A note from the Director
Taking steps toward new exhibits for UCMPby David Lindberg |
Many of you will undoubtedly remember the exhibits and mounted skeletons in McCone Hall (a.k.a. the Earth Sciences Building) that were part of the Museums surroundings for over 30 years. Attracting visitors of all ages, these exhibits also played an important role in both graduate and undergraduate education. In the early 90s the exhibits were studied by over 10% of UCB undergraduates through courses such as Oceanography, Dinosaurs, Marine Mammals, and Biology 1B. Im sure that those of you who have visited our new quarters in the Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB) have marveled at the T. rex and Pteranodon occupying the main atrium just outside of the Museum. You may have also wondered why our exhibits now seem so limited in scope. The Museums benefactress, Miss Annie Alexander, requested that UCMP display its fossils so that others might see the amazing fossil plants and animals collected on expeditions which she herself generously supported and, in many cases, personally |
enjoyed. This request has always been honored by the University and when the floor plans for VLSB were prepared, public display space equivalent to the amount in McCone Hall was built into the first, second and third floor areas near the main atrium. However, due to budgetary constraints, only the cases on the second floor received their glass fronts while the remaining cases remained unfinished alcoves. Until now! Thanks to the generous support of Vice Chancellor Joseph Cerny, funds were secured to enable us to complete the third floor cases and the south case on the first floor. These cases were fitted with glass fronts and uni-strut supports for specimens and shelving. I am also pleased to tell you that the north case on the first floor has been reserved for an aquarium display (pictured on the next page) that will feature living and fossil invertebrates. The UCMP Exhibits Committee, chaired by