About UCMP : UCMP newsletter

The Bearded Lady Project

by Lisa White. Photos courtesy of Kelsey Vance and The Bearded Lady Project.

The Bearded Lady Portraits of UCMP Women Scientists Lisa White with her Bearded Lady portrait at SVP Pat Holroyd with her Bearded Lady portrait at SVP
Portrait of Carole Hickman at SVP Portrait of Erica Clites at SVP
The portrait gallery featured UCMP Women Scientists amongst them. Featuring Lisa White, Erica Clites, Carole Hickman and Pat Holroyd.

At both the SVP and GSA meetings, portraits from The Bearded Lady Project (http://thebeardedladyproject.com) were unveiled and the women of UCMP featured prominently in the gallery of photos shown at the conferences. They include portraits of Carole Hickman, Pat Holroyd, Erica Clites, Cindy Looy, Lisa White, Diane Erwin and many of the female graduate students at the UCMP. All portraits by Kelsey Vance.