Introduction | Biographical chronology | Series description | Partial list of correspondents
Funding for processing was provided by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
The collection is open for research at the Museum of Paleontology, with permission from the Museum Director. Contact the museum for further information.
Publication rights
All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Director or the Principal Museum Scientist for forwarding. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Museum of Paleontology as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader.
Number of containers: 11 boxes, 6 cartons
Linear feet: 22.5
Processed by
Robin P. Walker
Date completed
January, 2004
Preferred citation
[Identification of item], [collection name & number], University of California Museum of Paleontology
Biographical chronology
1907 | Born in Gloucester, Massachusetts on November 9 to Paul Irving Welles and Annie Louise Kraus. |
1911 | Welles family moved to Berkeley, California. |
1924 | Welles graduated from Berkeley High School. |
1930 | Graduated with B.A.s in history, military science, and political science from UC Berkeley. Began working under Dr. William D. Matthew as a Laboratory Preparator for the Museum of Paleontology in Bacon Hall. |
1931 | Museum moves from Bacon Hall to the Hearst Mining Building. Welles took first field expedition, spending the summer in Hagerman, Idaho. On December 14, Welles married his first wife, Harriet Giles. |
1932 | Went with Ruben A. Stirton on an expedition to the Pliocene of Texas. Then worked with Dr. Charles Camp (see the Charles Lewis Camp Papers) at the Placerias Quarry near St. Johns, Arizona in the Late Triassic Chinle Formation. At the Placerias Quarry, Welles meets with Annie Montague Alexander (see the Annie Montague Alexander Papers)and her partner Louise Kellogg. |
1933 | Accompanies R.A. Stirton on his Nebraska expedition. Later, joins Charles Camp in the Placerias Quarry. |
1934 | Went to Placerias Quarry with R.A. Stirton for a second time. |
1935 | Took over direction of the vertebrate preparators in a WPA project in the Permian of Arroyo de Agua. |
1937 | Prospected in the New Mexico Permian near Jemez Springs and Glorieta. Also, excavated a plesiosaur (Hydrotherosaurus alexandrae) in the Panoche Hills, the cleaning and preparation of which was performed by Welles’ WPA crew. |
1938 | Discovered and excavated a labyrinthodont near Meteor Crater in Arizona in an area his party names Meteor Crater Quarry. |
1939 | Promoted to Assistant Curator of Reptiles and Amphibians and Superintendent of the WPA project in the Museum. Collected at Holbrook Quarry, west of Holbrook, Arizona, and began first major excavation at Meteor Crater Quarry. |
1940 | Earned Doctorate in Paleontology with a dissertation on Cretaceous plesiosaurs. Appointed as a part-time lecturer in the UC Berkeley Department of Paleontology. Joined Charles Camp in the Permian beds in Arizona, east of Sedona. Returned to Holbrook Quarry to complete the excavation. |
1941 | Collected several labyrinthodont skulls, as well as a complete labyrinthodont skeleton in the Moenkopi south of Winslow, Arizona. |
1942 | Traveled to Little Colorado Valley with Charles Camp to collect in the Permian beds of Monument Valley. Also excavated in the early Jurassic Kayenta Formation, where he discovered and did extensive research on Dilophosaurus wetherilli (hear Sam describe Dilophosaurus in this special exhibit). |
1943-45 | Worked as a Second Lieutenant with Engineering, Science, and Management, War Training organizing training programs in Bay Area shipyards. |
1944 | Welles appointed Senior Museum Curator and joined the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. |
1945 | Joined an expedition at Indian Creek, Utah, where he found a labyrinthodont skull. |
1946 | Welles again joined Charles Camp in prospecting the Moenkopi exposures east of Dinosaur National Monument. Found more labyrinthodont bones. Welles’ title changed to Principal Museum Curator and Lecturer. |
1947 | Excavated, with his students, a site which came to be known as Cameron Quarry. Charles Camp goes on African Expedition, and Welles appointed Acting Director of the Museum of Paleontology. Welles’ title changed to Principal Museum Paleontologist and Lecturer. |
1948 | Elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America and was a delegate to the 18th International Geological Congress in London. Received a grant form Annie Montague Alexander to study plesiosaurs and labyrinthodonts throughout the United States and Western Europe. |
1949 | Again took a student group to explore the upper Moenkopi in the Colorado River Valley region. Found a rich quarry which they named Caldwell-Day quarry. Began regularly teaching paleontology courses. |
1952 | Welles traveled to Colombia to study a Cretaceous plesiosaur, which he described as Alzadasaurus colombiensis. |
1954 | Welles and his family joined Charles Camp’s family at the Berlin-Ichthyosaur site in Nevada. Welles also went to the Moenkopi and Chinle Formations in Arizona. |
1955 | Prospected near Moenkopi Village and Panoche Hills. |
1957 | Became President of the George P. Louderback Fund, serving in that capacity until 1975. |
1960 | Museum of Paleontology moves to Earth Sciences Building. Welles elected Vice President of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. |
1961 | With a group of students, Welles collected a plesiosaur skeleton in the Bearpaw Shale near Malta, Montana. |
1963 | Collected a sirenian skeleton from the marine Tertiary beds near Mt. Hermon, CA. |
1964 | Studied the rock sequence at the Dilophosaurus site. |
1965 | Returned to the Meteor Crater Quarry to collect. The following year, Welles returned to the site, which became known as the Jennings Quarry. |
1967 | Studied plesiosaurs in Lincoln, Nebraska. |
1968 | Welles joined Rob Long on a dinosaur study across the U.S. and Canada. Took a dinosaur study trip across Europe to make comparisons with Dilophosaurus. |
1969 | Was a Fullbright Scholar to New Zealand, where he studied marine reptiles. Welles’ findings were published in 1971. |
1972 | Traveled with Rob Long and Robert F. Holland to study footprints in the Kayenta formation. |
1973 | Led a group of students to study archosaurs in various U.S. museums. |
1974 | Retired from his position as Principal Museum Scientist at the University, but continued to work as a Research Associate. |
1981 | Traveled to the Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park to excavate and help preserve the location’s rocks and fossils. |
1986 | Established, with his wife Doris, the Doris O. and Samuel P. Welles Endowment Fund for the study of lower vertebrates. |
1989 | Joined Dr. Kevin Padian‘s expedition to the Placerias Quarry. |
1990 | Studied dinosaur material at the University of Utah, at Dinolab, and at Dinosaur National Monument. |
1991 | Elected an Honorary Life Member of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. |
1992 | Elected Senior Fellow of the Geological Society of America. |
1994 | UC Berkeley Department of Paleontology absorbed into Department of Integrative Biology. |
1997 | Welles died in San Mateo on August 6. |
Series description
Series 1: Correspondence, 1936-1996
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization, with both incoming and outgoing correspondence interfiled. Includes letters written to various museums regarding collections and correspondence regarding fieldwork. A partial list of correspondents containing individuals with four or more letters in the collection follows the key to arrangement. Unlisted letters are in miscellaneous files organized alphabetically.
Container | Contents |
Box 1 | A-Cl |
Box 2 | Cm-F |
Box 3 | G-H |
Box 4 | I-L |
Box 5 | M-O |
Box 6 | P |
Box 7 | R-S |
Box 8 | T-Z |
Series 2: Dinosaur files
Files on various reptiles. Arranged alphabetically by Welles’ original writing on folders (generally alphabetized by family with genus arranged alphabetically within family).
Container | Contents |
Carton 1 | A-Cn |
Carton 2 | Co-G |
Carton 3 | H-Pi |
Carton 4 | Pj-Th |
Carton 5 | Ti-Z |
Series 3: Miscellaneous
Container | Contents |
Box 9 | Miscellaneous articles and clippings related to paleontology. Also contains selected reprints, museum organizational information, and other miscellaneous items. |
Series 4: Photographs
The Sam Welles photograph collection consists of approximately 3,000 photographs, primarily of localities in which Sam Welles worked. The photographs are currently uncatalogued.
Series 5: field notes
Container | Contents |
Box 10-11 | Field notes, 1936-1993(?) |
Partial list of correspondents
Aldrich, Henry R.
7 items, 1952-1956
Alexander, Annie M.
30 items, 1945-1949
Applegate, Shelton P.
6 letters, 1963-1970
Los Angeles County Museum
British Broadcasting Corporation
5 letters, 1972-1974
Re: television series on vertebrate paleontology.
Bailey, Alfred
11 letters, 1952-1969
Denver Museum of Natural History
Baird, Donald
18 letters, 1965-1991
Princeton University
Barnes, Fran
4 letters, 1972-1973
Barry, Tom H.
13 letters, 1965-1974
South African Museum
Beard, Charles Noble
14 letters, 1949-1958
Fresno State College
Bellerphon Books
12 items, 1976-1993
Bilbey, Sue Ann
2 letters, 1990
Utah Field House of Natural History State Park
Bissell, Harold J.
4 Letters, 1970-1976
Brigham Young University
Black, Craig
4 letters, 1968-1972
University of Kansas Natural History Museum
Blows, William T.
6 Letters, 1972-1979
Re: Megalosaurus, etc.
Bonaparte, Jose
22 letters, 1964-1985
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Bonde, Niels
3 letters, 1992-1993
Universitetets Institut for Historisk Geologi og Palaeontologi
Brady, Major L.F.
25 letters, 1938-1961
Museum of Northern Arizona
Brand, Donald
10 letters, 1935-1962
University of Texas and University of New Mexico
Breed, William
60 letters, 1968-1980
Museum of Northern Arizona
Brimhall, Dean
5 letters, 1953
Britt, Brooks
3 letters, 1983
Bronaugh, Richmond
4 letters, 1948-1949
Baylor University
Bump, James D.
25 letters, 1948-1952
South Dakota School of Mines
Bush, Frank E.
5 letters, 1958
Sacramento Junior College
Carpenter, Kenneth
4 letters, 1981-1996
Denver Museum of Natural History
Casmiquela, Radolfo M.
7 letters, 1967-1969
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile
Charig, Alan |
35 letters, 1966-1996
British Museum of Natural History
Chatterjee, Sankar
9 letters, 1982-1996
Denver Museum of Natural History and Texas Tech University Museum
Chure, Dan
4 letters, 1993-1996
Dinosaur National Monument
Clark, James
5 letters, 1981-1982
University of Chicago
Colbert, Edwin
(1) 84 letters, 1945-1954
(2) 68 letters, 1955-1991
American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Northern Arizona
Cooper, Michael
4 letters, 1979-1980
The National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia
Cosgriff, John and Betty
37 letters, 1964-1985
University of Tasmania and Wayne State University
Cott, H. Edward
6 letters, 1953-1956
University of Utah and California Polytechnic
Cox, Barry
7 letters, 1960-1964
American Museum of Natural History
Creole Petroleum Corporation
(G.R. Pierce, George Heyl, A.J. Freie)
10 letters, 1952-1959
Crompton, A.W.
3 letters, 1965-1968
Peabody Museum
Currie, Phillip
7 letters, 1982-1996
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology
Provincial Museum of Alberta
Danson, Edward B.
11 letters, 1958-1970
Museum of Northern Arizona
Daugherty, Lyman
5 letters, 1948-1982
San Jose State College
Denison, Robert H.
4 letters, 1955-1968
Chicago Natural History Museum
Dietrich, W.O.
4 letters, 1948-1949
Geologisch-Palaontologische Institut, und Museum der Universitat
Doberenz, Alexander
8 letters, 1965-1967
University of Arizona
Downs, Theodore
7 letters, 1952-1958
LA County Museum
Eaton, Theodore
6 letters, 1968-1972
University of Kansas Museum of Natural History
Edinger, Tilly
21 letters, 1948-1964
Harvard College Museum of Comparative Zoology
Edmonds, J.M.
7 letters, 1967-1969
University of Chicago Walker Museum
Edmund, Gordon
11 letters, 1955-1973
Royal Ontario Museum
Eriksen, Lance
6 letters, 1977-1980
Historical Museum and Institute of Western Colorado
Erickson, Bruce
5 letters, 1976-1977
The Science Museum of Minnesota
Estes, Richard
44 letters, 1960-1977
Boston University
Flammer, Larry
4 letters, 1967
Del Mar High School
Fleming, Charles A.
7 letters, 1961-1970
New Zealand Geological Survey
Foster, David
4 letters, 1981
Fry, Wayne
6 letters, 1970
UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
Gage, Maxwell
5 letters, 1970-1971
University of Canterbury
Geoffrey, Eugene
9 letters, 1973-1993
American Museum of Natural History
Galton, Peter
38 letters, 1965-1983
Peabody Museum, University of Bridgeport
Gillette, David
5 letters, 1988-1996
Utah State Paleontologist
Glover, Jerry
9 letters, 1969-1974
Creative Casting and Design Studio
California Academy of Sciences
Green, Morton
28 letters, 1948-1968
Baylor University
South Dakota School of Mines
Gregg, Don
49 letters, 1969-1973
Canterbury Museum
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Gregory, Joseph T.
46 letters, 1948-
Peabody Museum of Natural History
UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
Greer, Pratt
24 letters, 1939-1981
Gutmann, Kenneth
5 letters, 1969-1970
Haderlie, E.C.
6 letters, 1957
Monterey Peninsula College
Hagener, Lou W.
6 letters, 1977-1978
Northern Montana College
Hardy, John C.
12 letters, 1953-1955
Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
11 letters, 1970-1977
National Science Museum, Tokyo Japan
Haury, Emil W.
4 letters, 1949-1957
Arizona State Museum
Heintz, Anatol
5 letters, 1949-1950
Paleontologisk Museum, Oslo, Norway
Heppe, Albert
8 letters, 1954
Sonoma Valley Union High School
Herrera, Edgard Aldana
6 letters, 1952-1953
Servicio Geologico Nacional, Bogota, Colombia
Hesse, Curtis
7 letters, 1937-1943
The Museum of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas
Heune, F. von
20 letters, 1947-1955
Institut und Museum fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Germany
Hibbard, C.W.
6 letters, 1951-1954
University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology
Holden, John C.
4 items, 1977
Hooijer, Dick A.
4 letters, 1951-1952
Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie
Hopson, James A.
8 letters, 1964-1981
Peabody Museum of Natural History, University of Chicago
Hotton, Nicholas III
5 letters, 1967-1980
Smithsonian Museum, National Museum of Natural History
Howie, Anne
9 letters, 1967-1970
University of Sydney
Hubach, Enrique
6 letters, 1952-1956
Ministario de Minas y Petroles, Bogota, Colombia
Hughes, Barry
5 letters, 1974-1987
University of Ghana
Hunt, Adrian
7 items, 1990-1991
New Mexico Museum of Natural History
Irby, Grace
4 letters, 1990-1992
Museum of Northern Arizona
Jacobs, Louis
4 letters, 1978
Museum of Northern Arizona
Jain, Sohan L.
16 letters, 1967-1988
Indian Statistical Institute, American Museum of Natural History
Carnegie Museum
Jennings, Charles & Mollie
10 letters, 1965-1980
Jensen, James A.
68 letters, 1966-1986
Brigham Young University
Johnson, Jay
6 letters, 1993
Dinosaur State Park, Connecticut
Jones, William R.
4 letters, 1963
Yosemite National Park
Kermack, Doris M.
11 letters, 1972-1982
Imperial College of Science and Technology
Kirby, Randy
11 letters, 1986-1992
Museum of Northern Arizona
Klandrud, Leonard
10 letters, 1961-1962
Klippel, Robert
7 letters, 1960-1982
Kops, Willi
5 letters, 1949-1950
Kron, Donald
6 letters, 1967-1972
Museum of Northern Arizona
Kuhne, Walter G.
14 letters, 1949-1969
Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut, Berlin
Langston, Wann, Jr.
56 letters, 1952-1996
The University of Texas at Austin
Lewis, G. Edward
8 letters, 1952-1979
US Geological Survey
Lindemann, Franz-Josef
19 letters, 1987-1991
Universitetet Oslo Paleontologisk Museum
Link, Martin
9 letters, 1970-1972
Navajo Tribal Museum
Long, Robert A.
27 letters, 1962-1985
California Polytechnic
Lucas, Spencer G.
5 letters, 1989-1994
New Mexico Museum of Natural History
MacDonald, James Reid
18 letters, 1949-1959
American Museum of Natural History
Madsen, James H.J.
91 letters, 1962-1997
University of Utah
Utah State Paleontologist
Marshall, Larry G.
5 letters, 1976-1977
Museum of Northern Arizona
Maxson, Asa
17 letters, 1940-1954
Mc Grew, Paul
20 letters, 1939-1969
University of Wyoming
Mc Innes, Dale
10 letters, 1966-1976
Mc Kee, Edwin |
27 letters, 1947-1961
Museum of Northern Arizona
Medem, Frederic
6 letters, 1953-1954
Chicago Natural History Museum
Merriam, Charles W.
4 letters, 1954
Miller, Wade E.
8 letters, 1982-1990
Brigham Young University
Milner, Angela C.
4 letters, 1980-1984
British Museum of Natural History
Moisley, Bill
8 letters, 1975-1976
Molnar, Ralph
15 letters, 1974-1993
Morales, Michael
56 letters, 1980-1994
Museum of Northern Arizona
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History
Neal, Arminta
4 letters, 1963-1964
Denver Museum of Natural History
Nicholls, Elizabeth
16 letters, 1970-1991
University of Calgary
Nichols, Rachel
4 letters, 1955-1958
American Museum of Natural History
Nichols, Willis J. (Mrs.)
4 letters, 1963
Olshevsky, George
4 letters, 1973-1988
University of Toronto
Olson, Everett C.
17 letters, 1936-1968
Walker Museum, University of Chicago
Olson, Kenneth H.
11 letters, 1976-1978
Blaine County Museum
Ostrom, John H.
17 letters, 1964-1984
Peabody Museum of Natural History
Otto, William
4 letters, 1956-1958
California Institute of Technology
Paiva, Frank C.
5 letters, 1937-1938
Sun Ray Mining Co.
Parrington, F.R.
4 letters, 1949-1969
University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, England
Paton, Roberta L.
4 letters, 1970-1971
The Department of Geology, The University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England
Patterson, Bryan
5 letters, 1947-1970
Chicago Natural History Museum
Payne, Max B.
5 letters, 1957-1989
Peabody, Frank
28 letters, 1947-1958
University of Kansas Museum of Natural History
Peyer, Bernard
10 letters, 1949-1959
University of Zurich
Phillips, Wendell
9 letters, 1969-1971, 6 articles
Economic Advisor to Sultan Said bin Taimur, King of Oman
Pickering, Stephen
22 letters, 1984-1992
Yeshiva Books
Powell, H. Philip
(1) 29 letters, 1991-1996
(2) 43 letters, 1985-1990
(3) 33 letters, 1980-1984
(4) 31 letters, 1975-1979
(5) 42 letters, 1971-1974
University Museum, Oxford, England
Price, Llewellyn Ivor
10 letters, 1947-1952
American Museum of Natural History
Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia, Brazil
Raath, Michael A.
6 letters, 1973-1980
National Museums and Monuments, Causeway, Rhodesia
Reed, Charles A.
10 letters, 1948-1952
University of Arizona
Reinhart, Roy H.
12 letters, 1950-1964
Panhandle Plains Historical Museum, Canyon, Texas
Miami University
Rensberger, John M.
6 letters, 1967-1968
Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum
Repenning, Charles A.
26 letters, 1952-1955
US Geological Survey
Rich, Tom
20 letters, 1961-1993
Museum of Victoria, Victoria, Australia
Richards, Horace G.
6 letters, 1949-1951
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Roat, Evelyn C.
5 letters, 1971
Museum of Northern Arizona
Robinson, Pamela L.
6 letters, 1960-1975
University College, London
Romer, Alfred S.
42 letters, 1936-1972
Harvard University
Rowe, Timothy
5 letters, 1984-1995
Museum of Northern Arizona
Rusconi, Carlos
5 letters, 1949-1966
Museo de Historia Natural Juan C. Moyano, Mendoza, Argentina
Rush, Richard
7 pamphlets, 3 letters, 1978
Richard Rush Studios
Russel, Dale A.
25 letters, 1962-1984
National Museum of Canada
Ruth, Ferd S.
4 letters, 1961-1962
Diablo Valley College
Savage, Donald E.
10 letters, 1956-1985
Schaeffer, Bobb
36 letters, 1947-1976
American Museum of Natural History
Schultz, C. Bertrand
16 letters, 1949-1969
University of Nebraska
Shishkin, Michael A.
22 letters, 1971-1996
Russian Academy of Sciences
Schuler, Ellis W.
24 letters, 1948-1953
Southern Methodist University
Sellards, E.H.
4 letters, 1947-1949
Texas Memorial Museum
Shikama, Tokio
4 letters, 1955
Yokohama National University, Japan
Sickenberg, O.
5 letters, 1968-1969
Niedersachsisches Landesamt fur Bodenforschung, Germany
Simpson, George G.
7 letters, 1945-1969
American Museum of Natural History
University of Arizona
Slaughter, Bob H.
17 letters, 1958-1974
Dallas Prehistorical Society
Smith, Roy W.
4 letters, 1962-1963
Staebler, Arthur A.
24 letters, 1977-1993
California State University, Fresno
Stengel, Paul
7 letters, 1960-1962
Malta Public Schools, Montana
Sternberg, George F.
7 letters, 1951-1967
Fort Hayes Kansas State College
Stirton, Ruben A.
10 letters, 1936-1964
Stock, Chester
6 letters, 1940-1950
California Institute of Technology
Stocklin, William J.
4 letters, 1963
Mobile Education Project, Washington
Stokes, W. Lee
12 letters, 1968-1977
University of Utah
University of Wyoming
Storrs, Glenn W.
12 letters, 1980-1996
Cincinnati Museum Center
University of Bristol
Stover, Elizabeth M.
7 letters, 1949
University Press in Dallas (Southern Methodist University)
Stromer, Ernst Frhr. Von
4 letters, 1947-1948
Sues, Hans-Dieter
7 letters, 1973-1993
Royal Ontario Museum
Palaeontologisches Institut der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet, Germany
Suttey, Rose C.
5 letters, 1962
San Francisco Public Library
Swinton, Bill
14 letters, 1949-1960
British Museum of Natural History
Taquet, Philippe E.
25 letters, 1974-1983
Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Beverly L. Tarlo
8 letters, 1959-1963
University College, London
Taylor, Michael A.
9 letters, 1980-1987
Thulborn, Richard A.
10 letters, 1981-1984
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Thurmond, John T.
5 letters, 1966-1971
Birmingham-Southern College
Southern Methodist University
Tokaryk, Timothy T.
5 letters, 1992-1994
Saskatchewan Natural History Museum
Tuckness, Dorathalene
4 letters, 1988
Untermann, G. Ernst
9 letters, 1953-1968
Utah Field House of Natural History
VanderHoof, V.L.
6 letters, 1947-1958
Stanford University
Vaughn, Peter
15 letters, 1958-1972
Smithsonian Institution
University of California, Los Angeles
Waldman, Michael
11 letters, 1964-1973
Stowe School, Buckingham, England
University of Bristol
Walker, Alick
25 letters, 1969-1997
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Walker, Myrl V.
6 letters, 1967-1970
Fort Hays Kansas State Museum
Ward, S.H.
4 letters, 1972
University of Utah
Warren , Anne
10 letters, 1978-1989
La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
Watson, D.M.S.
9 letters, 1949-1966
University College, London
Weishampel, David
8 letters, 1981-1987
Florida International University
University of Pennsylvania
Wellnhofer, Peter
5 letters, 1970-1977
Bayerische Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und historiche Geologie
Westoll, Stanley T.
11 letters, 1949-1976
University of Durham, England
Harvard University
Wetherhill, Milton
4 letters, 1967-1969
Museum of Northern Arizona
Theodore E. White
12 letters, 1939-1961
Harvard College
Dinosaur National Monument
Whitmore, Frank G.
9 letters, 1947-1968
Wiffen, Joan
10 letters, 1980-1987
Wild, Rupert
19 letters, 1976-1988
Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart
Wilson, Jack
16 letters, 1946-1951
University of Texas
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Wood, Albert E.
6 letters, 1952-1968
Amherst College
Wood, John F.
4 letters, 1960
Corning Daily Observer, Corning California
Wright, Nelda E.
6 letters, 1951-1973
Harvard University
Yadon, Vernal L.
19 letters, 1958-1962
Yang, Dianne
35 letters, 1981-1984
Young, Chung-chien
5 letters, 1947-1955
National Geological Survey of China
Zangerl, Rainer
11 letters, 1947-1973
Chicago Natural History Museum Field Museum of Natural History
Zanon, Robert
21 letters, 1984-1989
University of Chicago
Originally created by Robin P. Walker, 1/04