Home | Session 1 | Lisa D. White

Lisa D. White

San Francisco State University

Lisa WhiteLisa D. White is a Professor of Geology and Chair of the Geosciences Department at San Francisco State University where she has been a faculty member since 1990. She received Ph.D. in earth sciences from University of California at Santa Cruz in 1989. Dr. White has extensive experience with science outreach programs for urban students and she is active in efforts to increase diversity in the geosciences. She is the principal investigator of a five-year grant recently awarded to the SFSU Geosciences Department by the National Science Foundation, "Reaching Out to Communities and Kids with Science in San Francisco" (SF-ROCKS). The project aims to increase the number of traditionally underrepresented students in the geosciences by engaging SF Unified School District high school students in supervised environmental research projects and training.

She coordinated the Minority Participation in the Earth Sciences (MPES) Program at the U.S. Geological Survey from 1988-1995, supervised the NASA Sharp-Plus program at San Francisco State in 1994, and she was recently appointed (2000) to chair the Geological Society of America (GSA) Committee on Minorities and Women in the Geosciences. She is a micropaleontologist by training (specializing in fossil diatoms) and has distinguished herself equally as a teacher, researcher, and mentor as she continues to work and publish on the stratigraphy of siliceous and organic-rich rocks around the Pacific Rim. At SFSU she teaches classes in paleontology, the history of life, and oceanography.


updated October, 2002

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