Cibicides hodgei (43718)
-------------- TAXONOMIC INFORMATION --------------
Informal Group Name: foraminifera, benthic
Family: Anomalinidae
Genus: Cibicides
Species: hodgei
Subspecies: wilsoni var.
UCMP Type number: 43718
Status: holotype--
-------------- LOCALITY INFORMATION --------------
Continent or Ocean: North America
Country: U.S.A.
State: California
County: Santa Barbara Co.
System: Cenozoic
Period: Paleogene
Epoch: Oligocene
Formation: Alegria Fm
UCMP Locality Number: B-6915.0000-
-------------- CITATION INFORMATION --------------
First Author: Kleinpell, R.M.
Additional Authors: Weaver, D.W.
Citation Date: 1963/ /
Title: Foraminiferal faunas from the Gaviota and Algeria formations
Publication: University of California Publications in Geological Sciences
Volume: 43
Page: 182
Illustrations: Pl.16,Fig.1
Cited Type Number: UCMP 43718