The Glumiflorae are the grasses, sedges, rushes, and cattails, and are easily recognized by their grassy appearance. Though you might not guess it by looking at them, they are flowering plants, producing numerous tiny flowers without showy petals.
The Glumiflorae is one of the largest and most familiar groups of plants. They are arguably the single-most important group of organisms on the planet today, providing us with corn, rice, wheat, and barleythe four highest grossing crops, as well as sugar cane. Their ecological importance in maintaining soil stability and providing turf has made them a common sight in yards and lawns around the world.
Click on the buttons below to learn more about the Glumiflorae.
For more information about the Glumiflorae, try the Texas A&M listings for the Commelinidae
Glumiflorae pictures at Wisconsin (includes Commelinaceae too).
Grain Genes, UDSA/NAL Plant Genome Research Program