NAPC 2001
June 26 - July 1 2001 Berkeley, California
Abstracts, Be - Bo
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Bedau | Behrensmeyer
| Bell | Bellwood | Berry
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| Bobe | Bottjer | Boucher
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BEAMON, Joseph C., Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman,
Prey acquisition behavior of the Cretaceous marine fish
Xiphactinus audax can be inferred from a combination of its morphology
and preserved gut contents. Many specimens have been found with relatively
large fishes in the gut region (6 ft. Gillicus arcuatus inside
the 15 foot X. audax specimen at the Sternberg Museum of Natural
History), seemingly swallowed head first. The hypothesis presented here
is that Xiphactinus audax was equivalent to a modern piscivorous
"lie-in-wait" predator (i.e., tuna, barracuda) with the ability
to take relatively large fishes.
Adaptations for acquiring large prey include a fully
ossified and multifaceted vomeroethmoid unit and a basipterygoid process
anchoring the palate to the neurocranium, restricting antero-posterior
palatal movement and bracing the hyopalatine arch against strong postero-laterally
directed forces of large, struggling prey. Epaxial muscles attached to
the supraoccipital crest could be used to lift the entire nuerocranium,
allowing the mouth to open wider for large prey.
Xiphactinus audax had the body outline and fin
placement of a modern "lie-in-wait" predator. The body is fusiform
in lateral view and laterally compressed, with the anal, dorsal and pelvic
fins placed posteriorly along the body and the pectoral and pelvic fins
set ventrally. The caudal fin is lunate in shape, with a narrow caudal
peduncle. Modern fishes with the above features approach their prey slowly,
waiting until they are within range for a swift lunge. The eyes and mouth
are both oriented dorsally, indicating that prey was approached from below.
In addition, the teeth are large and conical, considered adaptations for
piscivory in modern fishes, and the premaxillary teeth are enlarged, possibly
for dealing with large prey.
BECK, Allison L., Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA
The synapsid fossil record preserves evidence for a major
reorganization of the appendicular skeleton from primitive amniotes to
therian mammals, including the transition from sprawling locomotion to
more upright stance and gait. Recent work on the locomotor evolution of
terrestrial vertebrates has provided a framework for understanding the
origins of parasagittal locomotion in modern mammals. Despite significant
morphological changes in the shoulder girdle from pelycosaurs to early
therapsids, it has been suggested that the synapsid forelimb retained
its sprawling posture until the cynodont grade of evolution. Osteological
changes are presumably accompanied by changes in muscle morphology and
function. Very little work has been done on the functional evolution of
the shoulder girdle, and what has been done is largely restricted to cynodonts
and Mesozoic mammals, neglecting the changes that occurred in early therapsid
evolution. Integrating morphological, morphometric, kinematic, and cineradiographic
data on the shoulder joint of extant mammals and reptiles provides a phylogenetic
bracket within which the evolution of the mammalian shoulder can be reconstructed.
Inclusion of anatomical and morphometric data from fossil taxa and biomechanical
studies imparts support to predictions based on modern taxa alone.
Data were collected from the skeletons of extant taxa
of lizards, crocodylians, therian mammals, and monotremes as well as fossil
synapsids. Morphological and myological data were synthesized from the
literature and from dissections of extant taxa and examination of fossil
specimens. In addition, measurements were taken from the humeri and scapulae
of study specimens. Kinematic data obtained from literature were combined
with multivariate statistical and biomechanical analyses and phylogenetic
techniques to create an outline of the functional evolution of the synapsid
shoulder joint. Such methods inform the study of the evolution of function
by accounting for features that are not preserved in the fossil record
but are known to influence form and function.
BEDAU, Mark A., Dept. of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK,
The origin and growth of complex adaptive structure is one of the most
striking aspects of the history of life, but it is not known how to explain
this phenomenon. One problem is the difficulty of quantifying an evolving
system's adaptive structure. Another is the difficulty of creating any
simple model that produces the phenomenon. This talk proposes a feasible
method for quantifying a system's adaptive structure and applies this
method to data from artificial life models and from the fossil record.
The results of this analysis suggest two conclusions: (i) the quantification
method is a promising approach for measuring adaptive structure, and (ii)
the fossil record shows a striking kind of growth in adaptive structure
that is not exhibited by any existing artificial life model. These conclusions
suggest that a fundamentally new kind of model is needed to explain the
growth of adaptive structure in the history of life.
BEHRENSMEYER, Anna K., and Gerry E. McBrinn, Evolution of Terrestrial
Ecosystems Program, Dept. of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
The Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems (ETE) Program
was established in 1988 to explore the relationship between ecology and
evolution through study of ecosystems and species associations through
geological time. The ETE database provides a standardized basis for analyzing
continental faunas, floras, and ecosystem structures throughout the Phanerozoic.
The database consists of 248 fields in 28 multirelational tables; mandatory
fields are locality name, latitude-longitude, and geological age. ETE's
customized format is locality-based but includes species tables with ecomorphic
characters that allow comparisons across different taxonomic groups. Locality
information includes sedimentology and taphonomy fields used to test the
effects of paleoenvironmental context and taphonomic biases on proposed
biotic patterns. A separate time table can be modified independently so
that searches on particular time intervals will use current chronologies.
Update tables provide an automatic record of all changes to locality or
species data. The Neogene Old World (NOW) database is a clone of the ETE
structure and has over 1055 Neogene Eurasian mammal localities and 9263
records. A web-accessible, ArcExplorer 3.0 version of the ETE database
( provides map-based locality information including
species lists for the African dataset. The ETE database consists of 1418
localities, 4516 species and 5,388 records, primarily from published data
on the African late Cenozoic but including localities for plants, invertebrates
and vertebrates on various continents. Analysis of the African Plio-Pleistocene
mammal data has revealed a complex relationship between global and regional
environmental trends, patterns of species turnover, and ecomorphic change.
This analysis also demonstrates that sedimentary context and taphonomic
biases can have significant effects on long-term faunal trends.
BELL, Gordon L., Jr., National Park Service, Guadalupe Mountains National
Park, Salt Flat, TX, USA; and Christopher J. Crow, Dept. of Geological
Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
The origin of the Capitan Limestone has been subject
to ongoing debate for nearly a century. Issues making interpretation difficult
include (1) fabric recognition problems, (2) the scale of the Capitan
depositional system, (3) outcrops in rugged terrain with difficult access,
(4) the underlying environmental heterogeneity of reef systems, and (5)
wide-ranging extrapolations from studies of limited aerial extent. Our
studies of selected Middle and Upper Capitan reef outcrops support previous
interpretations that significant lithological and paleontological differences
exist throughout the Capitan reef. Surveys conducted along the Middle
Capitan reef outcrops exposed on the McKittrick Canyon Permian Reef Geology
Trail (Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, USA) detected three lithological
end-member fabrics (Micrite Rich, Crypt, and Occluded Framework Cavity)
as well as a number of recurrent fabrics that are transitional between
these end members. Microbial micrite and early marine cements are important
constituents of these rocks and surely made significant contributions
to the rigidity of the framework. Patch (or facies) size in the Middle
Capitan reef can be measured (temporally and along strike) on the scale
of a few meters to a few tens of meters. The Middle Capitan reef was deposited
in a complex patchwork of facies, resulting in abrupt and, as yet, unpredictable
fabric changes. Significant differences are seen in outcrops of the Upper
Capitan reef in Eddy County, New Mexico, USA, where the dominant fabrics
(Phylloid-algal "Bafflestone," Archaeolithoporella Boundstone,
and Shamovella (Tubiphytes) Boundstone) are present in a
predictable sequence for many kilometers along strike, reflecting less
depositional heterogeneity and/or greater community variability than in
the Middle Capitan. Microbial micrite is scarce, as are crypts and mixed
fabrics. Early marine cements are more abundant, representing up to 70%
of rock volume in the Archaeolithoporella boundstone facies.
BELLWOOD, David R., Dept. of Marine Biology, James Cook University, Townsville,
QLD, Australia
Coral reefs and their associated reef fish faunas present
one of the most complex and interesting systems for examining biotic interactions,
in the past and present. Reefs and fishes both have a long tenure in the
fossil record, but the history of their interactions remains obscure.
The consequences of changes in the taxonomic composition of marine fish
assemblages during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic were therefore evaluated
based on analysis of the functional morphology of the jaws. Measurements
of the oral jaws of fossil and Recent fishes were used to construct plots
of functional morphospace: an expression of the range of potential feeding
modes. Measurements were restricted to those values which have known biomechanical
significance in extant fishes and which have strong links to their trophic
Analyses of the fish assemblages in the vicinity of coral
reefs or coral-bearing hardground in the Triassic, Jurassic, Eocene and
Recent, reveal marked changes in fish functional morphospace occupation,
with the appearance of novel forms in the Cenozoic. The functional capabilities
of these taxa point to a shift in the nature of the interaction between
fishes and coral reefs. The Eocene marks not only the first record of
extant reef fish families but also the first occupation of an area of
functional morphospace that characterizes herbivory in Recent marine fishes.
It appears that the Cenozoic witnessed a marked shift in the nature of
reef-fish interactions, with the origins of piscine herbivory.
Berry, William B. N., Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, University
of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Many associations of graptolite taxa have been analyzed in the context
of both the tectonic setting and depositional environments of strata in
which they occur. Certain of the most detailed of these analyses have
been conducted in Late Ordovician-Early Silurian stratal successions in
a number of parts of the world. These analyses indicate that the majority
of graptolite species lived in hypoxic waters near the margins of oxygen
minimum zones. Most of the oxygen minimum zones developed under upwelling
conditions close to the shelf-slope break, as is seen in modern oceans.
Study of the pattern of Late Ordovician graptolite occurrences indicates
that the majority of those taxa that lived in hypoxic waters became extinct
when upwelling conditions and their related oxygen minimum zones vanished
when glacio-eustatic sea-level fall led to changes in ocean surface water
circulation. The graptolite taxa that lived in relatively oxic waters
not only survived this extinction event but also radiated modestly during
the time interval during which the graptolites living in hypoxic waters
became extinct. Most of these survivor taxa are normalograptids. Deglaciation
and sea level rise led to changes in ocean surface circulation. Gradually,
sites of upwelling expanded as did oxygen minimum zones related to them.
Many of these sites were relatively local in the earliest Silurian. As
a consequence, earliest Silurian graptolites exhbit significant provincialism.
As oxygen minimum zones expanded during the Early Silurian, those graptolite
radiations that characterize that part of the Silurian took place. Late
Ordovician graptolite extinctions and Early Silurian radiations are linked
closely with changes in oceanic oxygen minimum zones that are, in turn,
linked with climate changes.
BERTA, Annalisa, Dept. of Biology, San Diego State
University, San Diego, CA, USA; Thomas A. Deméré, Dept.
of Paleontology, San Diego Museum of Natural History, San Diego, CA, USA;
and Peter J. Adam, Dept. of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego,
CA, and Dept. of Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution, University
of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
A testable hypothesis is presented to explain the evolutionary
biogeography of pinnipedimorphs (fur seals, sea lions, walruses, seals,
and their fossil relatives) based on both dispersal and vicariant events
and within the context of a species-level phylogenetic framework. This
integrated hypothesis considers many lines of evidence including physical
and ecologic factors controlling the distribution of modern taxa, new
information regarding the nature and timing of paleoceanographic events,
recent fossil discoveries, and improved resolution of phylogenetic relationships.
Paleobiogeographic hypotheses for each of the major lineages are presented
using cladograms and paleogeographic maps.
Our biogeographic hypothesis supports an eastern North
Pacific origin for pinnipedimorphs in the late Oligocene. Otariids (fur
seals and sea lions) are first known from the late Miocene in the North
Pacific where they remained until the late Pliocene. A transequatorial
dispersal into the western South Pacific preceded the rapid diversification
of this group during the Pleistocene. Odobenids (walruses) evolved in
the North Pacific during the late early Miocene and underwent dramatic
diversification with later members of the odobenine lineage dispersing
into the North Atlantic most likely via an Arctic route. Extinct archaic
phocoids, the Miocene desmatophocids, were confined to the North Pacific.
Phocids, although postulated here to have had a North Pacific origin,
are first known from the middle Miocene in the North Atlantic region,
as well as in the Paratethys. Both monachine and phocine seals are distinct
lineages beginning in the middle Miocene in the North Atlantic. The early
biogeographic history of phocine seals is centered in the Arctic and North
Atlantic. Subsequent dispersal of phocines into the Paratethys and the
Pacific occurred during the Pleistocene. In contrast, monachine seals
have a Southern Hemisphere center of diversity. The pagophilic nature
of extant phocine and lobodontine seals is largely a function of Pleistocene
glacioeustatic events.
BEST, M.M.R., Dept. of Geology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
T.C.W. Ku, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI, USA; Susan M. Kidwell, Dept. of Geophysical Sciences, University of
Chicago, Chicago, Il, USA; and L.M. Walter, Dept. of Geological Sciences,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Coordinated taphonomic and geochemical studies of the
bivalve death assemblages and their sedimentary environments of San Blas,
Panama, permits us to test whether shell condition can indicate environmental
history. Ten sites were studied in detail, along environmental axes including
water nutrients, grain size, and sediment chemistry (carbonate, organic
carbon, iron). Taphonomic data (e.g., encrustation, fine scale surface
alteration) were derived from total bivalve death assemblages and experimentally
deployed Mercenaria mercenariaand Mytilus edulis. Pore water
and sediment analyses (Ca/Cl, SO4/Cl, alkalinity, sulfate d18O
and 34S, d13C-DIC, Fe extractions, SEM, XRD) were
used to determine the degree and rates of diagenetic evolution. Death
assemblages showed taphonomic separation into 3 groups using NMDS: reefal
and non-reefal carbonate, and siliciclastics. Shell epibionts showed trends
correlating with bottom water quality. Experimental shells grouped according
to degree of exposure above the sediment/water interface, buried shells
further divided along lines of sediment chemistry and shell organic content.
Buried shell interiors from carbonate sites showed signs of dissolution,
those from siliciclastic sites showed secondary precipitates. In fact
at siliciclastic sites, microbial reduction of Fe-aluminosilicates is
more important than previously realized, which promotes carbonate supersaturation
by increasing the pore water alkalinity, limiting sulfate reduction, and
precipitating hydrogen sulfide as FeS. Thus the most important controls
on post-mortem condition are (i) exposure above the sediment/water interface,
(ii) sediment chemistry, particularly iron reactivity, and (iii) shell
microstructure, particularly organic content. Time-averaged skeletal death
assemblages can provide a baseline of change over decades or more where
the noise of short-term spatial and temporal heterogeneity is dampened.
More volatile changes can be captured in the water column using shell
epibionts and in the sediments by dissolution or precipitation textures.
BESTLAND, Erick A., Earth Sciences (SoCPES), Flinders University, Adelaide,
SA, Australia
The Mascall Formation consists of a minimum of 348 m
of middle Miocene age alluvial deposits that are dominated by moderately
to well-developed paleosols. The formation is devisable into three stratigraphic
packages based on paleosol type and the occurrence of tuff beds and conglomerates.
They are in stratigraphic order: (1) Lower Tuffaceous Unit (53 m) which
includes the Mascall Tuff Bed, (2) Red-Brown Claystone Unit (72 m), and
(3) Upper Mascall Formation (223 m). The Lower Tuffaceous Unit contains
numerous Alfisol and Inceptisol-like paleosols with siliceous features,
thin vitric tuff beds, and diatomaceous and lignitic lacustrine deposits
that are locally present at the base of the unit. The Red-Brown Claystone
Unit contains the most well-developed paleosols as defined by macroscopic
features (clay skins, peds, clay content, and color) and bulk rock geochemistry.
Pebbly conglomerates are common in the middle unit and consist of eroded
clasts of indurated soil fragments (pedolithic).
Paleoenvironments of the Mascall Formation are assessed by combining
paleobotanical evidence from leaf fossils and paleosol types. Clayey Alfisol-like
paleosols are common throughout the formation and indicate general humid
climatic conditions. Leaf fossil assemblages from near the base of the
formation are interpreted as the remains of hardwood forest resembling
the oak-madrona woodland of northern California or of hardwood forests
similar to ones in the lower Mississippi basin (Cheney, 1925, 1956). The
lack of calcareous soil features throughout the formation indicates that
precipitation levels did not drop below humid to sub-humid levels. Paleosols
with siliceous soil features are interpreted as indicators of a humid
Mediterranean climate. The Red-Brown Claystone Unit with its sequences
of well-developed Alfisol-like paleosols and estimated age of between
16.015.0 Ma probably represents wetter and warmer climatic conditions
of the mid-Miocene climatic optimum (1615 Ma).
BOBE, Rene, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, and Ralph E. Chapman, Dept. of Paleobiology,
Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Program, National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
The emergence and diversification of the genus Homo in Africa
has been linked to environmental change using evidence from fossil faunas
and floras and other paleoenvironmental indicators. According to a widely
cited hypothesis, the hominid genera Homo and Paranthropus
diverged from a more primitive hominid species of Australopithecus
between 2.5 and 3.0 Ma as a consequence of global climatic cooling that
caused increased aridity and grassland expansion in Africa. Interpretations
of environmental change in the African Plio-Pleistocene remain controversial,
and testable hypotheses linking early hominids to particular environmental
processes are limited by taphonomic and collection biases that affect
most hominid localities as well as poor stratigraphic and chronological
resolution. Fine-scale evidence of relationships between faunal and environmental
change are recorded in the well-dated and abundant fossil record of the
lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, where it is possible to control for sampling
biases and compare successive faunas from time intervals <105
yrs. Faunal evidence based on shifting species abundances as well as species
turnover indicates that major environmental changes occurred in the Late
Pliocene of East Africa as closed habitats gave way to more open, grass-dominated
habitats. Taphonomic features of the fossil assemblages also changed through
time, but these changes are not correlated with the faunal shifts. The
tempo of faunal change itself varied significantly during this interval,
with a period of change between 3.2 and 2.85 Ma, an interval of stability
from 2.852.55 Ma, and then a distinct pattern of variable, accelerated
change beginning at 2.55 Ma that continued through 2.0 Ma. The appearance
of Homo and the first occurrence of stone artifacts in the Omo
correlate in time with this shift in faunal variability, suggesting that
ecosystem instability provided opportunities and selection pressures important
to the dispersal, and possibly also the origination, of the genus Homo.
BOTTJER, David J., Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
The Big 5 mass extinctions, identified through global
marine taxonomic diversity analyses, occurred at varying time intervals
with 130 million years as the largest separation between events. Compared
to the temporal spacing of other Big 5 mass extinctions, the end-Permian
and end-Triassic mass extinctions are relatively close, on the order of
40 million years apart. Along with examining trends in taxonomic diversity,
evaluations of paleoecological changes through life's long history can
also be made. A method to evaluate such changes, developed by Droser et
al. (1997), includes four paleoecological levels of change, with level
1 representing the largest change, and level 4 the smallest. Second level
changes are the largest to occur in Phanerozoic marine environments, and
it is apparent that ecological losses at the second level occurred with
both Big 5 mass extinctions that affected life at the beginning of the
Mesozoic (Bottjer et al., 2001), confirming that unusual ecological disruption
also marks this time interval.
Given that the end-Permian and end-Triassic mass extinctions
are also associated with prolonged recoveries, and that several minor
mass extinctions occurred during this time, it is likely that as much
as half of the first 60 million years of the Mesozoic occurred under heightened
environmental stress. Although events causing these two mass extinctions
may not be related, their temporal proximity, as well as other associated
features, indicate that they may have been due to the same underlying
internal causes. The root mechanism is very likely that this was the time
of the early breakup of Pangea, with stressful tectonic, oceanographic
and climatic conditions associated with the breakup leading to the biotic
crises that characterize the beginning of the Mesozoic.
BOUCHER, Lisa D., Dept. of Biology, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha,
NE, USA; and K. Sian Davies-Vollum, Dept. of Geology, Pomona College,
Claremont, CA, USA
Floras deposited in fluvial environments are subjected to various taphonomic
influences, and subenvironments within such a system may have characteristic
taphonomic signatures. In this study, we propose a method of data collection
and quantitative analysis using compression floras to detect and compare
taphonomic biases among floodplain subenvironments. Six different sites
were sampled from within the Fruitland-Kirtland Formations in the San
Juan Basin, NM. Sites were classified into depositional subenvironments
using field and analytical data and included ash deposits in swamp, swamp
flooded with an influx of sediment, silting up of swamp, overbank flood
onto soil and overbank splay/levee. At each site, 54119 specimens
were identified to morphotype, and then scored for type of damage, completeness,
and position relative to the bedding plane. Specimens consisted of fern,
conifer, monocot and dicot leaves. Also noted were biological characteristics
inherent to particular morphotypes, such as leaf thickness and petiole
diameter, which may impact taphonomic signatures. The data were compared
by using percent frequencies of character states at each site and analyzed
using uni- and multivariate statistics. Most sites have similar leaf position
and completeness profiles and this may be partially due to preferential
selection of sites with identifiable remains. Damage to leaves by angular
breaks was present in higher frequency at sites with greater silt content
than clay. Sites with a greater frequency of specimens with "robust"
features (thick leaves, large petioles) were not strongly correlated with
sites having more complete or less damaged leaves. These results imply
that subenvironments within floodplain settings have subtle differences
in their taphonomic signatures as measured by these leaf parameters. In
particular, the type and extent of damage to the leaves are the most notable
and have implications for interpreting quantitative data collected in
abundance and diversity studies.