How can you interpret the events illustrated at the left?
Which is the oldest event? The youngest?
In order to sequence events, there are several principles to keep
in mind:
- Original horizontality
- Superposition
- Lateral continuity
- Fossil succession
As well as these related concepts:
- Cross-cutting
- Unconformities
Original horizontality:
Initially, sedimentary rocks are lying flat.
The oldest layers are on the bottom; the younger on top.
Lateral Continuity:
When sediments are initially deposited, they are
continuous across the depositional area. If that continuity
is disrupted by an event, the layers can be correlated to different
parts of the basin. The two layers designated by the red arrows
were initially continuous, but have since been offset. |
These are units that cut through other layers. They are
younger than the host rock. The orange layer “C” is such
an intrusion.
These are erosion surfaces, hiatuses, or gaps
in time, such as the erosion surface shown by the red arrow.
Based on the previous information then, the order of the events
in the slide from oldest to youngest are:
Layers in “d” are deposited. Fault “b” breaks and offsets the layers.
Intrusion “c” occurs. Erosion of “d, b, and c” occur creating an
unconformity. Units “e” are deposited and later eroded.