-Manuscripts, including figures, figure captions and tables, should be submitted in duplicate (original and copy) and should include in the following order: Title page of the manuscript: Author's name and surnames, Title, summary and resume and a footnote, marked by * for address. The text, wherever possible, should be arranged as follows: Introduction, Material, and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.
-Articles should be written in good, concise language. Form and content should be carefully checked before submission to avoid the need for corrections in proof.
-The typing should be double spaced (including captions, footnotes and references) on one side of white bond paper (possibly UNI A4) with margins of at least 3 cm. The position of tables and illustrations should be indicated in the margins of the manuscript. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Figures, tables and captions should be submitted on separate sheets.
-Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. Essential footnotes should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text and placed at the foot of the page to which they apply. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Unusual abbreviations must be explained.
-References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper and styled as in the following examples:
Journal papers: NAMES and initials of all authors, year - Full title Journal abbreviated in accordance with international practice, place of edition; volume (number): first and last page numbers.
MONTEROSATO M.T.A., 1880 - Conchiglie deila zona degii abissi. Boll. Soc. malac. it., Pisa; 6 (2): 50-82.
Books: NAMES and initials of authors, year - Title (of books or article). Editor(s) (Title of book) edition, volume (number), publisher, place, page number.
LE DANOIS E., 1948 - Les profondeurs de la mer. Trente ans de recherches sur la faune sousmarine au large de la France. Payot, Paris, 303 p.
Citations in the text should read (LEONARD, 1980) or PIANI (1981). When a paper has more than two authors, the style SMITH et al. (1968) should be used. The convention (BROWN, 1979a) (BROWN, 1979b) should be used when more than one paper is cited by the same author(s) and published in the same year.
Only Genus and species names should be underlined once for italics. All figures, whether photographs, micrographs or diagrams should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and must be referred to in the text. They are to be submitted on separate sheets, each bearing the, author's name and the figure number.
Where possible, figures should be grouped, bearing in mind that the maximum display area for figures is 11.3 x 18.5 cm. Figures should be prepared to fit the format of the printed page (print area) so that 1:1 reproduction is possible. The publisher reserves the right to reduce or enlarge illustrations.
Colour illustrations can only be accepted if the author agrees to bear the costs of reproduction. Please submit well-contrasted glossy prints. Final lettering should be 2.5/3.0 mm high and rub-on lettering should be used to mark photographs.
Proofs: authors will receive one set of proofs. Proofs should be corrected in pen and returned as soon as possible. A charge will be made for changes introduced after the article has been typeset. Reprints may be ordered when returning the first proof.