Step 1 - Preparing the sequencing reactions for dsDNA PCR
products, assuming "half-reactions".
For each reaction (template/primer combination), add the following
reagents to a separate 0.2 ml microamp tube:
Quantity |
Terminator Ready Reaction Mix |
4.0 ml |
template |
up to 4 ml (30-90 ng*) |
primer (at 3.2 mM) |
1.0 ml |
ddH2O |
"q.s." |
total volume |
10 ml |
mix well and spin briefly |
Step 2 - Sequencing on the PE 2400 or 9600 thermal cyclers.
Place the tubes in the thermal cycler and begin temperature cycling
protocol. Program the thermocycler as as follows: 25 cycles of
[96 C for 10 sec, 50 C for 5-10 sec, 60 C for 4 min], then
ramp to 4 C, purify extension products as below.
Step 3 - Purifying sequencing extension products by isopropanol
Briefly spin tubes and transfer by pipeting entire sequencing reactions into 1.5 ml
microcentrifuge tubes. Then . . .
a. add 40 ml of 75% isopropanol, or 10 ml of deionized water and 30 ml of 100% isopropanol.
b. mix by vortexing briefly, leave at room temperature for >15 min (and < 24 hrs) to precipitate products.
c. spin tubes for a minimum of 20 min at maximum speed in a microcentrifuge.
d. aspirate the supernatants completely with a separate pipet tip for each sample, being careful not to disturb the DNA pellet, and discard.
e. add 125 to 250 ml of 75% isopropanol to the tubes and vortex briefly, centrifuge as before for 5 min at maximum speed, and aspirate the supernatants as in step d.
f. dry the samples in a vacuum centrifuge for 10 - 15 minutes (to dryness), or place on a thermal cycler heating block for 1 min at 95 C, and store at -20 C until ready for electrophoresis.
Step 4 - Preparation for electrophoresis.
Redissolve each sample pellet in 3 ml
loading buffer [deionized formamide/25 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) with blue
dextran (50 mg/ml), at 5:1 vol/vol] immediately before use. Vortex
and spin samples. Heat samples at 95 C for 2 min, then immediately
place on ice until ready to load. Load 1 - 2 ml
per sample.