It was the general consensus at the 4th Internation Meeting of the Hydrozoan Society in Bodega, California (September, 1998) that a page of this sort would be desirable.

Allen Collins began working on these pages during September, 1998.

With the help of Jennifer Johnson, he made an additional Hydrozoan Society logo (left) because the old "Super Nando" logo (right) was so often mistaken for a pair of lungs. A second logo was crafted from images that initially resembled scans of figures from Dale Calder's "Hydroids and Hydromedusae of Southern Chesapeake Bay.

Background images on the pages are modified from photographs of Colobonema by Todd Zimmerman or an Obelia colony from BIODIDAC.

Allen coopted and modified a Guestbook Script Written by Matt Wright in order to automate the HS Member's List and the Project Hydrozoa Initial Gathering of Information.