• Congratulations are due!
To Edward Davis, recipient of the George D. Louderback Award. Edward will use these funds along with funds from the Geological Society of America (GSA) to support his fieldwork in Nevada and for trips to the Los Angeles County Museum and the American Museum of Natural History.
To Samantha Hopkins and Jaqueline Moustakas, recipients of Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support their ongoing research. Samantha for her study on the evolution of ecology in aplodontoid rodents; Jackie for her research on dermal ossifications in reptiles.
To Bob Feranec, Andrew Lee and Matt Wedel, selected as Outstanding Graduate Student Instructors for 2003 by the Department of Integrative Biology.
To Crissy Huffard, Brian Kraatz, and Matt Wedel, accepted as Graduate Fellows of the Berkeley Natural History Museums GK12 Exploring California Biodiversity program. Find out more here.
To Brian Kraatz, recipient of an Evolving Earth Foundation grant, a Graduate Student Research Grant from GSA, and a Grants-in-Aid of Research Program (GIAR) award from Sigma Xi. Brian will use these funds to support his field activities in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia this summer, focusing on the revision of local
stratigraphy to better understand mammalian faunal change during the Oligocene in continental Asia.
To Scott Nichols, co-recipient of the Best Student Oral Presentation for the Division of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology at Januarys Annual Meeting for the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology.
To Kevin Padian, whose new book, De Darwin aux dinosaures: Essai sur líidée díévolution, has just been published in France by Odile Jacob.
To Liz Perotti and Nick Pyenson, who both passed their oral exams this semester. Nick is also the recipient of the Remington Kellogg Award and plans to use the funds to support his travel to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. to study the extensive fossil and extant cetacean collections at the National Museum of Natural History.
To Sarah Rieboldt, recipient of the Dorothy K. Palmer Award award, which will allow her to focus her time and energy on her dissertation on Cambrian brachiopods.
To James W. Valentine, who will be receiving the Lapworth Medal from the Palaeontological Association in recognition of his outstanding research contributions to paleontology. The Medal will be awarded in December 2004 during the Associations annual meeting in France (see photos on next page).