Only papers in English will be accepted.
Manuscripts must be typed on white paper approximately 21 by 29.5 cm (A4 size), and double spaced throughout. Manuscript including figures. should be submitted in duplicate (not carbon copies). The first mention in text of scientific names of species should be accompanied by the author and date. Underline scientific names and other words to be printed in italic. Metric system must be used.
The "literature cited" section must include all (but not additional) references refered to the text. References should be listed in alphabetical order. Each citation must be complete, with all journal titles with abbreviations.
Tables must be numbered and each typed on a sheet. Each table should be headed by a brief legend.
Figures must be carefully prepared ;and should be submitted ready for publication. Each should have a short legend, listed on a separate sheet following, the literature cited. Text-figures should be in black ink and completely lettered. Keep in mind page format and column size when designing figures. Photographs should be trimmed off squarely, arranged into plates, and mounted on suitable drawing board. Where necessary, a scale should accompany each figure.
It is the author's responsibility that lettering legible after final reduction (if any) and that lettering size is appropriate to the figures. Charges will be made for necessary alterations. Figures and plates will be reduced to14 cm in width and a maximum height of 19 cm. Processing of manuscripts:
The author will receive one set of the first proof's, which summit he corrected carefully for printing errors. At this ,stage, author's changes are no longer and changes other than the correction of printing errors will be carried to the author at cost. Corrected proof Should be returned to the Institute of Malacology of Tokyo within 4 days after receipt by fastest ways (DHL, EMS Business Mail etc.)
An order form for the purchase of reprints will accompany proof.
Author's affillation and mailing address including Zip Code should be appended after the literature cited section.