Whats Inside a Dinosaur Bone?by Kevin Padian (page 1 of 3) |
Bones are the most abundant remains of dinosaurs that we have. And
fortunately, they preserve a lot of information about how the animals
lived. But to get at a lot of this information, you have to get inside
the bones, on the microscopic level. In 1994, some generous help from a UCMP donor and field volunteer, Dr. Jay Grimaldi, enabled the museum to renovate its facility for thin-sectioning hard tissues. With new tools and machines, we could now examine the daily growth lines that a snail lays down as it grows and changes its shell, and we could examine the vascular structures of ancient plant stems and the insides of fossil seeds. But most of the work that weve done in our lab is in sectioning the bones and teeth of ancient vertebrates. This work has given us great new insights on how these extinct animals grew, how they built their skeletons, what they ate, and how active they were. The science of examining the tissue structures of organisms is called histology, and it has a long history at UCMP. Charles Camp, J.T. Gregory, and Frank Peabody were among the scientists who took thin-sections of the bones of fossil and recent animals to compare their structures. They started to build this collection in the 1940s, and their slides are still useful in our work today.
How do we make the thin-sections? |
Thin-sections of bone are glued to slides, then ground further until translucent. (photo by Judy Scotchmoor) through, so we grind them down on what look like little potters wheels fitted with discs of successively finer sandpaper, until we get the thinness we need. Then we put them under the microscope.