Letter to Annie Alexander of March 14, 1921

From 1901 on, Annie Alexander supported paleontological research and collecting at the University of California. In 1921, after the Department of Paleontology had been merged with the Department of Geology, Miss Alexander chose to endow the Museum of Paleontology as a research institution separate from the academic departments. This letter gives University President Barrows's response. Scroll down below the letter to read a transcription. View other documents and photographs from the UCMP collections.

Letter to Annie Alexander from UC 
president David Barrow

The letter reads:

Berkeley, March 14, 1921.

My dear Miss Alexander:
I am happy to advise you that at their last meeting the Regents gratefully accepted your fine provision for a museum of palaeontology. It will be my solicitude as well as theirs, to see that your desires are realized in the administration of this donation, and that a museum of palaeontology is created here comparable to the fine research institutions which we owe to your foresight and beneficence.

I have had an estimate made by the Superintendent of Grounds of the changes necessary in Bacon Hall, in the hope that our funds will enable us to carry through these alterations for the beginning of the next academic year.

With renewed expressions of my appreciation, I am
Faithfully yours,

(signed) David Barrows

Annie Alexander bio  |   The Annie Montague Alexander Papers

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