About UCMP

UCMP newsletter for May 2012

The online version of the museum's official newsletter.

Huff's Synthetoceras head
This sculpted head of the deer-like Synthetoceras was the centerpiece of UCMP's Cal Day display on the paleoart of William Gordon Huff. Damaged and in storage for over 40 years, the head was restored for the event.
Saluting our volunteers
Volunteers have made a significant impact at UCMP during the past year

Cal Day 2012 highlights
Cal Day featured "five fabulous fossils" and the paleoart of William Gordon Huff

The Clear Lake drilling project
Drilling is now underway

Agreement with Caltrans signed!
Funding is provided for a preparator

Letter from the Director
A few words from Charles Marshall

Notes concerning the people of UCMP

Friends of UCMP
UCMP benefactors

Past issues
Online newsletters from September 1999 to present

Synthetoceras sculpture by William Gordon Huff, restored by Mark Songey; photo by Dave Smith