Dilophosaurus brought to life by:
rpg: Added an introductory page; included Sam Welles audio clips; manufacture of the images. 4/4/94
agc: Minor additions. 2/21/94, 11/7/94
arf: addition of search form. 04/26/94, 11/09/94
jrh: reformatting and new pictures. 12/3/95
brs: Typos corrected and minor refomatting. 12/8/95
jrh: New Closeup page finished. "I'm happy now." 12/11/95
brs: Images polished, new quick-loading format. 2/10/97
Dave Smith: Minor design changes; attempts to improve some images. 7/22/05
Dave Smith: Replaced main images on intro, details, and habits pages after the discovery of original scans. 9/19/05
Dave Smith: Applied UCMP style sheet; added footer includes. 11/8/05