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Exploring Heat and Density:

The Big Ideas about Heat

Focus Question: What is heat?

Heat is a form of energy produced by different sources.
Sources of heat include:

  • the sun

  • the Earth’s core

  • chemical reactions

  • radioactivity

  • friction

Focus Question: What happens when the amount of heat changes?

A. Adding heat:

  • causes molecules to move more quickly to most liquids and gases

  • causes them to expand - become less dense

B. Removing heat:

  • causes molecules to move more slowly from most liquids and gases

  • causes them to contract – become more dense

C. Adding or removing heat can change the state of a gas, liquid, or solid.

Focus Question: How does heat travel?

A. Conduction

  • Heat travels differently through materials by conduction.

  • Some materials are better conductors than others.

  • The transfer of heat by direct contact of particles of matter causes molecules to move more quickly.

B. Convection

  • Heat travels through fluids by convection.

  • The transfer of heat between warmer and cooler gases and liquids creates currents.


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