Can You Match Them?Author: Sharon Janulaw |
Overview: Students find pairs of matching sounds by shaking lidded containers and listening to the sounds that are generated.
Lesson Concepts:
Grade Span: K2
Advance Preparation:
Gather a supply of empty film cans or other small containers with lids.
Make matching pairs of sound cans by filling two containers with the same amount of beans, two containers with the same amount of popcorn, two containers with a penny each, two containers with the same amount of water, etc.
Make a card with two circles for each pair of sound cans.
Time: 20 minutes
Grouping: Individuals or groups
Teacher Background:
It is essential for children to learn that rational thought and the scientific enterprise are based upon observations, both direct and indirect. Observations using our senses and extensions of our senses are the starting points for knowledge that reaps benefits for our daily lives and contributes to scientific understanding.Explore this link for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson:
Teaching Tips:
Target or K-Mart usually has empty film cans with lids that they give away. Students may want to take the lids off of the containers to use their sense of sight rather than their sense of hearing. You may want to remind them that they are only using their sense of hearing. If you make a dozen pairs of sound cans, a small group can work together to match sounds.
Place items behind a screen. Have a student stand behind the screen and make sounds with two objects or use the same object to make the two sounds. Students in front of the screen decide whether it was the same object or different objects that made the sounds.
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