The Nautilus

Instructions to Authors

THE NAUTILUS publishes papers on all aspects of the biology and systematics of mollusks. Manuscripts describing original, unpublished research as well as review articles will be considered. Brief articles, not exceeding 1000 words, will be published as notes and do not require an abstract. Notices of meetings and other items of interest to Malacologists will appear in a news and notices section.


Each original manuscript and accompanying illustrations should be submitted in triplicate. Text must be typed on one side of 8 1/2 X 11 inch white paper, double spaced throughout (including literature cited, tables and figure captions), with at least 1 inch of margin on all sides. all pages must be numbered consecutively. If printed on a word processor. the right margin should be ragged rather than justified. Authors should follow the recommendations of the Council of Biology Editors Style-Manual, which is available from the Council of Biology Editors, Inc., 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda. MD 20814, U.S.A. The first mention of a scientific name in the text should be accompanied by the taxonomic authority, including, year. Latin names and words to be printed in italics must be underlined, leave other indications to the editor. Metric and Celsius units are to be used.

The sequence of sections should be: title page, abstract page, introduction, materials and methods. results, discussion. acknowledgments, literature cited, tables, figure Captions, figures. The title page should include the title, authors name(s) and address(es). The abstract page should contain the title and abstract, which should summarize in 250 words or less the scope, main results and conclusions of the paper. The abstract may be followed by a maximum of 8 key words. All references cited in the text must appear in the literature cited section and vice versa. In the literature cited section, all authors must be fully identified and listed alphabetically. Follow a recent issue of 'THE NAUTILUS' for bibliographic style, noting that journal titles must be unabbreviated. Information on plates and figures should be cited only if not included in the pagination. Tables must be numbered and each placed on a separate sheet. A brief legend must accompany each table. Captions for each group of illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet and include a key to all lettered labeling appearing in that group of illustrations.

All line drawings must be in black, high quality ink, clearly detailed and completely labeled. Photographs must be on glossy, high contrast paper. All figures are to be consecutively numbered (figs. 1, 2, 3, . NOT figs. la, lb, 1c.... NOR plate 1, fig. 1 ... ). Illustrations must be arranged in proportions that will conform with the width of a page (6Yt inches or 171 mm) or a column (3X inches or 82 mm). The maximum size of a printed figure is 6.7 by 9 inches or 171 by 228 mm. All illustrations must be fully cropped, mounted on a firm, white backing, numbered, labeled and camera ready. The author's name, paper title and figure number(s) - should appear on the back. Original illustrations must be between one and two times the desired final size. It is the author's responsibility that the line weight and lettering are appropriate for the desired reduction. Original illustrations will be returned to the author if requested. Color illustrations can be included at extra cost to the author.

Voucher Material:

Deposition of type material in a recognized public museum is a requirement for publication of papers in which new species are described. Deposition of representative voucher specimens in such institutions is strongly encouraged for all other types of research papers.

Processing of Manuscripts:

Upon receipt, every manuscript is acknowledged and sent for critical review by at least two referees. These reviews serve as the basis for acceptance or rejection. Accepted manuscripts are returned to the author for consideration of the reviewers' comments. A finalized version of the manuscript is returned to the editor and sent to press. Two sets of proofs are sent to the author for correction. Changes other than typesetting errors will be charged to the author at cost. One set of corrected proof's should be sent to the editor as soon as possible. Authors with institutional, grant or other research support will be billed for page charges at the rate of $60.00 per printed page.

An order form for reprints will accompany the proofs. Reprints are to be ordered through the editor.


Manuscripts, corrected proofs and correspondence regarding editorial matters should be sent to: Dr. M.G. Harasewych, Editor, Division of Mollusks, NHB stop 118, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560, USA.

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