
Contributor Information

Haliotis, the journal of Societe Francaise de Malacologie, welcomes any original articles dealing with Molluscs. It is issued annually, with one or several parts.

Manuscripts submitted to Haliotis must not be in press or published elsewhere. The authors who wish to make subsequent use of materials published in Haliotis must previously request permission from S.F.M.

The number of pages per article must be less than 12, or settled by special arrangement with the Editor.

Submission of manuscripts

The texts must be typed using a widely used word processor. Two copies in A4 format, typed double-space, will be first submitted together with the original and two copies of the illustrations. Manuscripts must be sent to: secrŽtariat gŽnŽral de la S.F.M., 55 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, or to one of the members of the Editorial Board.

The manuscript will be read by one or more specialists chosen by the Editorial Board, and his/her comments will be sent to the author (anonymously or not at the referees' discretion). The author must consider the referees' comments and, if appropriate, send a revised version with a diskette of text and tables. The editorial committee will take, accordingly to the referees' comments, a final decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

Organization of text

- concise and informative title: it will be used for literature searches. If the title contains a little-known genus or species name, it must be complemented by a suprageneric taxon name.

- first name(s) (complete) et and name(s) of author(s)

- address(es) of author(s)

- English title and "abstract" (use other language if the paper is in English)

- abstract (in the language used for the main text) with main results but not the description of taxa.

- main text with in this order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References.

The hierarchy of headings should be as simple as possible, subheadings are not accepted.


Only black and white illustrations will be supported by the journal; the extra cost of colour illustrations will be billed to the authors.

Illustrations must be of good quality, camera-ready. Drawings will be preferably larger than final size, and accompanied by a photocopy at desired final size. Lettering should take into account the reduction, and their final size should be at least 1.5 mm. For plots and graphs, laser printer outputs are acceptable as originals. Maps must include a frame with coordinates. Photographic plates must be mounted in final size and fully lettered. Maximum size of one plate is 16.5 x 23 cm.

All figures must be numbered in a single series, whether they are drawings, photographs or graphs. Tables (containing exclusively text or numbers) will be numbered in another series. The figure captions will be typed on a separate sheet, and copied on the diskette. The desired position of figures can be indicated in the text.

Miscellaneous instructions

Names of taxa must be used conforming to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1985 edition). Names of genera and species must be written in italics, not those of higher taxa. A specific, generic or familial name must be accompanied by author and date when cited for the first time; avoid constructions which make confusion between author and date of a taxon and a cited reference.

The Reference list must contain all cited references, and only these. References which appear only as author and date of a taxon are not necessarily included in the list. Journal titles must be unabbreviated. Use some of the following examples:

Bourguignat J.R., 1857. AmŽnitŽs malacologiques. Revue et magasin de zoologie (2)9: 3-31, pl. 1-4.

Swofford D.L. & Olsen G.J., 1990. Phylogeny reconstruction. In: Molecular systematics. (D.M. Hillis & C. Morris, eds.) : 411-501. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachussets.

References may be called in the text as "... following Hall (1986)... ", " (Hall and Smith, 1986)", (Richardson et al., 1985)...". For several papers with the same authors, use "1985a, 1985b..."

The reprints must be ordered at the time of correcting proofs. There will be 25 free reprints per paper; additional reprints will be billed.


The secretaire general of Societe Francaise de Malacologie acts as Editor for the journal. Currently:

Serge Gofas, Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres marins et Malacologie, 55 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France - e-mail: gofas@mnhn.fr

Editorial Board:

Patrick ARNAUD Station Marine d'Endoume, Rue de la Batterie des Lions, 13007 Marseille

Alan BEBBINGTON 3 Crawley Lane, Uley, Nr Dursley, Glos GL11 5 BJ, Great Britain

Alain BODOY IFREMER, Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu,B.P. 1049, F-44037 Nantes cedex 01, France

Pio FIORONI Universitaet Muenster, Institut fŸr Spezielle Zoologie und Vergleichende Embryologie, Huefferstra§e 1, D-48149 Muenster, Germany

Serge GOFAS Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres Marins et Malacologie, 55 rue de Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France

Marcel LE PENNEC Laboratoire de Zoologie, Faculte des Sciences , 6 avenue Le Gorgeu, F-29283 Brest cedex, France

Pierre LUBET Laboratoire de Zoologie, I.B.B.A., Faculte des Sciences, F-14032 Caen cedex, France

Mathieu POULICEK Laboratoire d'Ecologie marine, Institut de Zoologie, Universite de Liege, 22 Quai van Beneden, B - 4020 Liege, Belgium

Jean TARDY Laboratoire de Biologie, Biochimie marines et PhytoŽcologie, IUT, Rue Francois de Vaux de Foletier, F-17026 La Rochelle cedex, France

Nardo VICENTE C.E.R.A.M., Faculte des Sciences et Techniques, de Saint Jerome, F-13397 Marseille cedex 13, France

Subscription and Membership

The journal is distributed to members of the society - 1995 membership dues: students, 100 FFR, other individuals 200 FFR, institutional 280 FFR Payment on postal giro account CCP 30 38766 X La Source, with a copy of receipt to the treasurer (55 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France ). Back issues: please enquire.