NAPC 2001
June 26 - July 1 2001 Berkeley, California
Abstracts, Ma - Mc
Jump to: Magallón | Malone
| Marincovich | Marshall,
Ch. | Marshall, Cy. | Martin,
A. | Martin, J. | Martin,
R. | Martínez-Cabrera | Martínez-Millán
| Mayer | McElwain | McFadden
| McGann | McGwire | McRoberts
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MAGALLÓN, Susana, Michael J. Sanderson, and James A. Doyle, Section
of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Angiosperms, the taxonomically richest and ecologically
predominant group of living plants, first appeared in the fossil record
in Valanginian-Hauterivian strata (135 MA). Angiosperm remains occur abundantly
and uninterruptedly following their first appearance in the record, and
the stratigraphic sequence of appearance of taxonomic types does not contradict
current hypotheses of angiosperm evolutionary diversification. Previous
estimates of angiosperm age based on divergence of molecular sequences,
although in conflict with one another, imply that angiosperms predate
considerably their oldest fossil record. We address the question by integrating
new data and new methods of analysis. Sequences of two highly conserved
chloroplast genes psaA and psbB, for a sample of 63 land
plants, are used as primary data. Because a strong conflict between phylogenetic
signals of 1st and 2nd vs. 3rd codon
positions was detected, we performed independent maximum likelihood analyses
for the two data partitions. The resulting phylogenetic hypotheses coincide
in placing Gnetales as sister taxon to Pinaceae, but identify different
taxa as sister to angiosperms. Estimates of angiosperm age were obtained
by enforcing a molecular clock, and by relaxing rate homogeneity by using
Non Parametric Rate Smoothing (NPRS). Additional estimates were obtained
by constraining the age of two nodes in the topology: seed plants (330
MA) and eudicots (125 MA). Angiosperm age estimates vary from 79 to 160
MA when molecular clock is enforced and from 173 to 220 MA when NPRS is
implemented. Some of these estimates are close to the age derived from
the fossil record, but confidence intervals are broad enough to include
some of the previous dates. Subsequent age estimates will be based on
an expanded data set that includes two additional chloroplast genes (atpB
and rbcL), a new method for relaxing rate homogeneity based on
a penalized likelihood approach, and a larger set of chronologically-calibrated
nodes, based on reliably identified fossil taxa.
MALONE, Catherine, Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN, USA
In the past, when morphological analyses of extant and
extinct taxa did not yield a clear understanding of evolutionary relationships,
it was nearly impossible to study the biogeographic history of a group
because it was without a phylogenetic framework. However, molecular data
have proven to be useful in this arena. Strongly supported molecular phylogenies
can be combined with other types of data to investigate the evolution
and radiation of a group. Such is the case with the large-bodied, primarily
herbivorous lizards in the subfamily Iguaninae. The eight genera are distributed
today throughout much of the western hemisphere and, in one instance,
on Fiji and Tonga. The affinity of many iguanine genera for the neotropics
has resulted in a poor fossil record due to low preservation potential
in their favored habitats, and this has hindered paleontological research.
Morphological analyses of extinct and extant taxa have failed to generate
a robust phylogeny. Recently, several studies have used mitochondrial
sequence data to generate a well-supported phylogeny of the iguanines.
This study combines phylogenetic, bioegeographic, fossil, and paleocological
information to examine the history of two iguanine taxa: West Indian rock
iguanas (Cyclura) and green iguanas (Iguana). A rough molecular
clock indicates that the Cyclura lineage originated between 15
and 35 million years ago. The phylogenetic pattern generated using mtDNA
sequence data is consistent with the geologic history of the Greater Antilles.
Phylogenetic analyses of the green iguana indicate a South American origin
of the genus and a relatively recent radiation throughout Central America,
possibly concurrent with the closing of the Panamanian Isthmus. The pattern
of evolutionary relationships among green iguana lineages indicates several
independent radiations into the Lesser Antilles.
MARINCOVICH, Louie, Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology, California
Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA
For most of the Cenozoic, the Arctic Ocean has been an
extension of the North Atlantic faunal region, characterized by a few
endemic northern species. However, at the beginning of the Cenozoic, the
Arctic Ocean was populated by a largely endemic molluscan fauna whose
species were, with few exceptions, absent from adjacent ocean basins.
Another distinction of the Paleocene Arctic Ocean molluscan fauna was
the presence of several relict genera previously known only in Mesozoic
faunas. The delayed extinction of these once exclusively Mesozoic genera
implies that end-Cretaceous extinction processes were not as effective
in high northern latitudes compared to middle and low latitudes. Eocene
Arctic Ocean marine mollusks are present in northern Canada but have yet
to be extensively collected or studied.
There is a gap in known Arctic Ocean molluscan faunas
from the Eocene to the late Miocene. The record resumes with latest Miocene
or Pliocene faunas in northern Alaska. The dominance of North Atlantic
taxa in the Arctic Ocean that had persisted since the Paleocene continued
even after the opening of Bering Strait at 5.45.5 Ma. The southward
flow of water through Bering Strait introduced distinctive Arctic-Atlantic
mollusks into the North Pacific. This biogeographic scenario lasted some
2 m.y., until 3.6 Ma, when the rise of the Isthmus of Panama reorganized
Northern Hemisphere marine circulation, and caused the flow through Bering
Strait to reverse to the present northward direction. The ensuing invasion
of North Pacific taxa into the Arctic Ocean and high-latitude North Atlantic
is well documented and is the prevailing modern situation. Pleistocene
glacial and interglacial episodes resulted in significant faunal turn
overs in the Arctic Ocean, but the molluscan faunas continued to be derived
from the North Pacific.
MARSHALL, Charles R., Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, USA; Simon Tavare and Oliver Will, Dept. of
Mathematics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
and Robert D. Martin and Christophe Soligo, Anthropologisches Institut
and Museum, Universitat Zurich-Irchel, Zurich, Switzerland
Molecular-based divergence times often considerably pre-date
the earliest known fossil representatives of the groups studied. For the
order Primates, molecular data uniformly suggest a mid-Cretaceous origin,
some 90 million years ago, whereas the oldest fossils are known from basal
Eocene rocks only 5455 million years old. The incompleteness of
the fossil record suggests that divergence times estimated from molecular
data should be older than the oldest known fossils, but an adequate quantification
of that incompleteness is needed to evaluate the significance of discrepancies
between molecular and fossil-based estimates. Here a new statistical method,
based on an estimate of species preservation derived from a model of the
pattern of diversification of the group, suggests a Cretaceous origin
of Primates. This provides paleontological corroboration for the time
of origin of primates predicted by molecular data. The method also suggests
that no more than 7% of all primate species that have ever existed are
known from the fossil record. Our estimated divergence time for primates
is older than paleontological estimates based on other approaches. The
underlying reason for the differences is primarily due to our use of data
from the Recent (number of species), but also stem from the structure
of the model.
MARSHALL, Cynthia L., Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University,
Bozeman, MT, USA
One basal flight loss event is the most parsimonious
explanation for flightlessness in the ratite clade. Therefore, if flight
were lost only once in this group, a similar pattern of wing reduction
would be predicted for ostriches and emus.
A series of ostrich, emu, tinamou, and chicken embryos
were obtained and the growth patterns of the wings compared. The chickens
and tinamous served as outgroups for phylogenetic pattern analysis. Wings
of the ostrich, chicken, and tinamou embryos grew at similar rates. The
wings of the ostrich embryos grew for a greater length of time, resulting
in a longer wing. The emu embryo wings grew at a slower rate, resulting
in a vestigial wing. The emu wing growth is slowed in comparison to the
ancestral condition, demonstrating a pattern of paedomorphosis. In contrast,
the ostrich embryo extends growth at the ancestral growth rate, demonstrating
a pattern of peramorphosis. I propose that the emu/cassowary clade shares
a small, non-flying ancestor that subsequently grew large, whereas the
proto-ostrich was a flying bird until becoming too large to sustain flight
capacity. Fundamentally different wing growth patterns in ostriches and
emus supports both multiple flight loss events and separate mechanisms
leading to flight loss within this clade.
MARTIN, Anthony J., Dept. of Environmental Studies, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, USA; and David J. Varricchio, Museum of the Rockies, Montana
State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
The Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Two Medicine Formation
exposed in the area of Choteau, Montana is well known for fossil evidence
related to nesting behavior in dinosaurs such as Maiasaura and
Troödon. Less noticed in this same area and in some of the
same horizons as dinosaurian material is abundant evidence for insect
nesting. This evidence consists of dense concentrations of fossil cocoons,
some within or otherwise closely associated with numerous vertical burrows.
The sheer abundance of the cocoons, as many as 400 per
square meter on some vertical sections, lent well to statistical analyses.
One 2 m thick zone (nicknamed "Pete's Pupae Peninsula") provided
336 specimens for measurement, which yielded a mean length of 20.7 ±
5.8 mm and mutually perpendicular widths of 10.0 ± 2.7 and 10.8 ±
2.8 mm. Size data were normalized through calculations of volume, which
resulted in a mean of 1.4 ± 0.9 cc. Notably different size ranges
within this sample may represent different species of insects and thus
may reflect insect diversity. The cocoons are interpreted as hymenopteran
on the basis of their prolate ellipsoid shape, impressions of a tight
silk weave on some specimens, and their common occurrence within vertically
to obliquely oriented burrows.
The cocoon-bearing deposits from the Two Medicine best
fit the recently defined Coprinisphaera ichnofacies of Genise et
al. (2000), a terrestrial ichnofacies characteristic of paleosols dominated
by insect nesting traces and cocoons. Furthermore, the predominance of
nesting burrows (such as Palmiraichnus) with their body fossil
components (cocoons) in ripple-bedded sandy and muddy deposits argue for
an abandoned levee that was exposed subaerially and had well-drained soils.
Within the Two Medicine, most horizons that represent Troödon
nesting locales consistently yield these same insect cocoons and burrows.
Thus, the insect fossils may provide clues to the types of soils these
dinosaurs preferred for nesting.
MARTIN, James E., Museum of Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology, Rapid City, SD, USA; and Theodore J. Fremd, John Day Fossil
Beds National Monument, Kimberly, OR, USA
The Hemphillian North American Land Mammal Age (NALMA)
was based upon assemblages including that of the Rattlesnake Formation
of central Oregon as a principal correlative. Therefore, the faunal content
of the Rattlesnake deposits is crucial to the definition of the Hemphillian
NALMA. However, recent definitions of the igneous versus sedimentary units
of the Rattlesnake succession have brought the lithostratigraphic framework
for the faunal constituents into question. The Rattlesnake was described
as a formation-rank unit during the first part of the last century. This
formation included a basal detrital unit dominated by floodplain sediments,
an interbedded ash-flow tuff (RAFT), and an upper detrital unit dominated
by basalt conglomerates. More recent workers have elevated the RAFT to
formation-rank status with no regard to the sedimentary units above and
below. Therefore, we propose that the Rattlesnake Formation be elevated
to group status, with all three intervals regarded as formation-rank units.
As the group is extended beyond the John Day Basin, additional formations
may be added to the group. In the type area of the Rattlesnake Group in
the Picture Gorge area of central Oregon, the RAFT has been dated at 7.2
Ma, and the lower formation contains a tourmaline-bearing tuff, bracketing
the fossil assemblages. Faunal constituents of the lower formation indicate
an early Hemphillian interval; therefore, the radiometric dates aid in
determination of absolute ages of the early Hemphillian.
MARTIN, Ronald E., Scott P. Hippensteel, Daria Nikitina, and James E.
Pizzuto, Dept. of Geology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
Seasonal reproduction and preservation of foraminifera
was monitored for three years at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge
(BHNWR, Smyrna, DE). Signal-to-noise ratios of marsh foraminiferal assemblages
were increased by using "artificially time-averaged" assemblages
to mimick the natural process of time-averaging. Cluster analysis of "seasonally
artificially time-averaged" (SATA) assemblages, in which separate
live and dead counts were added season-by-season, indicated that assemblages
reflect the most recent test inputs from epi- and infaunal populations,
and that these inputs record subtle variations in porewater chemistry
caused by interannual variation of rainfall. Geochemical imprinting of
assemblages tended to occur during the summer and fall. Depending on taphonomic
setting, the contributions of recently-living populations to death assemblages
may therefore be far more important than previously thought. As assemblages
pass into the historical layer, they may have a "memory" of
the most recent test inputs and environmental conditions, and downcore
assemblages may be used to reconstruct earlier environmental conditions
with much, much greater temporal resolution than previously thought.
The importance of living populations and recent test
inputs to subfossil assemblages was further demonstrated in sea-level
reconstructions for BHNWR for the past few hundred years. The latest Holocene
foraminiferal records of marshes of BHNWR and Clinton, CT, were compared
using a number of methods, but by far and away the best results were obtained
using BHNWR ATA total (dead and live) assemblages. Use of ATA assemblages
resolved 3 transgressions occurring over decadal-to-centennial scales
that occurred within 5 cm of those reported for Clinton after correction
for sedimentation rates and compaction.
Supported by NSF Grant No. EAR-9714155 to REM and JEP;
a contribution of the University of Delaware Geology Department's Program
in Near-Surface Geologic Processes.
MARTIN, Ronald E., Scott P. Hippensteel, Daria Nikitina, and James E.
Pizzuto, Dept. of Geology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
Marshes exhibit inherently high temporal resolution because
dense plant root systems inhibit bioturbation. Marshes therefore provide
ideal opportunities for developing numerical models of fossil assemblage
formation that can then be extended, with suitable modification, to offshore
settings where most of the fossil record has formed. Numerical models
are also heuristically useful, and unlike analytical models, are less
likely to amplify noise in data.
Seasonal reproduction and preservation of foraminifera
was monitored for three years at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge
(BHNWR, Smyrna, DE). Signal-to-noise ratios of marsh foraminiferal assemblages
were increased by using "artificially time-averaged" assemblages
to mimic the natural process of time-averaging.
We then simulated the formation of ATA assemblages using
a diffusion-based model. Test inputs and the probability of preservation
were based on ATA assemblages. Sedimentation rate (based on radiotracer
profiles) was incorporated by periodically raising the domain to simulate
inputs of new material with specific test content. Seasonal cores (060
cm) did not need to be corrected for autocompaction. Curves were fitted
for each of the dominant species for 200 yrs, after which simulations
stabilized; this duration agreed with sedimentation rates and residence
times at 60 cm depth. Bioturbation rates were based on curves fitted to
an exponential equation describing downcore abundances of colored glass
beads in field experiments that mimicked the input of an impulse tracer.
Based on field experiments, bead profiles yielded bioturbation rates of
~108 cm2 sec-2 (high marsh) to 10-6
cm2 sec-1 (low marsh). These rates fall at the low
end of the range for shallow subtidal settings (~10-610-8
cm2 sec-1) and are comparable to deep-sea rates.
Supported by NSF Grant No. EAR-9714155 to REM and JEP;
a contribution of the University of Delaware Geology Department's Program
in Near-Surface Geologic Processes.
MARTÍNEZ-CABRERA, Israel, Depto. de Biología, Facultad
de Ciencias, UNAM, México; and Sergio R.S. Cevallos-Ferriz, Depto.
de Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, UNAM, México
Two anacardiaceous woods from the Tertiary of North America
are described. The Fossil wood of Baja California Sur has xylem anatomical
features that agree with the living genus Tapirira. Some of the
shared diagnostic characters are vessel dimensions, vasicentric axial
parenchyma, septate fibers, vessel-ray vessel-parenchyma pits with reduced
borders and horizontally elongated (some angular), redial canals in the
large multiseriate rays, number of epithelial and sheath canal cells,
and ray type. The anacardiaceous wood from Wyoming shares features with
the two modern genera Rhus and Schinus. In this case, the
resemblance includes size and frequency of vessel, radial canals, septate
and nonseptate fibers, scanty paratacheal parenchyma and vascular traqueids.
Nevertheless, the presence in both living genera of tangential vessel
arrangement, high relative proportion of square cells in the uniseriate
rays, as well as other features, distinguish Rhus and Schinus
from the fossil, which could thus be considered a new genus. The tropical
genus Tapirira is found in the Neotropical region and Schinus
in tropical South America. Meanwhile, Rhus grows in tropical and
subtropical regions of the world and in temperate North America and Asia.
These new records add to the robustness of the fossil record of the family
in North America, which along with its high degree of generic endemism
in the Mexican flora (Actinocheita, Bonetiella, Malosoma, Pachycormus
and Pseudosmodingium), highlight the significance of the region
in the evolution and diversification of the Anacardiaceae.
MARTÍNEZ-MILLÁN, Marcela, Instituto de Geología,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México;
and Sergio R.S. Cevallos-Ferriz, Depto. de Paleontología, Instituto
de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
The Cornaceae, as considered in this study and following
Noshiro and Baas, is composed of Cornus, Alangium, Curtisia, Mastixia,
Diplopanax, Nyssa, Camptotheca and Davidia, has basically a
temperate distribution. Other former cornaceous genera, such as Aralidium,
Melanophylla, Toricellia, Helwingia, Aucuba, Corokia, Griselinia
and Garrya are part of a different clade and have a similar distribution.
A biogeographic analysis using BPA (Brooks parsimony analy sis) shows
that North America has a close relationship with Asian areas indicating
a Laurasian history for this family. Today, Cornus has a wide distribution
reaching tropical zones but those tropical areas (Southeast Asia, Malaysia
and Indonesia) are related to temperate Asia and North America, therefore
suggesting a northern history. In the cladogram, The Mediterranean region
is located outside the clade of the other temperate zones suggesting that
this area is not related to the other north temperate regions whose connections
must have been via Beringia and not via the North Atlantic. This contrasts
with similar analyses with families Anacardiaceae and Moraceae in which
a North Atlantic history must have taken place. Currently, four routes
can be recognized to understand how low latitude North American vegetation
was assembled, a North Atlantic connection of Laurasian elements (Anacardiaceae),
a Beringia connection (Cornaceae), a South American connection (Moraceae)
and a North Atlantic connection of South American elements (Moraceae).
MAYER, Paul S., Geology Section, Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee,
Until recently, samples of Antrim Shale and the upper
part of the Milwaukee Formation were collected only as float from tunnel
excavations and glacial till in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Core samples
from Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's borehole I30-8-NS have
yielded conodont faunas that provide biostratigraphic control for the
lowest part of the Antrim Shale and the upper part of the Milwaukee Formation.
A conodont fauna including Ancyrodella africana, A. alata
s.s., A. rugosa, Palmatolepis transitans, Mesotaxis asymmetrica,
and Polygnathus dubius was recovered from the lower one meter of
the Antrim Shale. This fauna correlates with the Frasnian Zone 4, uppermost
part of the Lithograph City Formation in Iowa. Associated with this fauna
are lingulid brachiopods, scolecodonts, small pyritized gastropods, and
ptyctodontid teeth. The contact between the Antrim Shale and the Milwaukee
Formation is unconformable with clasts of the underlying Milwaukee Formation
suspended within the Antrim Shale. The upper one-meter of the Milwaukee
Formation yields a conodont fauna that includes Icriodus subterminus,
Polygnathus dengleri, P. dubius, and Mehlina gradata. This
fauna correlates with the upper part of the subterminus Fauna in
the Coralville Formation of Iowa and probably with the upper part of the
disparilis Zone. Associated with this conodont fauna is a silicified
fauna dominated by brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids, agglutinated foraminifers,
and tentaculites. Below this one-meter section, presumably in Raasch's
North Point Member, a conodont fauna including Icriodus subterminus
and Polygnathus ovatinodosus was collected and appears to correlate
with the subterminus Fauna of the Little Cedar Formation in Iowa.
The fauna in this section is dominated by chonetid brachiopods, but also
includes crinoids, tentaculites, and Zoophycos trace fossils.
McELWAIN, Jennifer C., Dept. of Geology, The Field Museum of Natural
History, Chicago, IL, USA
The Triassic-Jurassic boundary marks the third greatest
biodiversity crash in Earth history, an event, which together with the
Permian-Triassic mass extinction, characterize the beginning of the Mesozoic.
Although significant extinction occurred at higher taxonomic levels (i.e.,
family and order) among Permian plant groups at the Permian-Triassic boundary,
marked order- and family-level floral extinctions are not evident at the
Triassic-Jurassic boundary, suggesting that plant primary producers did
not experience "mass" extinction at this time. Significant turn-over
of both micro- and macro-floras have however been demonstrated at the
species level, yet to date the pattern of these species level changes
remains unknown. Furthermore, to what extent floral dynamics spanning
the Permian-Triassic and Triassic-Jurassic boundaries may reflect relative
differences in the magnitude and nature of environmental changes associated
with both mass extinction events is difficult to establish. This is again
due mainly to a comparative paucity of information on the nature of vegetation
change spanning the Triassic-Jurassic boundary but also in part due to
a lack of empirical atmospheric or climatic data spanning the Permian-Triassic
and Triassic-Jurassic extinctions respectively. This paper therefore aims
to investigate the dynamics and character (i.e., stepwise, gradual or
sudden) of vegetation changes associated with the TriassicJurassic
extinction event. Results from these analyses will be presented and integrated
with existing paleo-atmospheric-CO2 and global temperature
reconstructions based on fossil floras which demonstrate that the Triassic-Jurassic
boundary was associated with a four-fold increase in atmospheric CO2
levels and 3 to 4°C increase in global temperature. Further tests
of the "thermal damage hypothesis" (which suggests that super-greenhouse
conditions contributed to high species-level turnover of TriassicJurassic
boundary macrofloras, by raising leaf-temperatures above a highly conserved
lethal threshold) will also be presented.
McFADDEN, Tim, Indra's Net Farm, Redwood City, CA, USA
We are in a big blossomthe development of the universe
from the extremely low entropy level of the Big Bang. Using this model,
the development of life on earth over the last few billion years is not
a violation of the second law of thermodynamics (a local decrease of entropy),
but just the laws of physics and chemistry churning along, as entropy
increases. These laws were finely tuned, at the Big Bang, for biological
life, as we know it.
The alternative is to view our planet as the most unlikely
place in the whole universe. Where does the information to produce a punctuated
jump in evolution come from, if not from the Big Bang? From spores from
outer space?
ALife models of ecosystems and evolution may be very useful, but the
ALife effort itself may not be very productive, if it does not also copy
biological life from the big blossom. Today's computers do not benefit
from the universe's fine-tuning for biological life, they're logical and
deadit's one wrong bit and you're toast. ALife lives in cyberspace,
but cyberspace is dead. A biological system may have on the order of Avagadro's
number parts and we don't understand how biological systems work yet,
so we can't abstract away the complexity yet. Some amazingly complex patterns
have been produced by ALife, but we do not have complexity for-free yet.
Is life a machine? This will become a practical question
as we begin to understand the genome and to develop nanotech and designer
viruses. If life is a machine, we can manipulate it and control it. DNA
helped archaic life to remember proteins and became the first cyberspace.
If life is a machine, then it can have a new cyberspace to use.
McGANN, Mary, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, USA; and Gregory
B. Deets, City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation, Environmental Monitoring
Div., Playa Del Rey, CA, USA
The relationship between foraminifers and ocean pollution
was initially studied forty years ago off southern California at four
sewage outfalls. One of these, the Hyperion outfall in Santa Monica Bay,
has recently been re-examined by local and federal agencies. Seven sediment
cores and 33 surface samples obtained in 19971998 were analyzed
to determine the foraminiferal response to historic pollution levels and
subsequent abatement efforts.
Two of the cores were obtained near the 7-mile discharge
point. Although faunal diversity doesn't vary much in the closest core,
abundances of Bulimina denudata, Trochammina pacifica, and
Eggerella advena increased significantly after remediation efforts
were initiated in the 1980s. In contrast, both faunal diversity and abundance
of B. denudata peaked in the second core in 1970 when polluted
discharge was at an extreme. Five other cores recovered about 516
km from the 5- and 7-mile discharge points are generally similar to one
another, showing a pattern of improved environmental conditions after
Parameters determined for the modern surface samples,
such as faunal diversity, foraminiferal number, and live specimens/gram
of sediment, have returned to near baseline values, with sites near the
sewage outfalls similar to those at adjacent, unaffected areas. Despite
these improved conditions, faunal patterns have not returned to pre-outfall
levels. Continued dominance by species favoring organic waste (E.
advena, B. denudata, and T. pacifica), and the inability
of Nonionella basispinata and N. stella to re-colonize the
impacted areas, suggests that these species remain affected by the quality
of sewage effluent still being released, despite the new treatment methods
now employed.
Although both macroinvertebrates and microorganisms can
be used to gauge the effect of sewage discharge on living organisms, microfossils
are a more powerful tool in that they can provide a historical record
of this response with minimum effort and better sample integrity.
McGWIRE, Kenneth C., Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, USA; and Stephanie
D. Livingston, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA
Specimens representing prehistoric animals are rare,
and expensive to recover, stabilize, conserve, and curate. Consequently,
obtaining statistically representative populations of data for any taxonomic
group has traditionally entailed extensive travel to widely dispersed
curatorial facilities. This paper describes efforts to develop methods
for: creating digital models of paleontological specimens; managing archives
of these virtual specimens; serving these data over the internet; and
efficiently searching, accessing, and analyzing data from such archives
through a standard internet browser. The goal of this project is to develop
a prototype system that could help stimulate new research directions in
the field of paleontology and evolutionary biology by improving the ability
to find, access, and analyze samples curated in different collections.
The development effort focuses on increasing the ability to access and
analyze biological data from a number of geographically dispersed collections
by using modern digital imaging and data management techniques. A web
site is being developed as a central access point to enable "one
stop shopping" for digital paleontological archives on the internet.
The system allows users to search the contents of multiple virtual collections.
This interface also will allow visualization and measurement for performing
analyses on virtual specimens from selected collections. Online measurements
will be complemented by estimates of geometric uncertainty for the virtual
specimens, based on models of distortions arising from data capture, the
type of digital representation, and viewing conditions. Initial data collection
will focus on an extensive characterization of dental specimens from North
American mammoths, with physical specimens from Anza Borrego, Burke Museum,
and Nevada State Museum collections making up the initial demonstration
database. This sample database will serve as a focus point for interaction
between paleontologists and database developers to ensure that the system
meets well-defined scientific objectives.
McROBERTS, Christopher A., Dept. of Geology, State University of New
York, Cortland, NY, USA
Following the end-Permian crisis, marine bivalves document
the long-term increase in generic richness through the early Mesozoic.
The Early and Middle Triassic was marked by a gradual recovery in generic
richness and peaked in the early Late Triassic. As in other clades, recovery
of bivalves following the end-Permian extinction was very gradual and
was not completed (in terms of both richness and ecologic complexity)
until the Ladinian. Although a Carnian-Norian extinction is not evident
in the data and may be a regional event limited to the Tethyan Realm,
the end-Triassic extinction is profound and apparently abrupt. Diversity
metrics are not equally distributed among bivalve living habits. The generally
epifaunal Pteriomorphia and Isofilibranchia exhibit higher extinction
rates compared to the ordinarily infaunal Heteroconchia (especially the
Veneroida and Trigonoida). This pattern of selective extinction led to
a gradual increase in generic richness of infaunal suspension feeders
through most of the Triassic. Contrary to previous hypotheses, this increase
in infaunalization may not have been related to the evolutionary expansion
of major predatory groups (e.g., shell-crushing cephalopods, crustaceans,
sharks, fish, and reptiles) which had typically low abundances and limited
distribution during the Triassic. Drilling predators, although present
during the Triassic, are not considered prominent causes of mortality
among Triassic bivalves. Instead, the infaunalization of bivalves during
the Triassic may have been due to several interconnected abiotic and biotic
causes associated with the recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction.