Congratulations are due!
To Bob Feranec, who has been chosen as the recipient of this years Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Predoctoral Fellowship. The award is intended to promote a professional career in vertebrate paleontology
by allowing the recipient greater freedom to pursue research during the final stages of the doctoral
program and recognizes (1) scholarly contributions to the field of vertebrate paleontology,
including the dissertation project; (2) professional activity within the field of vertebrate paleontology;
and (3) promise of a productive and important professional role in vertebrate paleontology. Bobs
research focuses on understanding the paleoecological consequences of the evolution of key adaptations
in ancient mammals, in particular the evolution of hypsodont teeth by ungulates in the early Miocene of
North America.
To Alan Shabel who recently passed
his oral exams. Alans research focuses on hominid paleontology.
A new digital project
UCMP is working on a new pilot project along with several Bay Area science teachers, the Digital Library
for Earth Systems Education, San Francisco State University, the USGS in Menlo Park, and the California
Science Teachers Association. Its purpose is to develop digital teaching units/resources to support the
teaching of geoscience concepts. This effort will build on the resources already available on the
DLESE site and on the conceptual framework developed by teachers from
West Contra Costa County who participated in the Geosciences in Alaska program in the summer of 2002.
In our last print issue (August 2003), a dentary on page 5 was mistakenly identified as being from Aelurodon taxoides, a wolf-sized predator. It actually belongs to an extinct camel. We regret the error.
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October, 2003