About UCMP : UCMP newsletter

Web notes & Calendar

Calendar of
upcoming events

March 3, 2012
UCMP short course: Evolution is the only explanation — Join experts in a look at extraordinary courtship behaviors, ornamentation and display, adaptations to severe conditions, and means of communicating, eating, and reproducing in animals. See the short course page for more info.

April 21, 2012
Cal Day: UCMP's Cal Day open house — A day of family fun, displays, tours, and more. Watch our website for more details.

July 30-August 3, 2012
Think evolution IV: a summer institute for science educators — Five fun-filled days of evolutionary explorations with biologists and educators at the University of California. Watch our website for more details.


Are you keeping up with our blog? Accessible from our home page and from Facebook, this is a great way for you to keep up with UCMP news, activities, and web features! In January alone we featured three blogs written by UCMP graduate students:

And don't forget that each month we add new features to both the Understanding Evolution and Understanding Science websites, and you can subscribe to receive a monthly email on these updates. Just visit the home page for each of the sites and click on "Subscribe."