this density function using kernel density estimation.
A unimodal density estimate implies that mass extinctions are the right
tail of a continuous spectrum of extinctions; a bimodal density estimate
implies that mass extinctions are a distinct phenomenon. We use a bootstrap
critical bandwidth test to assess the statistical significance of the
observed unimodality or bimodality.
We apply the methodology to Sepkoski's database of Phanerozoic marine
WANG, Xiangdong, Shuzhong Shen, and Yugan Jin, Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology
and Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Marine faunal change prior the Lopingian, which had been viewed as a
statistical artifact of a poor fossil record, now appears to be a discrete
episode of the End-Permian Extinction. Crinoids, tabulate and rugose corals,
bryozaon and fusulinid foraminifera suffered a significant decline near
the Guadalupian-Lopingian boundary. Because of the correlation of the
extinction level is pending, the duration of this episode and whether
it is simultaneous across the globe remain unexamined. Based on the proposed
global stratotype for the Guadalupiab-Lopingian boundary in South China
and a global of the Lopingian, we made a survey of this biotic change
in selected sections in Tethyan, Perigondwana, Arctic, and the continental
interior basins of Pangean. The survey shows this crisis was coincident
with a major global sea level fall above the Jinogondolella xuanhanensisi
Zone of the latest Capitanian, which drained the shallow epi-continental
seas of the Gondwana, North America and Boreal Realms. The endemic faunas
in these epi-continental seas were extinguished as their habitats were
eliminated. However, no significant declination of fossils can be detected
across the boundary in the Salt Range. In Tethys, benthic groups that
flourished on carbonate platform such as the corals, fusulinids and bryozoans,
suffered a significant decline, but the survivors did not produce any
new families during the Lopingian. Turnover occurred among brachiopods,
ammonoids and conodonts, although diversity remained essentially the same
during the Lopingian. Non-fusulinid foraminifera, bivalves and gastropods
did not show distinctive changes at the family and generic levels. A depletion
of d13C carb occurs near the base of the Clarkina dukouensis
Zone. To the continental sequences, only the Upper Tatarian is corresponding
with the Lopingian Series. Though the boundary closes to the turning point
of litho- and biostratigraphic changes, there is no catastrophic event.
WANI, Ryoji, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University,
Tokyo, Japan
Taphonomic attributes of ammonoid shells in the Upper Cretaceous of northwestern
Hokkaido, Japan, depend heavily on the nature of the lithofacies. Focused
attributes are: fragmentation rate (FR); patterns of ammonoid-size distribution
(SD) and mean size (MS); concentration rate (CR); occurrence of heteromorphs
(OH); and the number of total individuals (TI). All the results are classified
into the following four taphofacies, which were influenced by the differences
in the energy levels of sedimentary environments.
Taphofacies 1: Almost all ammonoids are fragmented (FR=96.88%). MS (25.97
mm) and the pattern of SD are almost same as taphofacies 2 and 3A. CR
is small (2.46) and OH is high (59.38%). Ammonoids rarely occur (TI=32).
Taphofacies 2: About three-quarters ammonoids are fragmented (FR=76.79%).
MS (32.81 mm) and the pattern of SD are almost same as taphofacies 1 and
3A. CR (3.50) is large. OH (64.73%) is the highest within four taphofacies.
Ammonoids occur abundantly (TI=224).
Taphofacies 3A: More than 60% of ammonoids are fragmented (FR=64.88%).
MS (31.25 mm) and the pattern of SD is almost same as taphofacies 1 and
2. CR (3.80) is the largest within four taphofacies. OH is low (26.83%).
Ammonoids occur abundantly (TI=410).
Taphofacies 3B: About half the ammonoids are fragmented (FR=51.65%).
MS (64.95 mm) is largest and the pattern of SD is a little different from
the others because of abundant occurrences of large ammonoids. CR (2.17)
is the smallest and OH is low (27.47%). Ammonoids rarely occur (TI=91).
These taphofacies correspond to such lithofacies as sandstone with some
cross-bedding (taphofacies 1), intensively bioturbated sandy siltstone
(taphofacies 2), siltstone with frequent intercalations of thick storm
sand layers (taphofacies 3A), and siltstone with less frequent intercalations
of thin storm sand layers (taphofacies 3B), respectively.
WARDLAW, Bruce R., Nancy R. Stamm, and David R. Soller, U.S. Geological
Survey, Reston, VA, USA
The National Paleontological Database (Paleodata) is a component of the
USGS Geologic Map Database (, which
has several linked map and support map internet databases. Paleodata is
still in the prototype phase of development. The Map Catalog component
is 60 percent complete and the Geological Names Lexicon (Geolex) is 80
percent complete.
The Paleodata prototype was developed using Microsoft Access, ArcView,
and HTML programs for Manhattan, KS and Guadalupe Peak, TX 1:100,000 scale
maps. These quadrangles display the active interplay of stratigraphic
information, fossil information, and geologic map information, all tied
to a digital topographic map. Information provided includes columnar section,
stratigraphic distribution of samples, fossils identified for each sample,
and photographs of selected fossils tied to their museum repository numbers.
Because the data is so variable, from hand written script of G.H. Girty
(1891) to modern fossil distributions and photo-identifications, the quality
and detail necessarily varies, but all information is made available.
Problems in serving these detailed fossil records include the concerns
of several land management agencies about openly accessible locality information.
We propose to provide to the public the general paleontologic information,
and advise accredited researchers to attain access to sensitive information
from local land managers. Upon completion, Paleodata will contain data
from authoritative published references, and the Paleontology and Stratigraphy
E & R informal reports, a 100+ year legacy of all fossils examined
and reported on by USGS paleontologists for geologic mapping projects.
The paleontologic data complements the geologic map information available
from the Map Catalog and the stratigraphic names reference source available
from Geolex. Geolex provides reference summaries to all the geologic unit
names and will be directly accessible from the map or stratigraphic section.
WATKINS, Rodney, Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Silurian (Wenlockian) reefs of the Racine Formation in SE Wisconsin and
NE Illinois show a general increase in size and ecologic complexity over
a north-south distance of about 220 km. Around Grafton, in the northern
part of this area, reefs reach 60 m in breadth and 315 m thick.
In the Milwaukee area, reefs reach over 140 m in breadth and up to 20
m thick, and furthest south, the Thornton reef is 2.7 km in breadth and
over 90 m thick. Increasing size along the reef trend is accompanied by
greater variety of reef lithology, increased abundance of flank beds,
and increase in species diversity. Pentamerid brachiopods show an increasing
diversity from one to six species southward along the reef tract, paralleling
the increase in reef size (Watkins. 1998. Paläontologische Zeitschrift
72:99). Trimerellid brachiopods, which are comparable to pentamerids in
medium to large size, lack of attachment, and extensive posterior shell
thickness, show an opposite sense of distribution. Highest diversity occurs
in the small northern reefs, which contain Rhinobolus davidsoni
Hall & Clarke, Dinobolus conradi (Hall), Monomerella greenii
Hall & Clarke, and Monomerella prisca Billings. In the Milwaukee
area, reefs contain D. conradi, M. prisca, and Trimerella
sp., and at Thornton, in the south, Monomerella ovata Whiteaves
and M. prisca are present. Both pentamerids and trimerellids shared
the same life habit of large, free-lying, posteriorly-weighted sediment
recliners, and their reverse trends in distribution may reflect ecologic
competition in Racine reefs.
WATSON, Elizabeth B., and Frances Malamud-Roam, Dept. of Geography, University
of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Although San Francisco Bay was formerly ringed with about 190,000 acres
of tidal marsh habitat, due to diking, filling, and salt pond construction,
there are currently only about 40,000 acres remaining. Areas of moist
grassland, vernal pool habitat, mudflats, natural salt pans, and riparian
woodland have declined similarly. This loss of wetland has led to increasing
interest in the restoration and conservation of remaining wetland resources
in the San Francisco Bay/Delta region. While paleoecological studies of
such areas are rarely done prior to project planning, the possible contribution
of such data is underealized.
In this study, we summarize knowledge of vegetation change in coastal
marshes of the San Francisco Bay area throughout the past 3,000 years,
gathered through pollen and isotopic proxies. We report on a survey of
managers and restoration professionals in order to evaluate the sources
of knowledge brought to local and regional restoration projects. Furthermore,
we examine case studies outlining the use of paleoecological data in local
conservation projects. Through this data, we discuss variations in salinity
regimes, knowledge of sedimentation history, future prospects for Bay
Area wetlands in regards to sea level rise, and conflicts between environmental
history and project goals. Paleoecology can contribute uniquely to an
historical study of marshes undertaken as part of comprehensive site assessment,
while partnerships between wetland management and research should be strengthened.