Locality Description Image Map

Locality Description

These tables contain the data which describe the physical location, lithology, age and biostratigraphy of any locality.


The main locality table.

Field NameDescription1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
LocPrefix Locality prefix. For compatibility with existing records
Alpha, 2 characters
Long Integer
Geog Location of site
Geography Short Integer
MapName Map on which locality is marked
Map Alpha, 40 characters
GeolTime Age of locality
GeolTime Short Integer
RockUnitNo Rock unit fossils were found in
RockUnit Short Integer
LandownerNo Property ownerLandowner Long Integer
Alpha, 80 characters
Latitude Stored in decimal degreesNumber
Longitude stored in decimal degreesNumber
Variance Amount of uncertainty in latitude/longitude measurementsAlpha, 20 characters
Township Alpha, 3 characters
Range Alpha, 3 characters
Sections Alpha, 3 characters
Meridian Meridian referenced by Township Range Section valuesAlpha, 25 characters
Description Description to enable relocation of localityMemo, 50 characters displayed
CollectDate Date of first collection at localityAlpha, 25 characters
EntryDate date record entered in databaseDate
EnteredBy Data Entry personnelPerson Long Integer


Biostratigraphic zonation units such as land mammal ages, pollen zones.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º IndexForeign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
BiozoneName Name of biozone unit.
Alpha field, 25 characters
BiozoneParent GeolTime Long Integer


Committee table allowing multiple biozones to be linked to a locality.

Field Name Description1º Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Locality Alpha, 2 characters
Locality Long Integer
Biozones Long Integer


Elevation of a locality, where available.

Field Name Description1º Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Locality Alpha, 2 characters
Locality Long Integer
Elev Locality elevation, measured in meters Alpha, 15 characters


A hierarchical authority table for geographic entities.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
GeogRankNo GeogRank Long Integer
GeogName Name of geographic entity
Alpha, 120 characters
GeogParentNo Recursive key for hierarchical relationship Long Integer
GeogAncestry Simplifies SQL queries for hierarchical searches
Alpha, 40 characters

Alternative Geography

This table provides an authority table of alternative names for geographic entities. For example, many of our records refer to Burma, rather than Myanmar. However, it is not UCMP's intention to track all geographic name changes, merely those that affect our older records.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
GeogNo Geography Long Integer
AltName Alternate name of geographic entity (e.g. British West Africa)
Alpha, 120 characters

Geographic Rank

This table stores the accepted ranks of geographic entities, such as state, county.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
GeogRank Rank of geographic entity (e.g., country, county).
Alpha, 60 characters

Geologic Time

This table uses a hierarchical structure to store geologic time units.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
TimeUnit Name of time or rock-time unit
Alpha, 80 characters
ParentNo Recursive key for hierarchical relationship Long Integer
TimeAncestry Simplifies SQL queries for hierarchical searches
Alpha, 40 characters
UpperpickMa Age of upper limit of unit, in millions of years Number
LowerpickMa Age of lower limit of unit, in millions of years.
Authority Reference for time intervals ReferenceLong Integer

Local Lithology

This table is used to store lithological descriptions at each locality.

Field Name Description1º Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Locality Alpha, 2 characters
LocalityNo Used to maintain multiple lithologies per locality
Locality Long Integer
Short integer
Lithology Lithological description Memo, 20 characters displayed


This table stores map information for our map collection.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
MapName Quad name (name of map)
Alpha, 40 characters
MapNo Long Integer
MapSource Map Publisher Alpha, 25 characters
MapEd Edition of map Alpha, 8 characters
MapScale Scale of map Long Integer
Projection Alpha, 10 characters

Rock Unit

A hierarchical table for information about described lithological units.

Field Name Description1º Key 2º Index Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
UnitName Name of rock unit (e.g. Hell Creek).
Alpha, 30 characters
UnitRank Rank of unit (e.g. Formation)
Alpha, 15 characters
UnitParent RockUnitNo of parent unit. Recursive key for hierarchical relationship Long Integer
UnitAncestry Simplifies SQL queries for hierarchical searches
Alpha, 40 characters


This table is used to store information about core samples.

Field Name Description1º Key Foreign KeyParadox Field
Locality Alpha, 2 characters
Locality Long Integer
Locality Suffix Used to denote different cores from a locality
Alpha, 80 characters
CoreDepth Measured in metric units. Alpha, 15 characters