Lines of Evidence for Past Change:
Energy transfer, transportation,
and deposition
Where Does All the Sediment Go?
Image courtesy UCMP
SF Bay: A Modern Sedimentary Basin
Circulation within the bay
Where does the sediment come from?
Note the large watershed draining to SF Bay
Image courtesy
SF Bay: Where Else Does the Sediment Come From?
Hydraulic gold mining, 1890
Streams of water wash material through bedrock cuts.
Placer gold mining, 1930
Woman using a rocker at a placer mine.
Images courtesy
SF Bay: Human Alteration
Green = Wetlands
Red = Population Centers
Yellow Dots = Major Earthquakes
images from 1850, 1900, 1940, 1990
Image from Andersen et al., 2001, USGS Bulletin 2188
SF Bay: Alcatraz Dredge Disposal Site
Bay floor, 1890s style
Alteration of the bay floor
Modern-day bathymetry
Note growth of the mound
Images courtesy http://sfbay.wr.usgs.gov/access/mapping/multibeam/alcatraz1894.html
Interpreting the Sedimentary Record
Image courtesy
Laws of Stratigraphy:
- Original horizontality
- Superposition
- Lateral continuity
- Fossil succession
Related Concepts:
- Cross-cutting relationships
- Unconformities
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