INTRODUCING STUDENTS to microfossils in the K-12 curriculum can be a rewarding
and exciting experience for both instructor and student. Students, even those who collect
fossils as a hobby, are generally unaware of microfossils. Exposure to microfossils opens up
a whole new world of inquiry, and the extent to which that inquiry is developed can be
adjusted to the grade-level and interest-level of the individual student.
Among the most abundant and readily studied microfossils are the foraminifera, a
group of single-celled a protozoans that construct chambered shells (tests) of almost infinite
variety (see Loeblich and Tappan, 1964 and 1988). Tests are either calcareous (composed of
calcium carbonate secreted by the organism) or agglutinated (composed of a variety of grains
selected from the seabottom and cemented together to form the test). Typically about the size
of a sand grain, foraminifera (or forams as they are often called) display such an array of shell
forms and surface textures that students are instantly fascinated with them. Modern
foraminifera, like their fossilized ancestors, inhabit salt water environments ranging from
open marine to brackish (estuaries, salt marshes, etc.). Most species live on the sea bottom
(benthic), but some are floaters (planktonic) that spend their entire lives in the water column.
Hence, foraminifera occur in a wide variety of sediments and sedimentary rocks, often in
great abundance, and can be collected in most geographic regions.
The actual concentration of foraminiferal tests in sediments, either modern or ancient,
depends largely upon the rate at which nonbiogenic (inorganic) sediments have accumulated.
For instance, near the mouth of a major river the supply of nonbiogenic sediment is so great
that one might need to look through thousands of sediment grains to find a single foram.
Conversely, some deep-sea sediments (far removed from the source of most nonbiogenic
sediments) may be almost pure concentrations of foraminiferal tests. Generally speaking,
tests are scarce in coarse sands but are often abundant in silts and fine sands (Haynes, 1981).
The techniques used to prepare and concentrate samples for examination vary
according to rock type (composition and grain size), how hard or resistant the sediment or
rock is, how abundant the foraminifera are, and how they are preserved within the sediment
matrix. The discussions that follow focus on sediment types that can be disaggregated in
order to free the foraminiferal tests. This would include sands, silts and clays, and the rock
types produced when these sediments are hardened (sandstones, siltstones and shales,
respectively). It would not, however, include limestones, which often contain foraminifera
but cannot be readily disaggregated to free the fossilized tests.
Foraminifera can be recovered from bulk sediment samples, although their presence or
absence in any given sample often cannot be established until after processing. The sampling
strategy is simply to collect bags of sediments/sedimentary rocks that can later be broken
down and processed for foraminifera. Such samples might come from selected rock types or
at predetermined stratigraphic intervals within an exposed geologic section. Another
approach is to process sediment contained within larger fossils that one might collect. For
example, the fossil shells of marine snails and clams are often filled with the same sediment
that surrounds them. Processing these sediment fillings may yield foraminifera.
The materials needed for collecting and processing foraminifera are generally rather
modest. A geology pick or small scraping tool and bags to hold sediment samples will
support field collection. Bags need not be elaborate or expensive. Simple zip-lock plastic
baggies work quite nicely. Try to sample a fresh surface by scraping away sediment from the
surface of the exposure before taking your samples. Be sure to utilize a field notebook to
record the geographic location, stratigraphic position, and any other important information
regarding each sample. Assign the sample a number correspopnding to your field notes so
that you can reconstruct information about the sample at a later date. Processing samples in
the laboratory will require a source of running water, a sieve, a funnel and some filter paper,
and perhaps detergents or chemicals to help disaggregate the sediments.
The object of all techniques described below is to isolate microfossils, in this case
foraminifera, from the sediment grains that surround them. Only then can the microfossils be
adequately observed and studied.
Unconsolidated sediment and some soft rocks will break down after soaking in water
for a few hours, whereas harder rocks may first require crushing and then boiling. The rule
of thumb here is to utilize the simplest and easiest technique that will provide the desired
results. If simple soaking is all that is required to disaggregate the sediment, then forego
more involved techniques. Regardless of which technique you utilize, initially breaking the
sediment or rock into fragments several mm in maximum dimension, or slightly larger, will
speed the process.
Precautionary Note: Make sure that labeling is carefully and accurately transcribed at every
step. A mislabeled sample has little, if any, scientific value.
Simple Soaking If your sample is composed of unconsolidated sediment or sedimentary
rock that can be easily disaggregated, simple soaking may be all that is required. Soaking in
distilled water is most desirable, but using a dilute Calgon solution often helps to diaggregate
fine sediments (muds). Calgon can be purchased in the laundry detergent section of most
grocery stores. This can be done in a large beaker or any other clean glass container that is
available. Experiment to see how long any given sample needs to be soaked.
Once the muds have been dispersed, the sample can be washed through a sieve (a
stainless steel U. S. Standard Sieve No. 230 with mesh openings of 63 microns is
recommended). This is probably the single most expensive item needed to properly prepare
samples (current cost, about $90 for a sieve 8 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep). This
initial expense is offset by the fact that, if properly utilized and maintained, a sieve will last
for many years. Gently agitate your water/sediment mixture, introduce it gradually onto the
sieve, and wash under a gentle stream of water. Most professionals recommend distilled
water, but tap water may be used at this stage. The muds will pass through the sieve and be
discarded. Do not do this at a standard sink that is not equipped with a sediment trap. If you
do, you will have a clogged sink line in very short order. If you do not have a sink with a
sediment trap, do this outdoors or use a large bucket to catch what passes through the sieve.
You can then dump contents of the bucket outside. What remains on the sieve is a
concentration of sand-sized material, including any foraminifera that are in the sample. Rinse
this material into filter paper placed within a funnel, allow the sample to drain, and then air
dry in place safe from contamination and breezes. When dry, the grains should not adhere to
one another. If they do, some mud still remains and the soaking/sieving procedure should be
repeated. When satisfactorily clean, the dried sample should be stored in a properly labeled
vial until ready for microscopic examination.
Don't get in a hurry during the sample processing phase. A bit of extra time invested in
properly cleaning your samples will save time and frustration when you examine them under
the microscope.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Method If your sample is more resistant, additional treatments
may be required to breakit down. Soaking and, if necessary, boiling in a dilute solution of
hydrogen peroxide is an effective means of breaking down such samples.
Precautionary Note: Concentrated H2O2 (thirty percent) is commercially available, but it is
expensive and highly caustic. Handle it with extreme caution and dilute it to make a three
percent solution before using it to process samples.
The steps in the H2O2 method are:
1) air-dry sample for several days or oven-dry sample for
24 hours at about 45°C;
2) place sample in 500-ml or 1000-ml pyrex beaker;
3) add three
percent hydrogen peroxide solution (volume of solution should be 2 to 3 times that of sample
being processed);
4) gently agitate and let soak for 24 hours at room temperature or in oven at
about 45°C (stir occasionally and keep covered to prevent contamination);
5) heat solution
containing sample for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring frequently and taking care that the solution
does not boil over;
6) wash sample over No. 230 U. S. Standard Sieve as described earlier;
7) if sample is not disaggregated, transfer it back into beaker and repeat steps 3 through 6;
8) wash sample over No. 18 U.S. Standard Sieve (1-mm openings) and No. 230 U.S. Standard
Sieve, trapping coarser material on the No. 18 sieve and the sand fraction containing
foraminifera on the No. 230 sieve (a coarse screen of the proper mesh size, available at any
hardware store, can substitute for the No. 18 sieve);
9) dry and examine any material retained
on the No. 18 sieve (not likely to be forams but may include other fossils of interest);
10) transfer sample retained on No. 230 sieve to filter paper;
11) air-dry or oven-dry sample at
12) transfer dried material to labeled vial for storage.
Other Techniques Literature on the foraminifera describes other methods for
disaggregating sediment samples. A product called Quaternary O, a highly active but low
sudsing detergent, was widely used for many years (e.g., Snyder et al., 1983). Although it is
no longer available, a product called Miramine is a suitable and inexpensive substitute. It is
available from the Miranol Chemical Company, 68 Culver Road, Dayton, NJ 08810. The
methodology for using surfactants such as Quaternary O or Miramine is exactly like that
desribed above for the use of hydrogen peroxide. Simply use the appropriately diluted
detergent solution in place of the three percent H2O2 solution.
Another technique for additional cleaning involves use of a sodium pyrophosphate or a
sodium metaphosphate solution (e.g., Snyder and Waters, 1984). After an intial soaking (in
distilled water or a dilute Calgon solution), the sand-sized residue trapped on the No. 230
sieve is placed in 0.1 M solution (five grams of chemical to one liter of distilled water) and
gently agitated for 20 to 30 minutes. This process effectively removes persistent clay-sized
particles that may partially obscure important features of the test.
Finally, some of the older literature, not cited here because the techniques may be
extremely hazardous, advocates the use of much harsher chemicals, including kerosene,
gasoline, Varsol (similar to white gas or mineral spirits), and concentrated H2O2. Use of
these methods is not recommended because they can be dangerous, both to the preparator and
the environment.
As indicated earlier, foraminiferal tests may be rare compared to nonbiogenic sediment
particles. If foraminifera are reasonably abundant, the best procedure is simple microscopic
examination of the processed sample in order to find them. However, there may be instances
where the time required to examine the sample in this manner is prohibitive. Then it may be
desirable to float the foraminifera in order to separate them from other sediment grains. The
only reason this works is because foraminifera, with their hollow chambers, have an effective
density much less than solid sediment grains of comparable size. If the foraminifera are filled
with sediment or secondary mineral material, they will not float.
Soap Float One of the simplest ways to concentrate foraminiferal tests is to employ a soap
float. Here the detergent is not of the low sudsing variety (such as Quaternary O), but rather
a standard detergent or soap that produces a sudsy froth. The processed sample is added in
small increments to a solution of soap and distilled water. With frequent agitation, the
foraminifera become suspended in the surface froth while solid sediment particles such as
quartz grains sink to the bottom of the container. The froth can be periodically decanted onto
a No. 230 sieve and washed in a gentle stream of water to eliminate the suds. What remains
will be a concentration of foraminiferal tests, perhaps with some very fine sands of
nonbiogenic origin. This residue can be dried and examined under the microscope.
Other techniques can provide an even cleaner separation, but many involve the use of
chemicals that are extremely hazardous. For example, bromoform and carbon tetrachloride
have been widely used to concentrate foraminiferal tests by floating. However, both are
carcinogenic and must be used under a fume hood. The fumes are toxic and the chemicals
can be absorbed through the skin. Consequently, use of these chemicals to concentrate foram
tests is not recommended. The use of another, safer chemical to accomplish the same sort of
separation is described below.
Flotation Using Sodium Polytungstate Sodium polytungstate [also known as sodium
metatungstate: Na(H2W12O40)] is a non-toxic, high-density agent that is ecologically safe,
easy to use, and recoverable so that it may be re-used several times. It has a density of 3.1
g/ml, which can be reduced to any desired lesser density simply by adding distilled water that
is heated above 20°C. Although calcite has a density of 2.7 g/ml, air is usually trapped
within the foraminiferal tests making them more bouyant than quartz (density = 2.65 g/ml).
For best results, the sodium polytungstate solution should be diluted until a piece of gypsum
(density = 2.32 g/ml) floats and a piece of orthoclase (density = 2.57 g/ml) sinks. If the
gypsum and orthoclase sink, the liquid can be boiled off to increase the density.
Sodium polytungstate is available as a salt (in powder form) from GEOLIQUIDS, Inc.,
15 E. Palatine Rd., Suite 109, Prospect Heights, IL 60070 and can be ordered by calling 1-
800-827-2411. The cost is about $90.00/lb.
Processed samples, once dried, can be stored indefinitely in labeled vials until one desires to
examine them. The sample is then sprinkled sparsely across a picking tray and examined
under a binocular microscope. Brass picking trays with a grid of rectanglar subdivisions, all
of equal size, are typically used by professionals. The surface of the tray is a dull black (to
minimize reflection) and the grid lines may be white or gold. Sources for these trays are very
difficult to find, but less sophisticated trays serve nicely. Any shallow plastic tray measuring
a few inches per side will suffice. If it is clear or highly lustrous, simply cut a piece of black
construction paper or cardboard to fit in the bottom of the tray. This will provide a
background that will not strain your eyes, and it provides a nice contrast to the foraminifera,
which are typically white.
Any binocular microscope with reasonably good optics and the power to magnify 30 to
40 times will be adequate for the study of foraminifera. Of course, scopes with better optics
and magnifications up to 100 times are helpful.
Individual foraminiferal specimens encountered while examining samples strewn
across the picking tray can be picked and mounted for permanent reference. A recessed area
in an 18-ply cardboard slide provides a black background that can be coated with a water-
soluble glue (e.g., Tragacanth). The cardboard slides will also need glass cover slides and 18
ply aluminum holders. All three of these items can be ordered from: Curtis Matheson
Scientific, Inc., 8291 Patuxent Range Rd., Suite F, Jessup, MD 20794 (tel. 1-800-650-0650 or
301-498-5210). An alternative supplier of cardboard slides is: SGE President, Geology
Department, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 (e-mail:
The cost of the cardboard slides is around $40 per package of 100.
Any foram specimens encountered on the picking tray can be captured using the wetted
tip of an artist's brush (buy size 000, sable hair). Simply dip the tip of the brush in water,
touch it to the specimen you desire to pick, and transfer the specimen to the glued slide. The
glue, being water soluble, will then dry and secure the foram to the slide. At any time,
wetting the specimen will release the glue so that the specimen may be turned and viewed
from different perspectives. A metal clip holds a glass cover slide over the cardboard
micropaleontology slide to protect specimens during prolonged storage. Using these slides,
you can build a reference collection of foraminifera to share with students.
HAYNES, J. R., 1981, Foraminifera. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 433 p.
LOEBLICH, A. R., JR., AND TAPPAN, H., 1964, Protista 2, Sarcodina, Chiefly
Thecamoebians and Foraminiferida. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Geological
Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas, pt. C, 2 vols., 900 p.
_____, AND _____, 1988, Foraminiferal genera and their classification - Plates. Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, 2 vols., 970 p., 847 pls.
SNYDER, S.W., MAUGER, L.L., AND AKERS, W.H., 1983, Planktonic foraminifera and
biostratigraphy of the Yorktown Formation, Lee Creek, North Carolina. Smithsonian
Contributions to Paleobiology, no. 53, p. 455-482.
_____, AND WATERS, V. J., 1984, Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the
Goban Spur region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80. In Graciansky, P.C. de, Poag, C.W., et
al., Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, DC, U. S. Goverment Printing
Office, v. 80. p. 439-472. ??