Manuscripts and correspondence regarding editorial matters must he sent to: Dr. Angel A. Luque del Villar, Editor de Publicaciones, Laboratorio de Biologia Marina, Departamento de Biologia, Universidad Aut—noma de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid, Spain.
Manuscripts may be written in any modern language.
Manuscripts must be typed double spaced (including the references, figure captions and tables) on one side on A-4 (297x210 mm) with margins of at least 3 cm. An original and two copies must be submitted. When a paper has joint authorship, one author must accept responsibility for all correspondence.
Papers should conform the following layout:
First page: This must include a concise but informative title. with mention of family of higher taxon when appropriate, and its English translation. It will be followed by all authors' names and surnames, their full address(es), an abstract (and its English translation) not exceeding 200 words which summarizes not only contents but results and conclusions, and a list of Key Words (and their English translation) under which the article should be indexed.
Following pages: These should content the rest of the paper. divided into sections under short headings. Whenever possible the text should be arranged as follows: Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. Unusual abbreviations used in the text must be grouped in one alphabetic sequence after the Material and methods section.
Notes should follow the same layout, without the abstract.
Footnotes and cross-references must be avoided. The International Codes of Zoological and Botanical Nomenclature must be strictly followed. The first mention in the text of any taxon must be followed by its authority including the year. In systematic papers, when synonyms of a taxon are given, they must be cited IN FULL, including the periodicals in an abbreviated form, where they were described, and the type localities in square brackets when known. Follow this example (please note the punctuation):
Dendrodoris limbata (Cuvier, 1804)
Doris limbata Cuvier 1804. Ann. Mus. H. N. Paris, 4 (24): 468-469 [Type locality: Marseille].
Doris nigricans Otto 1823. Nov. Act. Ac. Caes. Leop. Car., 10: 275.
These references must not be included in the Bibliography list, except if referred to elsewhere in the text. If a full list of references of the taxon is to be given immediately below it, the same layout should be followed (also excluding those nowhere else cited from the Bibliography list).
Only Latin words and names of genera and species should be underlined once or be given in italics. No word must be written in UPPER CASE LETTERS. SI units are to be used, together with their appropriate symbols. In Spanish manuscripts, decimal numbers must be separated with a comma (,), NEVER with a point (.) or upper comma (').
References in the text should be written in small letters or SMALL CAPITALS, Fretter & Graham (1962) or FRETTER & GRAHAM (1962). The first mention in the text of a paper with more than two authors must include all of them [Smith, Jones & Brown (1970)], thereafter use et al. [Smith et al. (1970)]. If an author has published more than one paper per year, refer to them with letters: (Davis. 1989a; Davis, 1989b). Avoid op. cit.
The references in the reference list should be in alphabetical order and include all the publications cited in the text but only these. ALL the authors of a paper must be included. These should be written in small letters or SMALL CAPITALS. The reference need not be cited when the author and date are given only as authority for a taxonomic name. Titles of periodicals must be given IN FULL, not abbreviated. For books, give the title, name of publisher, place of publication, indication of edition if not the first and total number of pages. Keep references to doctoral theses or any other unpublished documents to an absolute minimum. See the following examples (please note the punctuation):
Fretter, V. and Graham, A., 1962. British Prosobranch Molluscs. Ray Society, London, 765 pp.
Ponder, W. F., 1988. The Truncatelloidean (= Rissoacean) radiation - a preliminary phylogeny. In Ponder, W. F. (Ed.): Prosobranch Phylogeny, Malacological Review, suppi. 4: 129-166.
Ros, J., 1976. Cat‡logo provisional de los Opistobranquios (Gastropoda: Euthyneura) de las costas ibŽricas. Miscelanea Zoologica, 3 (5): 21-51.
Figures must be original, in Indian ink on draughts man's tracing paper. Keep in mind page format and column size when designing figures. These should be one column (57 mm) or two columns (120 mm) wide and up 194 mm high, or be proportional to these sizes. Two columns format is recommended. It is desirable to print figures with their legend below, so authors are asked to take this into account when preparing full page figures. If computer generated graphics are to be included, they must be printed on high quality white paper with a laser printer. Photographs must be of good contrast, and should be submitted in the final size. When mounting photographs in a block, ensure spacers are of uniform width. Remember that grouping photographs of varied contrast results in poor reproduction. Take account of necessary reduction in lettering drawings; final lettering must be at least 2 mm high. In composite drawings, each figure should be given a capital letter; additional lettering should be in lower-case letters. A scale line is recommended to indicate size, magnification ratio must be avoided as it may be changed during printing. UTM maps are to be used if necessary. Figures must be submitted on separate sheets, and numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3,...), without separating 'Plates' and 'Figures'. Legends for Figures must be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet. and an English translation must be included. Follow this example (please note the punctuation):
Figure 1. Neodoris carvi. A: animal crawling; B: rinophore; C: gills.
If abbreviations are to be used in illustrations, group them alphabetically after the Legends for Figures section.
Authors wishing to publish illustrations in colour are expected to be charged with additional costs (30.000 ptas, 230 US$ per page). They should be submitted in the same way that black and white prints.
Tables must be numbered with Roman numbers (I, II, III ....) and each typed on a separate sheet. Headings should be typed on a separate sheet, together with their English translation. Complex tables should be avoided. As a general rule, keep the number and extension illustrations and tables as reduced as possible.
Manuscripts that do not conform to these instructions will be returned for correction before reviewing.
Authors submitting Manuscripts will receive an acknowledgement of receipt, including receipt date, and the date the manuscript was sent for reviewing. Each manuscript will be critically evaluated by at least two referees. Based on these evaluations, the Editorial Board will decide on acceptance or rejection. Anyway, authors will receive a copy of the referees' comments. If a manuscript is accepted, the Editorial Board may indicate additional changes if desirable. Acceptable manuscripts will be returned to the author for consideration of comments and criticism; a finalized manuscript must then be returned to the Editor, together with a floppy disk containing the article written with a DOS or Macintosh word processor. Dates of reception and acceptance of the manuscript will appear in all published articles.
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