"In last Saturday Gardeners' Chronicle, a Mr Patrick Matthews publishes long extract from his work on "Naval Timber & Arboriculture" published in 1831, in which he briefly but completely anticipates the theory of Nat. Selection. -- I have ordered the Book, as some few passages are rather obscure but it is, certainly, I think, a complete but not developed anticipation! . . . Anyhow one may be excused in not having discovered the fact in a work on 'Naval Timber'."Charles Darwin. Letter to Charles Lyell, April 10, 1860.
Patrick Matthew was born in Scotland on October 20, 1790, on a farm in
Scotland. Educated at the University of Edinburgh,
Matthew traveled widely in Europe, but spent most of his life
on his estate in Scotland, where he owned and managed an orchard of
over 10,000 fruit trees. He died on June 8, 1874.
Matthew is an obscure figure in the history of evolutionary
thought; relatively little is known about his life. He was not a trained
scientist, and his evolutionary insights lie buried in the middle of
his books and articles on agriculture and politics. Yet he developed
a theory of natural selection nearly thirty years before the
publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, with both deep differences
and remarkable similarities to Darwin's theory.
What was his "complete but not developed anticipation" of natural
selection? In 1831, Matthew published On Naval Timber and
Arboriculture, a book on raising trees of optimum quality for
the construction of Royal Navy ships. In an appendix to this book,
Matthew expressed his theory, based in part on his observations of
how tree species might vary in form, and how artificial selection might
improve cultivated trees. To let Matthew speak for himself:
As nature, in all her modifications of life, has a power of increase
far beyond what is needed to supply the place of what falls by
Time's decay, those individuals who possess not the requisite
strength, swiftness, hardihood, or cunning, fall prematurely
without reproducing -- either a prey to their natural devourers, or
sinking under disease, generally induced by want of nourishment,
their place being occupied by the more perfect of their own kind,
who are pressing on the means of subsistence.
Could natural selection produce new species? Matthew suggested
that this was possible:
There is more beauty and unity of design in this continual
balancing of life to circumstance, and greater conformity to those
dispositions of nature which are manifest to us, than in total
destruction and new creation. It is improbable that much of this
diversification is owing to commixture of species nearly allied,
all change by this appears very limited, and confined within the
bounds of what is called species; the progeny of the same parents,
under great differences of circumstance, might, in several
generations, even become distinct species, incapable of
Matthew's ideas can also be seen in his political and social
writings and outlook. Though a middle-class landowner and grain
dealer, in the 1830s he became involved in the Chartist movement,
a working-class movement for political reform. He was influenced by
warnings that population would outstrip food supply, leading to
poverty and death as consequences of the struggle for existence.
In his 1839 book, Emigration Fields, Matthew proposed a
solution: mass emigration of British colonists to North America,
Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Although Matthew
believed that British colonists could settle anywhere -- "the
whole of the unpeopled regions of the earth may now be said to be
British ground" -- he advocated their settlement in temperate
climates. Why? Human races showed adaptation to the places
where they lived; the British people, coming from a temperate
climate, would prosper in temperate climates abroad. Emigration,
Matthew thought, would cause natural selection to weed out the
In the agitation which accompanies emigration, the ablest in mind
and body -- the most powerful varieties of the race will be thrown
into their natural positions as leaders, impressing the stamp of
their character on the people at large, and constituting the more
reproductive part; while the feebler or more improvident varieties
will generally sink under incidental hardship.
Matthew always believed that he, not Darwin, deserved credit for the theory of
evolution by natural selection -- he even had "Discoverer of the Principle of
Natural Selection" printed on his calling cards. But how much influence did he
really have? Some have suggested that Darwin had read Matthew's work
and was influenced by it, but there is no convincing evidence that
Darwin had ever heard of Matthew's biological theories before the
publication of The Origin of Species. There are nearly as many deep
differences between Matthew's theory and Darwin's as there are similarities.
Matthew was a catastrophist: his geological theories were very close to those
of Cuvier.
According to Matthew, the earth had periodically been rocked by
upheavals, which left an "unoccupied field. . . for new diverging
ramifications of life." Evolutionary change took place right after
these upheavals; between catastrophes, species did not change,and
natural selection would act to stabilize species, not alter them:
A particular conformity, each after its own kind, . . . no doubt
exists to a considerable degree. This conformity has existed
during the last 40 centuries. Geologists discover a like particular
conformity -- fossil species -- through the deep deposition of
each great epoch, but they also discover an almost complete
difference to exist between the species or stamp of life on one
epoch from that of every other.
Matthew's theory lacked Darwin's concept of evolution as an
ongoing, continuous process. Matthew did not see evolution as the
gradual accumulation of favorable variations leading to
adaptation, nor did he believe in extinction except by catastrophe.
Matthew saw species as classes of similar organisms, not as
interbreeding populations. He also never relinquished his belief
in natural theology: he wrote to Darwin in 1871 that "a sentiment
of beauty pervading Nature. . . affords evidence of intellect and
benevolence in the scheme of Nature. This principle of beauty is
clearly from design and cannot be accounted for by natural
selection." The phrase quoted above, "There is more beauty and unity of
design in this continual balancing of life to circumstance," sums up Matthew's
attitude to natural selection: it showed the workings of Providence, of the
designed laws of nature. Nevertheless, Matthew's ideas show how pervasive
were intellectual trends such as
Malthusian sociology and natural theology,
which were to influence Darwin so much.