

To Tony Barnosky and his students as their research on the correlation of climate change and human impacts on Pleistocene extinctions was highlighted in the Berkeley Science Review, issue 9, volume 5(2):30-34 and in OnEarth, published by the Natural Resources Defense Council. Tony was also an invited speaker at three recent symposia: (1) "Ecological Response to Climate Change: scales of change, scales of observation," November 3-4, Viikki Campus, Helsinki, Finland; (2) "All the World's a Stage for Evolution: A Symposium to Honor the Career of Dr. Mary R. Dawson," September 16-18, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittburgh, PA; and (3) AIBS/BSCS/NESCent symposium: "Evolution and the Environment," October 7, Milwaukee, WI, at the NABT annual convention.
To Bill Clemens, to whom the June 2005 issue of the Journal Of Mammalian Evolution was dedicated. Bill was honored not only for his contributions to the study of mammalian


evolution, but also for his role as advisor to numerous students who "worked on anything and everything mammalian — and beyond." Thus, the journal pays tribute to the "intellectual impacts left by Bill Clemens and his scientific descendants."
To Alan Shabel, who received a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to support his dissertation research.
To Brian Kraatz, who received a grant from the Evolving Earth Foundation to support his dissertation research.
To Diane Erwin and Pat Holroyd who were honored for ten years of service to UCMP.
To Jere Lipps, who received the Joseph A. Cushman Award for Excellence in Foraminiferal Research for 2006.
To Dr. Crissy Huffard, who has just filed her Ph.D. dissertation!

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January, 2006